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++// 2015 Augustus' Arena \\++ EVENT ENDED

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To get things rolling some more:


The rules are that anyone who has finished a challenge gains the right to challenge an additional frater and may accept another challenge. In other words, they may have two challenges outstanding. This means that if the frater they challenged initially has also finished, they may now challenge two frater at the same time. 


Also: if you're waiting for a challenge, no-one is stopping you from PMing someone and asking them to challenge you.



  On 3/18/2015 at 4:21 PM, 200Plus said:


  On 3/18/2015 at 3:52 PM, Dolchiate Remembrancer said:

Well as no PMs have come about:


I'm with you Brother. These challenges need to pick up! There is only so much time until the deadline for people to complete the vows so let's go Frater. Send some PM's, make some friends, share some insight, build some teams, you never know where it might lead :smile.:


Besides I need a challenge so I can get my super Rune Priest into the light of day, I'm biased and had to go on a "pep rant" LoL


so well ...


I, Atia, Lady of the Rumour Tower and Mistress of URL-redirections, challenge 200plus the fluffy Space Wolve to build, paint, and base his SUPER RUNE PRIEST! If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.

I, 200Plus,the fluffy Space Wolf accept the challenge set to me by Atia, Lady of the Rumour Tower and Mistress of URL-redirections and vow that I will finish building, painting, and basing one super Rune Priest before April 5th. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure shall yield me shame until Midsummer.


I have to admit I started working on him on the 15th in anticipation on the second round.


I like to think of him as "super", you might like to think of him as "having your work cut out for you as a coach" :smile.:

So, those Neophytes with the mismatched arms?  They weren't mismatched.  Not my smartest moment, but there it is.  But in my defense, one of the guys had to have his torso popped off and rotated in order for his arms to fit. :tongue.:






The more I look at those shoulders, the more I hate my Bleached Bone replacement.  I have some VGC Bonewhite in the mail, and I really hope that's closer to the original paint :(

Update #2: I cant make my model match what's in my head, and it's aggravating me. I'm hung up on mounting the Magna-melta and armouring the gaps between the sides and cockpit. Once I get it sorted painting will begin in earnest, tomorrow may see a breakthrough, maybe...




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that guy is awesome 200plus! great use of sevrin loth =)



  On 3/18/2015 at 11:04 PM, dantay_xv said:

@200Plus, judging by Atia's skills, I think you may have just lucked out with  one of the best coaches, her gs and paint skills are ace (plus she has some nice Space Wolves too!)

haha, you're as cute as your avatar dantay :blush.:

:p Thanks Atia.


Guess I should post up a WIP number 2. My deadline of Monday is looming and I am a heck of a slow painter


SAM 2759

SAM 2761

SAM 2762

SAM 2763

I am struggling with the skull, I am worried it is a bit... dark? What do you guys & girls think?
I am doing Lord Gunn, the Winter Wolf with a white pelt, which I have since mostly painted, its still a bit grey, but gives a big contrast to the skull.
Anyhoo, thoughts please?

Thanks Atia :)


I tried a head swap to allow room for a strap with charms on the chest. I am trying for a middle ground between the original Njal and the new Njal in Termie armor.



I also changed the wolf tail on the staff to a few charms for variety. I am still debating adding a skull or two to bring the mini in line with the rest of my troops without overloading the whole thing.

I came, I saw, I pushed a brush against a dreads face... started banging on the landraider while he dries (still a wip after all)





@200Plus, that head swap is sweet, it suits the model a lot better than the previous head you had used


Maybe do a small wolf skull on the chest, to cover the existing skull, I'd be more worried that a necklace with more charms and suchlike might overpower the model. Swapping wolf tails for tokens on the staff was a good move too.

Lets do this properly Bushman101 ;)


I, Dolchiate Remembrancer, fearless rookie painter of the Crimson Sons of Vengeance, challenge my cousin of the Angel, Bushman101, to build, paint, and base a sanguinary priest to lead his forces in battle for the glory of the Emperor and under the pleasing sight of the Angel. If s/he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his/hers. If s/he accepts and fails, s/he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.

@200plus, so this guy should be Njal? cool :P maybe a skull on a chain on the shoulder pad could work?


like on the ForgeWorld Legion-champion:


So, am I a mad genius or a lunatic? :tongue.:


Did a white wash of the skull with bone and white mix, and I did the fur with a white wash of pure white.


Does the skull look better/ more realistic?



SAM 2763

SAM 2764



SAM 2773

SAM 2772

SAM 2771

Bed time
Final update.


On the home run now.


Tidying up work, paint the storm bolter and cast & paint the skull for his front armour

SAM 2777

SAM 2778

SAM 2779

SAM 2780

Tried a paler skin to make him look aged.
Challenge Complete! Mutilators, known hereforth as Barkesh's Blades, are painted and based. Good luck to everyone still going. 

@Iron Skull Mask: Looking forward to seeing some updates buddy. Your dreadnought looks awesome, can't wait to see him get some buddies to bring ruin to the Imperium. 

More pics and fluff will be included in my Siege Makers thread later today. 


Barkesh's Blades

  On 3/21/2015 at 3:53 PM, Beachymike123 said:


Challenge Complete! Mutilators, known hereforth as Barkesh's Blades, are painted and based. Good luck to everyone still going. 
@Iron Skull Mask: Looking forward to seeing some updates buddy. Your dreadnought looks awesome, can't wait to see him get some buddies to bring ruin to the Imperium. 
More pics and fluff will be included in my Siege Makers thread later today. 



Well done, Beachymike123! I like those Mutilator conversions a lot! One suggestion: Maybe they would look even more awesome if you added some Shades. For example nuln oil has a nice effect with red, agrax earth shade looks nicly dirty on yellow and both work fine on bleached bone (I'm thinking of the blue one here). If you don't like shades, or are afraid of your greatly painted details, I can understand that, but I'm starting to like and use them them more and more. So maybe give it a try if you want to.


In regard to my dreads I can reveal that all parts I ordered have arrived, and that I already did most of the cleaning and prepartion already. So next week, everything is going to be blackened in the daemon forges of the hidden stronghold of the 53rd Grand Company. But I probably won't be able to start painting until early April since there are some special family and work related events coming up next week as well. Still, there should be no problem with the completion of the challenge before the deadline.

First update on the Hell Blade. I stuck everything together. The canopy broke, as it's such a stupidly flimsy bit. So I had to repair it with some plasticard. As for the rest of the kit: what a great kit, even given it's age! Everything goes together rather wonderfully. 




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