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++// 2015 Augustus' Arena \\++ EVENT ENDED

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Well, 200plus could challenge you now, Andrew. Also, if you haven't challenged anyone after your first victory, you could challenge him! :)


Little update for my Hell Blade. Painted the metal parts. Some with straight leadbelcher and a AP Dark Tone wash, some first with Rhinox Hide and then a drybrush of leadbelecher. I also glued windows in the cockpit and painted them with Tamiya Clear Red.


Still waiting for some GW ruins to arrive so I can do the base...



Interesting point. 


I'm going to make a ruling here, and it gets a bit complicated, so pay attention:

  • All challenges that have not met their deadline are nullified in terms of number of challenges per participant for the challenger in that particular challenge.This means that everyone who has challenged someone who has not met their deadline, can go ahead and challenge one more person.
  • The failure to meet the deadline still stands, however, for the challenged in the particular challengei.e. they still must bear the MEA CULPA and may still redeem themselves by finishing their failed challenge, and accepting and finishing another challenge before Aprl 19th.

In other words, AndreChristlieb, go ahead and challenge 200plus!

I, 200Plus, challenge AndrewChristlieb, to build, paint, and base one(1) unit of five (5) Neophytes, by midnight (local time) on April 19th. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.

  On 4/9/2015 at 2:20 AM, 200Plus said:

I, 200Plus, challenge AndrewChristlieb, to build, paint, and base one(1) unit of five (5) Neophytes, by midnight (local time) on April 19th. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.


I, Andrew Christlieb, accept the challenge set to me by 200Plus, and vow that I will finish building, painting, and basing 5 Neophytes before April 19th. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure shall yield me shame until Midsummer.


In return if it pleases everyone I, Andrew Christlieb, challenge 200Plus, to build, paint, and base one(1) Stormtalon Gunship, by midnight (local time) on April 19th. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.


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I, 200Plus , accept the challenge set to me by Andrew Christlieb, and vow that I will finish building, painting, and basing one Stormtalon Gunship before April 19th. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure shall yield me shame until Midsummer.

Archmagos Draykavac - finished =)











  On 4/9/2015 at 11:04 PM, Firepower said:

Delicious riveted goodness :laugh.:


But you disappoint me.  I don't see anything to correct. :sad.:


Exceeeept, maybe the choice of a black/deep grey base.  Contrast is good. :wink:

haha thanks^^ yeah. the. base. i see what you mean, but all of my models have the same kind of bases (besides my old space wolves, they are snowy puppies :P) but it's maybe a bit to dark - i will go over it with another brush of white :P tomorrow :>

Done, more pics in my hall of honor thread.
Eight figures in grey crouched in a circle in the exit bay of the drop ship. In their center was the remains of a defiled body. It's ribcage had been split and its chest splayed open. Each of the figures had their right hand deep within the viscera of their sacrifice.
They spoke in unison, "Though we now serve anew mortal master, though are clothes are different and our weapons are given anew, though we wear strange sigils of allegience, our true master remains the same. He who sits upon a throne of skulls. To Him we give our allegience as we ever did, as we ever will. To Him our we send our offerings. To Him a river of blood. For we ever and always, are the Bloody Hand."
With their final words they stood hands dripping with gore and took up the weapons arrayed about them. The moved to the exit and stood with discipline as the marines walked in.

  On 4/9/2015 at 11:12 PM, Firepower said:

Woohoo, I still got it! I was worried I lost my touch after that Raven Guard hero. :laugh.:



i've added more white to the base:


So being as I've never built a flyer I am assuming the base can be fairly scenic. My question to the community is one strand of wire enough or should I build a second strand lower down?




I will be adding more to the base as I build it. I am just looking for input on on the wire. However any ideas on what to add would be cool too. I am thinking rubble and dead marines right now.

Started on the base and my brain said "Marines Malevolent would never send as scout if a penal trooper could do the job".


No idea how to make wire cutters but he's a Catachan, he may have chewed the wire :smile.:






Just a few minor touch ups to fix later down the road, but this one is finished.


Thanks Augustus for running the event and thanks everyone for participating. I'd especially like to thank Dantay, Atia, and Andrew Christlieb, without you I wouldn't been able to enter into the Arena and learn the new skills I did and reinforce the old skills I have.


Looking forward to the event next year :smile.:

  On 4/11/2015 at 6:57 PM, 200Plus said:

No idea how to make wire cutters but he's a Catachan, he may have chewed the wire :smile.:

Maybe take some of your wire, heat it a bit, pound the end flat with hammer, cut to length. Two such strips with an 's' bend laid across each other and you've got your cutters.


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