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Khorne Daemonkin army by Awaken Realms

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Blood for the Blood God! See a Khorne Daemonkin army with both mortal and daemonic entities, who pledged their souls for Khorne, descend upon the Imperium worlds to collect the skulls for their patron’s throne!


It was a great army to paint, with lot of custom bits added to intensify the visual ties to the Blood God through the army. Also, the heavy use of alternative models was done here in a great way – the Khorne aesthetic was used here to it’s fullest.


We’ve also done a diorama for the Heldrake with several Space Wolves trying to engage the hell-forged fiend in mid-air!














How do you like the usage of models from Warhammer Fantasy Battle to represent Berzerkers and the addition of alternative Flesh Hounds?

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The gal vorbak, the Soul Grinder, and the counts as flesh hounds look very very nice, there isn't too much highlighting and the tones aren't over stated


My only beef is the green, in some places there is just too much, like the whole face on some of the bezerkers and on the rhinos.

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