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Luna Wolves painting log

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Hi guys! Some of you may have seen my previous post about my friend taking a keen interest in 40K and picking Orks. I'm obviously obsessed with 30K(why wouldn't you be?!) so decided I'd do a Luna Wolves force based on the Ullanor campaign to battle him with! I'll be including a lot of units that wouldn't even be considered for selection in my IVth Legio force, so jetbikes and other fast attack options will be making an appearance. I've decided to do the IVth company under the command of Hastur Sejanus.

So without further ado here's my test model:


The colour scheme is also a move away from my comfort zone so will take a bit of time to get used to it. What you guys think? I've ordered the Luna Wolves transfers from FW, I never use transfers so again this will be a move away from my comfort zone. Hopefully this will be a challenging but rewarding army.

I'll be posting some regular updates as my force grows!


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I like how you did the white on the marine it looks kinda of like the color of the moon. I wonder if that was on purpose. Looking at them from horus rising have you thought about using some of the space wolf stuff? Use some pelts maybe for decoration. Good stuff can't wait to see more.
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I like it Brother Vidius - I think you've handled the white nicely to give him a beaten, battered look, which is nice for Ullanor and the Luna Wolves in general.


I think I'd move away from the metal casing on the boltgun though. I'd take that to a black or dark grey. You could even vary the colour (but keep it dark) between marines to give them that more personalised, rebelious look, which feels a bit more cthonian.


Good job, excited to see an army full!

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If I can make a suggestion, painting light grey/white over black is both hard to do and hard to make look great. I'd recommend starting from a grey basecoat and then use some nuln oil wash. The color on my lightning bearers is actually pretty close to the Luna wolves white. 


Tamiya Grey FIne primer would be fantastic for you I think and a real time saver.


I look forward to seeing an awesome army of wolves.

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Thanks all!


@ThatOneMarshal-I'm undecided, I may do some wolf pelts on my Contemptors but not sure on the actual marines.


@Black_out-Go for it!


@depthcharge12-Don't worry he'll be making an appearance. I'm not sure what model to use as a base for him though, debating between Loken or the new Imperial Fist command set with some conversions of course!


@Frostmourne-Yeah I'm a bit of a fan myself, the first three Heresy novels pretty much convinced me that one day I would have a Luna Wolves force.


@Praefectus Invictus-Thanks!


@Kor'Vesh-That's the exact look I was going for! Wanted them to look as if they'd had a bit of a tough campaign. Yeah I may do that actually. Leaning towards black or dark grey.


@Athrawes-I had considered a grey primer to be honest. I do love my black though.


In other news I've pretty much finished my first 10 marines for my first squad. Pics will follow! Also placed an order with Forge World, a MkIV squad, Contemptor dreadnought and Loken/Abaddon set, which will be used as a Consul Delegatus. Pics to follow!

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Oh my. He is so much dirtier and "used" than my Luna Wolves.


I love him!


He looks like he's actually seen some business and his armor isn't just for show. I would recommend one last teeny high light at his very tippy toppest edges to bring that last little bit of contrast to his armor, but other than that, aces.


Can't wait to see a whole bunch of these guys. 

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Thanks guys!

Update time:

I've pretty much finished the first ten marines for my first tactical squad, still undecided on what colour to do the bases(my mates Orks will be based the same for thematic reasons!)







Thinking I'll probably stick with the silver weapons, I quite like it. The lens on the bolter was missed so I'll get that covered up ASAP.

Also managed to get some fire support completed:




Finally a little pic that sums up the Heresy for me, The shining light of the Luna Wolves to the dark intimidating Sons of Horus! Just wish I had a Black Legion dread to show their ultimate fate:


My latest order has arrived, so another 20 marines, a Contemptor and Abaddon/Loken set will be next on the list.

Cheers msn-wink.gif

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Finally some time off from work so my next 20 marines are having a bath at the moment! Loken is also about to get washed, I'll be using him as a Consul Delegatus at lower points values. He'll have a Volkite serpenta so I'll need to cut the bolt pistole off without damaging the lovely decorative armour. Do you guys think black or gold for the banding on his armour?

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Yeah I'm thinking gold but leave the shoulder pad edges black.


As I'm building the army to combat my mates Ork army I thought I'd post up my list. As he is just getting started we settled upon 1000pts:


Rite of War-Chosen Duty


Consul-Legion Delegatus, artificer armour, power sword, refractor field and volkite serpenta.



Contemptor Mortis-2 Kheres assault cannons.



Contemptor Dreadnought-twin-linked lascannon, dreadnought ccw and heavy flamer.



Veteran squad(10)-2 heavy flamers, Vexilia and Sergeant with power sword 



Veteran squad(10)-2 meltaguns, Vexilia and Sergeant with power fist





Pretty small force in all honesty, although it does fit the idea of elite marines against a huge horde!

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Thank you! I was aiming for a real gritty look so quite happy with the results.


Just a small update, I've assembled my Consul Delegatus using the Loken model with a head and weapon swap, pretty standard conversion. In addition I've pretty much assembled most of my squads. No pics at the moment unfortunately. 


Going to attempt some transfers today, never been great at using them so any tips would be appreciated!

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Looking good! I like it so far, definitely keep us updated.


As far as decals, they are quite easy, really! Make sure you put down a gloss coat first. Then use the decal and the setting agent of your choice. (Solvaset of microsol/set). Once it dries, another gloss coat. Weathering here if you want by scratching it lightly with low grit sandpaper. Then your final varnish for the whole model.

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Update time!


I've finally managed to get some work done on my Luna Wolves. Managed to basecoat a number of models for my veteran squads and also did some work on my Consul Delegatus!












Some really bad pics of some marines:








Just the armour colour finished on the marines. I'll be doing the wepons etc as soon as possible. Still undecided on the base colours so any ideas on that would be greatly appreciated!


Planning ahead, next month I'm looking to add a 15 man Reaver squad with jump packs. I'm torn between doing them black or white? Leaning towards white though! Any ideas?



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Sorry for the late replies. It is indeed Loken with a very simple head and gun swap, absolutely beautiful model! Great detail on there. In terms of bases me and my mate have decided upon a dark brown, so I'll be adding some dirt to the legs to make them seem realistic!


I've not managed any work on my Luna Wolves as I'm currently taking part in a challenge at my local GW, paint 2015pts by April and I'm doing Mechanichum so all my free time has been spent on them! I have however bought a Knight to use with my Luna Wolves. I've opted for a purple and gold scheme which should hopefully stand out against the off white marines!

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