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Trying to produce a list of campaigns/battles/events based on liberite writings so other liberites can reference non-canon events in their own writing.
[edit: once again i have walked into a figurative pole directly before me, just now noticing (30/09/15) the 'Liber Campaign' thread pinned on the sub-forum. this was not an attempt to compete or copy, just proof (again) that there's nothing new under the sun... and a lot on this site.]

index post # Segmentum Sector System Time Frame Combatants Status Reference
1a 7 Obscurus Nippon Monsuta 327.M39-354.M39 Large Ork invasion led by Bonechewa clan vs TBA Ressolved after using an Exterminatus on the planet Kamija. Noted as resolved 354.M39 here
2a 8 Ultima - Carmel 500.M37 Ork Invasion Fleet vs Metamarines 3rd Co, 5th Co Unresolved due to conflict with Imperial Reinforcments (as of 500.M37) here
3a 9 Obscurus Nippon Gakuju 947.M41 Necron tomb world (Setekh Dynasty) vs Dark Knights Chapter Unresolved. Immediately response by Dark Knights. Reinforcements with experience fighting Necrons required. here
4a 3 Tempestus - Flynn 680.M40-688.M40 Ork Invasion Fleet vs Unnamed IG Regiments Primary conflict noted as resolved (as of 688.M40) here
5a 13 - Draco - M41 Warriors of Cain Warband vs 'Entire crusade force of imperial guard, several space marine chapters, and the Draco loyalist remnants' Ongoing as at M41 here
6a 21 Ultima - Tecosi 607.M37 Chaos marine invasion leading to plague/exterminatus. Concluded as at 607.M37 here
7a 21 Ultima - Malex 617.M37 Chaos mainre invasion thwarted. CSM destroyed Concluded as at 617.M37 here
8a 21 Ultima Chorces - 103.M38 Major Ork Waargh Concluded after 2 years here
9a 21 Obscurus - Nasu 474.M39 Massive Ork Waargh Concluded after 5 years. here

original brain dump...
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I was reading through various comentary recently re DIY chapters and it was suggested "don't use canon battles and name dropping."
fair enough, makes sense.
then a topic today prompted me to thing it might be fun to have some liber created campaigns or events that we can share for DIY history.
obviously if we had 25 DIY all rocking up to the same conflict then that might be a bit sus, but if we get a supply of different places and different times with different enemies it might give us some liber-canon history.
Wasn't suggesting filling in a huge amount of detail, might be something like (easy example)....
Segmentum: Pacificus
Sector: Faldrunner - central, far north of segmentum
Time Frame: M40.500-M40.520
Enemy: Ork Waargh Grazbanga
Systems: Blep, Crumped, Pogo (add as required)
Brief Description: Large ork invasion fleet, hulk plus 3 cruiser eq. First contact Blep system, rhino chassis makers.
then say half a dozen chapters might send a company, regiment or whatever to a named world or nearby system/supply route/warp jump point.
we could possibly back-reference (highly optional) a collection of different stories about the same conflict from different perspectives/Chapter/Opposing forces if we're super bored.
i'm pretty sure we've all got 3 or 4 historic events in our existing DIY projects. Care to make them multiplayer?
p.s. doesn't need to be collaborative writing or anything, just internal namedropping... "The Iron Penguins were at the battle of Blep Secondus in M40.502 where they assisted the Adamantine Squirels in their ongoing campaign..."
p.p.s. might not be a shared campaign... "The aftermath of the Iron Penguin campain and their subsequent departure left Belp Secondus in disarray. The subseqent rise of a tyranic dictator sees the the Golden Monkeys Chapter subduing the rebelious state...."
p.p.p.s might only be peripheral... "While the Iron Penguins fight on Blep Secondus, the retreating ships of Warboss Floop threaten the nearby Gerp System. The Holy Order of Skippy rally to protect the system...."
would probably require an awareness of the other writers' efforts to avoid uncanon conflict.
Edited by paulJam
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Segmentum: Tempestus

System: Flynn (East of Ophellia VII), substantial mining resources

Time Frame: 680.M40-688.M40. Primary conflict noted as resolved (as of 688.M40) (Ordos Xenos - Rathari)

Conflict Type: Long running Ork invasion. Initial Imperial Guard response ineffective due to limited resources.

Primary Reference: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/312055-ordos-xenos-domen-rathari/?p=4140047


Edited by paulJam

I'm currently writing (slowly) the background for a system of planets that have been Chaosifed near the borders of Imperial space, that way nothing clashes with any GW fluff. So far I have the bare bones of two planets done, Helvette and Iblis. When I am done if people are interested I'll post the background up so people can set their armies fluff in the system if they wish. 

  On 9/22/2015 at 12:52 PM, paulJam said:

Segmentum: Tempestus

System: Flynn (East of Ophellia VII), substantial mining resources

Time Frame: 680.M40-688.M40. Noted as resolved 688.M40 (Ordos Xenos - Rathari)

Conflict Type: Long running Ork invasion. Imperial Guard response ineffective due to limited resources.


This is a pretty good idea I think. It might be good though to have a name (like Battle of Flynn / Assault on Flynn Magna / etc.), and a list of forces (Imperial or otherwise, and both sides). Then add each campaign or battle to the first post, to make it easier.


For those who have an artistic mind, it could also be a nice idea to create the relevant campaign markers (you know, the things that identify all imperial forces taking part in a campaign) ?

I got another one.


Segmentum: Obscurus

Sector: Nippon

System: Monsuta

Time Frame: 327.M39-354.M39. Noted as resolved 354.M

Conflict Type: Large Ork invasion led by Bonechewa clan. Ressolved after using an Exterminatus on the planet Kamija.

Edited by Kelborn

Segmentum: Ultima

System: Carmel (South of Orana), Industrial and hive worlds.

Time Frame: 500.M37.

Conflict Type: Ork invasion recently started (as at 500.M37). Initial response by Metamarine companies failed due to conflict with Imperial Reinforcements. System status unresolved.

Primary Reference: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/312270-it-kraits-divergent/?p=4150891



Edited by paulJam

Sorry that my campaigns are within the Nippon sector but it helps me to flesh out the sectors and the Dark Knights history.


Segmentum: Obscurus

Sector: Nippon

System: Gakuju, Tanya-ba's moon Tetsu

Time Frame: 947.M41

Conflict Type: Awakening of a Necron tomb world led by Lord Setech of the Abydos Dynasty. Immediately response by Dark Knights chapter. Further reinforcements with experience in fighting Necrons were required.

System status unresolved.

  On 9/22/2015 at 2:29 PM, Lord Thørn said:

This is a pretty good idea I think. It might be good though to have a name (like Battle of Flynn / Assault on Flynn Magna / etc.), and a list of forces (Imperial or otherwise, and both sides). Then add each campaign or battle to the first post, to make it easier.

that would mean ongoing updates by each original poster.

might it be enough for each author reusing an event to reference the system/timeframe(/conflict name is a cool idea if they're fighting together) in a new post with their summary company/regiment etc?

probably a link to the chapter timeline or a piece of writing so others writers have an easy reference to the context?

  On 9/25/2015 at 10:46 AM, paulJam said:


  On 9/22/2015 at 2:29 PM, Lord Thørn said:

This is a pretty good idea I think. It might be good though to have a name (like Battle of Flynn / Assault on Flynn Magna / etc.), and a list of forces (Imperial or otherwise, and both sides). Then add each campaign or battle to the first post, to make it easier.

that would mean ongoing updates by each original poster.

might it be enough for each author reusing an event to reference the system/timeframe(/conflict name is a cool idea if they're fighting together) in a new post with their summary company/regiment etc?

probably a link to the chapter timeline or a piece of writing so others writers have an easy reference to the context?


The thing is that several people might want to take part in the same campaign, but this information might be lost without the updates ?


In fact, I was even thinking of you updating the first post to put in the different campaigns that are possible.

  On 9/25/2015 at 11:28 AM, Lord Thørn said:


The thing is that several people might want to take part in the same campaign, but this information might be lost without the updates ?


In fact, I was even thinking of you updating the first post to put in the different campaigns that are possible.

i'd be happy enough to compile entries to a list/table as per example now in post 1.

suggestions for format/presentation more than welcome.


GENERAL/MODS: anyone have/know of an example of a working table in a post ??

I've got a Draco Crusade going. It's mostly Imperial Guard, with a few chapters involved. (Basically the way most crusades in the Imperium Work). My Sanguinary Crusaders have a battle company involved, etc.


More info can be found in my Warriors of Cain thing, because they are the primary Antagonist and are the cause of it all. 


So if anyone wants to have their chapter involved with that, that's fine.

  On 9/25/2015 at 7:07 AM, Kelborn said:

Sorry that my campaigns are within the Nippon sector but it helps me to flesh out the sectors and the Dark Knights history.


Segmentum: Obscurus

Sector: Nippon

System: Gakuju, Tanya-ba's moon Tetsu

Time Frame: 947.M41

Conflict Type: Awakening of a Necron tomb world led by Lord Setech of the Abydos Dynasty. Immediately response by Dark Knights chapter. Further reinforcements with experience in fighting Necrons were required.

System status unresolved.


Hey guys,


have to revise this. The names don't feel right. Therefore I worked on them. Here is the new and final version:


Segmentum: Obscurus

Sector: Nippon

System: Gakuju, Tanya-ba's moon, Tetsu

Time Frame: 947.M41

Conflict Type: Awakening of a Necron tomb world led by Lord Anub'Erak of the Setekh Dynasty. Immediately response by Dark Knights chapter. Further reinforcements with experience in fighting Necrons were required.

System status unresolved.



And yeah, I was inspired by Anub'arak from WoW but I did this for a reason.

As Anub'arak, Anub'Erak was forced to be a necron. He hates the silent king for this and searchs a way to kill him and extend his own power.

Edited by Kelborn

Oh, by the way it isn't the Warriors of Cain vs. the Primaris Legion Chapter. It's the Warriors of Cain vs. an entire crusade force of imperial guard, several space marine chapters, and the Draco loyalist remnants. The Primaris Legion is down to practically nothing by this point.

  On 9/28/2015 at 3:35 AM, Arkangilos said:

Oh, by the way it isn't the Warriors of Cain vs. the Primaris Legion Chapter. It's the Warriors of Cain vs. an entire crusade force of imperial guard, several space marine chapters, and the Draco loyalist remnants. The Primaris Legion is down to practically nothing by this point.

plenty of scope for other liberites to be part of the 'several space marine chapters' then (or imp guards if they so lean that way)


  • 2 weeks later...

Segmentum: Ultima

System: Tecosi System (NNE), hive worlds.

Time Frame: 607.M37.

Conflict Type: Chaos Marine invasion leading to plague. CSM Escapes planets destroyed.

Primary Reference: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305513-index-astartes-death-forge-chapter/?p=3996455

Segmentum: Ultima

System: Malex System (NNE), hive worlds, industrial worlds.

Time Frame: 617.M37.

Conflict Type: Chaos Marine invasion leading to plague. Definitive Battle, CSM destroyed.

Primary Reference: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305513-index-astartes-death-forge-chapter/?p=3996455


Segmentum: Ultima

System: Chorces Sector (NE), hive worlds, agriworlds.

Time Frame: 103.M38.

Conflict Type: Major Ork Waaagh.

Primary Reference: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305513-index-astartes-death-forge-chapter/?p=3996455


Segmentum: Obscurus

System: Nasu System (N), hive worlds, industrial worlds, shrine world.

Time Frame: 474.M39.

Conflict Type: Massive Ork Waaagh.

Primary Reference: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/305513-index-astartes-death-forge-chapter/?p=3996455

Edited by paulJam

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