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Strike Force Sunray - The Siege of Eboracum Campaign


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2014-10-29 21.06.54 by timford27, on Flickr


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  • 1 month later...

Using my phone here so sadly I can't update the thread title to "reinforcements arrive!". Because everything in the old list is going, apart from one sicaran.


Caledonian open 2015 is still about four weeks away, I think I have enough time to get everything ready, although I won't have the luxury of going back over things to work on bringing out the details. Bearing in mind the 5 games are a mix of eternal war and maelstrom with a restrixted deck, here is my new 1850 list:




Librarian. Epistolary. Angel's Wings


Librarian. Epistolary. Jump pack


Damocles command rhino


10 x Sanguinary Guard. Chapter banner. 2 x power fist. 8 x glaive swords


5 x Death Company. Jump packs. 1 power sword


5 x sternguard. 5 combi-gravs. Drop pod.


10 x Tacticals. Heavy flamer. Flamer. Sergeant has combi-flamer, power sword and meltabombs. Drop pod.


5 x scouts. Camo cloaks. Sniper rifles. Sgt has meltabombs.


5 x ASM. 2 meltaguns. Sergeant has 2 infernus pistols. Drop pod.


Relic Sicaran battle tank. Lascannon sponsons. Dozer blade. Schism of Mars LoG.


Modus Operandi:


Jump assault with drop-pod alpha strike and a small but flexible armoured support.


Two librarians means more chance of getting wings. If I do get wings I am looking to start SG and DC on the board if feasible (LOS, enemy firepower considered) which in the best case would mean a turn two assault for both units. The relic jump pack is there in case I have to DS the SG unit, which will have Dante and both librarians. The Damocles will be crucial here but even if I'm footslogging it, the orbital is still useful.


With a good alpha-strike capability against hordes, armour or MCs and with plenty of bodies getting in the oppo's face from the start, the elite jump units should survive enough to do their thing.


The Sicaran is there to deal with jink units mainly. It can back up against pretty much anything though, including flyers.

The presence of only two vehicles means they will not be competing for LOS cover, which is crucial if my oppo goes first.


The scouts' role is flexible; infiltrate into midfield to pose a threat bubble to any advancing vehicles (looking at you, wave serpents), sit back near the Sicaran to charge any DS warp spiders and the like, or outflank for mid-late game flank objective grabbing.


Can't describe how excited I am about competing with this army. The new dex has everything I wanted and a whole lot more.


Any comments or suggestions are welcome as always.

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Should have asked this before: can a tactical sergeant take two grav pistols?

Yup, he can exchange his bolt pistol and/or his bolt gun for a flamer/grav/inferno pistol.


Isn't it a bit tricky to even find a spot to deep strike 13 models?


Am I missing something? IA 2 2nd. Edition says that the scatter negation of the Damocles Command Rhino only applies to teleporting units. You don't have any teleporting units.

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Thanks Quixus that's good news for me.


Deep-striking 13 bods seems a lot but it's not significantly more restricting. All depends on terrain so this will be a decision made during each deployment phase. Wings would allow a lot more freedom for DS but as mentioned I will probably jump-slog if I get wings, for the chance of a turn two charge.


I'm not using the Damocles for reduced scatter. It's there to make sure I don't suffer from delayed reserves when DSing if I have to, as this has been a game-killer forme in the past, even with DoA. The orbital is a boon in any case.

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Edited my list a few posts back.


Sternguard now fill the turn 1 anti-MC drop pod role. Purely because 10 shots is more capable of taking down a WK or riptide in one turn. Especially considering how people tend to deploy these with their little toe sitting on a based ruin for that cover save. Sigh.


Scouts replace the former grav tac squad.


Lascannons on the Sicaran. Against my better judgment perhaps in light of the lascannons' ironic dice reputation. But it gives them more power vs MCs and more likely to destroy a vehicle completely.


I've also been working on a highlander list. This would be more satisfying to win with but more tricky. And of course it means more prizes...in he words of that Queen song from the film, "GIMME THE PRIZE!"




Priest. Angel's wings. Bolt pistol


Damocles command rhino


5 x sternguard. 5 combi-gravs. Drop pod.


7 x death company. Jump packs. Power sword.


10 x tacticals. Heavy flamer. Flamer. Sergeant has combi-flamer, power sword and meltabombs.


5 x scouts. Camo cloaks. Sniper rifles.


5 x ASM. 2 x meltagun. 2 x infernus pistol. Jump packs.


Relic Sicaran battle tank. Lascannon sponsons. Dozer blade. Schism of Mars LoG.


The big difference is only one drop pod. Giving it to the sternguard as there is only the Sicaran which can hurt MCs on turn 1.

The priest makes an appearance purely because I can't take two librarians. Wings is going to be harder to pull off with less WC now.


Not sure if I will play the highlander list yet, it will be more of a challenge but I think things will be challenging enough anyway - a good deal of national teams have a bunch of their players there. So I'm leaning towards the normal list TBH.


Still waiting on my two tac squads and two SG squads to arrive. Been nearly 72 hours since they were despatched....by 'royal mail 24hr', which explains the delay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aaaaand that's the list submitted...as above but swapped the scouts' cloaks for veteran upgrade on tac sarge, silly of me to miss that.


17 days to go and painting is well ahead of schedule. Only thing to decide now is whether to wear my Angry Birds or Ghostbusters t-shirt on the first day.


Seriously excited! *tremble*


Edit: took the non-highlander list.

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I can't remember exactly where I saw it on B&C but there was a Frater that had trimmed Marines down and mounted them on the side of a land raider.

Was that not a baneblade? It was very cool
If memory serves, it is wolfpack's conversion thread in this very sub forum.
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Lists have been processed and there's some interesting to mull over - certain model counts from all 180 entrants:

Wave serpents galore! Hopefully the Sicaran will get do its thing. Surprised to see a good Nid presence also! Will post more when the lists come out, in case any lurkers are interested. Less than 2 weeks to go and I'm as excited as a little boy at christmas wub.png

1: Knights = 77
2: Wave Serpents = 177
3: Chapter Masters & Thunder wolf Characters = 56
4: Flying Daemon Prince = 61
5: Necron Barges = 44
6: Tau Broadsides = 58
7: Flying Hive Tyrants = 54
8: Lords of War = 60
9: Forgeworld Models = 123
10: Formations = 87

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