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Aspiring Champion Datasheet?

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So fare there is zero info what would the dataslate contain though I think he will be like a mini hero, hopefully with some rules to balance the two sides but more than that I do not think we will get. It is a wasted opportunity for I think the Aspiring Champion is good as a standalone model, GW could do a new sculpt with the DV aesthetics, alas it was not the case, so they simply recycled a 2 years old model.

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The last WD mentioned that Dark Vengeance will now have also the Aspiring Champion which will come with his own datasheet. Now I hope that they will make something out of this and add some more flavour to the DV Chaos. As for the sculpt, I know it is based upon the aesthetics of the DV set but why recycle an old model, why not include one new I wonder?

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I'd like to see something like this out of the DV set tbh. It reminds me of the HQ choices from Codex:Eye of Terror in the LatD list which i thought added an extra dimension imho. Almost like a character as he starts on his career sort of arc. I hope i'm making sense with that. I'd even be happy if they made them like WG pack leaders (i'm thinking of when you brought them as characters ala 3rd ed SW dex, not sure how it works now).

Guess we'll just see what happens with the DV reboot. I might get my hopes up but i'm a chaos player so they'll most likely be dashed :p

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I'd like to see something like this out of the DV set tbh. It reminds me of the HQ choices from Codex:Eye of Terror in the LatD list which i thought added an extra dimension imho. Almost like a character as he starts on his career sort of arc. I hope i'm making sense with that. I'd even be happy if they made them like WG pack leaders (i'm thinking of when you brought them as characters ala 3rd ed SW dex, not sure how it works now).

Guess we'll just see what happens with the DV reboot. I might get my hopes up but i'm a chaos player so they'll most likely be dashed tongue.png

I could see this happening, which would be awesome. Give them access to some of the Special Issue Wargear and/or Chaos Rewards. Let them get a Combat Familiar or Aura of Dark Glory, Terminator Armor/Bike/Jump Pack to be joined to Terminator, Bike, and Raptor Squads, and of course Marine Squads and maybe even Cultist Squads. Let him bring a new ability to confer to a unit he's joined with, or at least another character to add an extra punch to our squads with a few more upgrades.

It makes me tempted to buy the new Dark Vengeance again, it wouldn't neccesarily be a bad thing (I could convert the Dark Angels like I did when I bought the older box set). But if anyone gets the new box, please post about it in here!

What's all this now? Is this a rumor or?

No, GW says so in the discription: http://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Dark-Vengeance-EN

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Btw - might be a unique datasheet as I don't think you can configure the Aspiring Champion as he is modeled, while keeping to the regular Codex as he has 3 weapons - a Combi-Weapon (on his back), an Axe and a Dagger. That's 2 CC weapons and a Ranged weapon.

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My guess is that it's just something to let you use a second aspiring champ with the DV stuff.  After all, the DV chosen already have a champion, and there aren't enough of them to split them into two squads.


So my guess is that it'll be an IC aspiring champ with the exact same rules and options and stats as usual for a champ, sitting in an HQ slot.


Sadly, that would make it nigh useless in actual games.


On the other hand, if they made it like, a 3 per elite slot deal that might have some merit to stick in cultist squads for improved leadership, or to battle brother into various renegades & heretics squads should FW ever update that thing.


I'm not expecting much at the moment.  Doesn't seem worth getting worked up over yet.



As for equipment, nearly all CSM aspiring champs, including both chosen and regular CSM squad champs, come with bolter, bolt pistol, & CCwep.  The set up's legal (replace ccwep with power axe, and bolter with combi melta), though the knife is technically just decorative - his second attack actually comes from the bolt pistol holstered on his thigh.

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Thinking of which, ill be visiting Tenebris' Choas Codex rebuild thread.


Hehe but the Chaos Revisited is a topic by maverike_prime. All due credit to him, an awesome topic. While A Better 40k Chaos Codex Design is by Black Cohort, a good read indeed. 



On my part I would love a type of "Wolf Guard" style HQ with the 1-3 option in order to create several mini champions who could first and foremost boost the discipline across the board and second allow me to play and roleplay the host of characters I would love to see in my warband. I always have the feeling that CSM should be the "character" army, with lots and lots of individual heroes who vie for glory and power in the name of the Dark Gods, we could really use some backstabbing megalomaniacs and egotists in our ranks. Hell even a "Lone Wolf" type unit would be much welcome, now that could be our challenge powerhouse.


Alas I think that the Aspiring Champion will be simply a standard sergeant profile with perhaps a USR to spice him up. Even a cheap source of Fearless could do some wonders for our book and as I recall we can take as many formations and datasheets we want, so I hope it could be spammable for some fun with a "lieutenant" class unit. 

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Or it could be like the old lieutenants, or like the old chosen of Ahriman (whatever they were called forget their actual name) from that old WD. Hope for the best plan for the normal.


Old lieutenants being brought back would be quite fantastic.


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Yeah, it is a thing I will never stop to advocate, lieutenant characters are so much fun, I adore them in Fantasy as well as I loved them back in the old editions. They add flavour, some more characters to stay behind in lore and fluff as well as they are a simple and fun way to boost all kinds of units. Also I think that it is exactly this "lieutenant" class that effectively provides the soul and the character of every chaos waband. Think of how in the Word Bearers books we had the Coyphaus, the Aspiring Champions, the Standard Bearer, the Dark Mechanicus Magos... all were interesting and unique individuals who acted not as mere leaders of squads but as core and important figures in the warband, each with his own scale of values and a focus on an aspect of warfare he favoured most.  

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See this unboxing.


It looks a special character rather than a generic option, "Vash Tattersoul, Chaos Space Marine Aspiring Champion", 65 points, stats as an aspiring champion but 2 wounds instead of one, equipped as model with power armor, frag & krak, combi melta, power axe, close combat weapon.  Oddly enough no bolt pistol, despite the model having one holstered.  No vets.  Has rage, independent character, and a special rule called "the cleaver" which seems to be a simplified version of the 'champion of chaos' rule - Vash must issue or accept challenges if possible, for every enemy character he kills he gains +1 attack for the rest of the game.


I couldn't really make out the whole page, but I see nothing to indicate that this guy is an HQ choice for codex: Chaos Space Marine armies, it's likely that his rules are purely for starter box scenarios, though in casual games I imagine friends are likely to allow him - he hardly seems that impressive, even at 2 wounds he's only T4 with a 3+ and no invulnerable, it's not like he's likely to survive long enough to rack up an impressive kill count.



Anyway, the new Dark Vengeance looks to be a solid starter kit.  If anything, an improvement on its previous incarnation (though I would have appreciated some basic terrain, myself).  The new box art is certainly an improvement.  The unboxing review is nice and brief.  There was one telling line in it that stood out to me, when he's discussing the quick start introduction booklet:


"It's got some background information as well, which, to be honest, is why a lot of us still play this game".


Ain't that the truth.  At least from my perspective, it sure ain't for the rules or enjoyable gameplay experience.

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Btw - might be a unique datasheet as I don't think you can configure the Aspiring Champion as he is modeled, while keeping to the regular Codex as he has 3 weapons - a Combi-Weapon (on his back), an Axe and a Dagger. That's 2 CC weapons and a Ranged weapon.

Combibolter, Power axe, and ccw/Pistol.  All Aspiring champions get 3 weapon slots.

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