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++Inspirational Friday - 19/06/2015++


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  On 3/5/2015 at 7:09 PM, Carrack said:


  On 3/5/2015 at 5:50 PM, Warsmith Aznable said:


  On 3/5/2015 at 2:01 PM, Kierdale said:

I find myself out of Likes.

That was fantastic, Warsmith Aznable!

I'm glad to hear the four-armed snake mongrel did not die well. I have a soft spot for such types :D

I will admit to that description being inspired by a certain Daemonic Pact conversion!

To be honest I expected Iron Warriors to start dropping when I read Kierdale's story.

Firstly, I'm honoured, Warsmith Aznable!


Secondly, maybe I'll try to write some Iron Warriors into a future Stygian Guard/Psychopomps entry, though I've only read Angel Ext'.

I wonder how they would interact...the pre-fall Stygian Guard are perhaps not so different from the IW...though after their fall, exceedingly so. Something for me to explore. :)



Here we go, once more unto the breach as the Iron Warriors can attest. This week was an interesting one, we have learned of the first steps unto damnation of our warbands and the tragedies that usually followed. I must say that we had some remarkable entries this week. The classy Kierdale indulged us with his Stygian Guard gone heliotropic while on the other hand a new entry, TDF surprised us with a vicious clash of ideals and the sundering of a brotherhood, but we have an undisputed winner too, Warsmith Aznable. His entry was about the jaded Iron Warriors, of the erosion of their ideals, of their identity, of their fall. Like a beam of iron their fall was not a silent one, nor a bloodless one, it was a cruel and indiscriminate one, planned and executed in a proper Iron Warrior way. I think we all agree that Aznable is the winner of this week. 



Step forth Warsmith Aznable and claim your reward!





Inspirational Friday - 06/03/2015 - Chaos Sword


The sword, the icon of the warrior's way, the weapon of the angels, justice and judgment both, a keen edge, a red edge.


For this week I want you to write about a Chaos Sword, a weapon which can be daemonic, heraldic, legendary, a heirloom or even a trophy, but a sword still. Many such weapons exist in the galaxy and many have some dreadful names like the daemonic sword of Warmaster Abaddon, Drach'nyen, and such weapons have a history, a powerful and bloody history.


Write about a Chaos Sword, how it entered in the possession of your warband, its history, its lineage of deed and blood, its name and it most famous kill. The sword was always seen as the iconic weapon of the officer but it is also a potent symbol, especially in the hands of a Chaos Space Marine. No other weapon is so reviled like a Chaos Sword for what was once a symbol of duty and protection, loyalty and honor, is now corrupted in both deed and name while wielded by our Chaos champions. 


Let us be inspired!



This is the Emperor’s Gift.

It was the destruction He promised to the enemies of man.
This is the Emperor’s Gift.
When I became sergeant, it cut through the lives of the enemies of Him on Terra.
This is the Emperor’s Gift
When my captain turned on the Ecclesiarchy and my chapter was torn apart as brother fought brother, it was the weapon that eventually removed that captain’s head.
This is the Emperor’s Gift.
When I became the captain I swore it would put an end to corruption in my hands.
This is the Emperor’s Gift.
When our penitence did not save us from the scorn of our chapter master, I swore to make it slick with the blood of fools.
This is the Emperor’s Gift.
It brings the true faith to the real enemies of humanity.
This is the Emperor’s Gift.
It is the destruction He promised to the enemies of man, and as all the gifts of Him on Terra, it is a double-edged sword.
-Balgo, Captain of the Thrice Cursed

Shadow's Mercy



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The Sword of Defiance



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The Hydra's Fang


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The Sword (with apologies to Terry Pratchett)

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The Blade of Time



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A sword, the iconic weapon of the angels, the symbol of justice and honor, besmirched by those who sought to serve Chaos, the angels who have fallen. Another week and another Inspirational Friday, but what a week this one was. First thing first all the contributions were epic in their own way. The veteran Kierdale surprised us with a "twisted blade" and a twisted plot while Carrack did an awesome job on his post too, I was smiling by the time I have read his contribution, but we have a winner and I think we can all agree who this is. Castellan Cato surprised us all with this time weaving short sword (Prince of Persia... hehe) and the final showdown between two cheating chaos lords was just the cherry on top to secure him a win. I especially liked the mockery he made of the abuse of the Warp, and as his words attest, Chaos is both a boon and a curse. 



Step forth Castellan Cato and claim your reward!





Inspirational Friday - 13/03/2015 - Chaos Spawn


Ah the Spawn, one of the most iconic creatures of the Chaos warbands, a hero lost to tragedy, a would be Daemon Prince cursed to eternal disfiguration and immortal slavery to the Dreaded Four. The Chaos Spawn has been a fixture of Chaos for as long as I can remember and every creature has a story behind it, a champion's heart and a lesson to those who deal with the Pantheon.


There are many reasons for the creation of a Chaos Spawn. Most are creatures wrought raw from the aetheric energies of the Warp, mutated beyond recognition, shaped by the will of the Chaos Gods, yet those creatures are common, all too common in the Chaos Wastes in the Realm of the Eye... the true Spawn, the most powerful specimens on the other hand, are usually champions who drunk too deep from the well of power or who craved the blessing of the Four too much.


For this Inspirational Friday I want you to write about the Chaos Spawn. Most of the current armies feature several of this dreaded beasts yet we tend to forget that behind each of this creatures there is a story, a tragedy and a betrayal. Explore this aspect of the Chaos Spawn, what power toyed with the flesh of this would be immortals, what led the Pantheon to curse this champion of theirs and how do the Spawn live their object and eternal failure in the eyes of their Gods. 


An interesting aspect that I would also invite you to explore is how your warband deals with the Chaos Spawn, how are they treated, summoned and led into battle by their brethren and most important than all, how does your warband use this gruesome monsters in battle. 


In short explore the many facets of the Chaos Spawn, their background, their existence prior the transfiguration, their fall and now their cursed immortal life. Tell us how this creatures of Chaos fight in the service to your warband and how do your astartes relate to this living lessons of failure and deceit by the powers of the Warp. 


Let us be inspired!



Here’s my entry for this week.

The Promise of Apotheosis


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I hope I said enough without saying too much.


EDIT: just a small edit to correct a number of days in the story to 119.

The Howls of Dag



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This week it was a calm one, the Spawn was an interesting topic but it could not compete with the awesomeness of the new Khorne Daemonkin news. Still the two contributions were very interesting and I feel that both frater deserve the accolade this week. The Howls of Dag written by Carrack was a touching story of an abandoned ... ahem dog while the sinister nobility described by Kierdale did strike an echo with my more "grimdark" tastes. Still I consider both the frater as great participants and in this case I do agree that both should share in the victory. Well done Carrack and Kierdale. 


Step forth Carrack and Kierdale, and claim your reward!





Inspirational Friday - 20/03/2015 - Champion of Khorne


In line with the new release of Khorne Daemonkin I want you to write about a Champion of Khorne. I leave it at that since I do want to see what kind of champion you will present and I invite you to be as extravagant as possible in your writing. 


For the added challenge I will set a word limit in order to see how you manage this type of writing. Try to evoke the narrative with as few words as possible and try to be creative. The word limit is 250 words. Good luck!



Let us be inspired!





I'd like to start by saying I love Fridays simply because of this lil' piece of fluff exercise in these sacred halls. Inspirational Friday is a great read and it does what it says. I'm certainly thinking of a cyber construct for my Iron Warriors following last weeks entries. Great reads from all of you. 



Lieutenant Rualteth, Master of the Airborne, Slayer of the False. Rualteth was recruited into the IV Legion as the sons of Perturabo left Olympia in its death throws during the Scouring. He was one of the first post-Heresy Iron Warriors, and he wears this with distressful pride. He is the first one to point out, however, that this is the past, and he only looks to the future.

Rualteth achieved his position in the Siege Makers through a series of both martial skill and destroying any who opposed him. Despite being a follower of Khorne and wanting to engage the enemy in hand to hand combat, he is a brilliant tactician and can recognise enemy weak points just with a glance. To this end, he will often lead an advance in person, his ancient jump pack flaring while he grips his ornate axe, a gift from Khorne himself. Helslash grants Rualteth a large reign of freedom to enact the Warsmith's will, and as long as the younger veteran of the Long War achieves the targets set out, this works well for both parties. 

Many in the Siege Makers are born from Perturabo's geneseed, and a few feel the pull of the Blood God more strongly than others. As Lieutenant, it is Rualteth's responsibility to stem the mad tide before they descend upon one another. He has done this with a number of measures, from one on one combat while not in a warzone, to beheading those who defy his word and wearing them as trophies. 



Edit: Taken out non-essential paragraph to fit closer to the word count. My bad. 

Red Hive Monster



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Ps. That's 258 words, the extra 8 is to honor the Blood God

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Zeron was chosen, of this there was no doubt. The Dark Apostle told him that his veneration of Khorne is excessive, that a Word Bearer should embrace the entire Pantheon, but for Zeron it was the Blood God who has seen him triumphant in countless battles.


It begun, as many thing begin among the Word Bearers, with a whisper and then with a word, Blood! This was no dream, no mirage; it was a sound request, nay a demand of a bloodthirsty deity. Initially Zeron followed the council of the Dark Apostle, he appeased Khrone with his bloody deeds, with his commitment to battle, with his willingness to shed blood for the Word, yet the demand was ever present, the haze of bloodlust ever on his eyes.


Maybe it was the carnage of the Shadow Crusade, his skill shown in the training cages of the XIIth legion, or maybe his willingness to go further than his brothers, to assail the unassailable, to fight even when the razor edge of death’s scythe was but a mere breath away, the fact is that Khorne was pleased with his chosen champion and few dared to gainsay Zeron on the matter.


Strange how things come into perspective when death stalks nearby, when the blood pumps in your veins and when the sound of war drums in your hearts. For Zeron there was a lesson to be learned with every axe swing, with every word of hatred, a simple lesson. Blood for the Blood God!

(Please discount from word count: My thanks for your kind words in previous entries, and apologies for not acknowledging it sooner. And I'm following Carrack's theme of an extra 8 words for Khorne.)


The Champion.

People often asked Heltha how she got the piece of bone that sat on her desk. She never told them the truth. They wouldn't believe that an Administratum Adept had an Astartes tooth on her desk. If they did, then she'd branded a heretic. She shivered. So, she told them that it was a piece of a broken bone, her own, a souvenir. She didn't tell them she'd got it in the war that had ravaged the planet a few decades ago. She had cowered in a ruin, as towering, power armoured, laughing heathens had released wailing mutants into the city. One had glimpsed her, and walked towards her, claws clicking. One of the mutants. Terror had pulled a fearful... "Why?"... from her. The mutant had looked at her, and the mad rage in his eyes died. He had told her about a rebellion on a world far from here. About how the Imperium had crushed it. When he told her what had been done to his wife and family, she hated the Imperium. As he had told her about the red skinned daemon that had offered him revenge in return for his soul, bullets crashed into his back. He had barely moved. The rage returned. Heltha had closed her eyes and screamed herself into unconsciousness. Until it was done. She awoke with the tooth in her hand. 


Sometimes when no one was looking, she would hold the tooth and pray to his Brazen, Bloody God, Almighty Khorne, that The Champion may have his vengeance.       



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