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Converting Electro-Priests


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With their surge of power in the new codex. How are my fellow bright spark adepts getting the most out of these electrifying kits?


£25 for 5 models is shocking to say the least and leaves a lot of spare parts for more guys.


I've seen Empire Flagellents used but I'm not sure the look they end up with gets my voltage up...


Any other ideas?

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I'm using genestealer cult neophytes as the base for my corpuscarii, with spare vanguard heads. I vaguely recall getting the idea from someone here, but I can't find the thread now. I blame being on my phone. Anyway, this gets me 20 electropriests for about the price of 15, plus a bunch of cool parts for other things. Edited by Thorakitai
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I'm using genestealer cult neophytes as the base for my corpuscarii, with spare vanguard heads. I vaguely recall getting the idea from someone here, but I can't find the thread now. I blame being on my phone. Anyway, this gets me 20 electropriests for about the price of 15, plus a bunch of cool parts for other things.


Pics?  :)

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I used Flagellants for Staff priests, it's not perfect due to the huge arms and hands and the bodies look abit weedy compared to the proper Electro priest models but it will do. You'll need Greenstuff to fill the arm/ body gaps.


I'd post a pic but they are only primed and awaiting their allocated time on the paint conveyer.

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I made my 20 Fulgurite Electros out of AoS Kairic Acolytes. Build them, chop off all the Tzeench iconography and the shoulderpads (although I left some bracers and greaves here and there because they would have been hell to remove) and augment them up. I mostly used Kataphron Arc and Hydraulic claws as augmetic punchy arms, but as I was short eight of those I also turned the barrels of some Breacher Torsion Cannon into lower-arm replacement Power Fists, gave one guy dual Chordclaws for a Wolverine-pattern Servitor and did a couple with dual Taser Goads.

Admech has plenty of suitably augmetic heads, too. The hood-down Skitarii ones, Kataphron heads, a few Ruststalker gas masks here and there and I had 20 decent combat servitors.


The idea is that I use Stygies tactics to Infiltrate them in, which represents my various Magi inloading scrapcode to local manufactorums and such and turning the workers inside into surprise shock troops. Combine that with the choking fogs the bio-phage bombardments my fleet uses create and you have enemy forces that appear suddenly from the mist, energy weapons blazing and drawing just enough firepower for their own servants to stab them in the back.

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I'm using genestealer cult neophytes as the base for my corpuscarii, with spare vanguard heads. I vaguely recall getting the idea from someone here, but I can't find the thread now. I blame being on my phone. Anyway, this gets me 20 electropriests for about the price of 15, plus a bunch of cool parts for other things.

Pics? :)


Pretty sure he's taking about this. Only have my prototype so far but now with Corpuscarii seeming to be an interest deep strike choice I need to get a move on as well.

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While I haven't started my Admech army, I have been eyeing getting some Electro-priests and the Dark Elf Blackguard have caught my eye. They have robes (armored) they have Halbered (electro staves) and are sized similarly to the rest of our units. Add on a Skitarii head and you should be good. Bonus points if you go the extra mile to make them Imperial and use Tempestus Scion Torsos though.




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While I haven't started my Admech army, I have been eyeing getting some Electro-priests and the Dark Elf Blackguard have caught my eye. They have robes (armored) they have Halbered (electro staves) and are sized similarly to the rest of our units. Add on a Skitarii head and you should be good. Bonus points if you go the extra mile to make them Imperial and use Tempestus Scion Torsos though.





Interesting idea... Maybe slightly too armored though?

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I've got my flagellants-meet-priests up to a 'reasonable' standard. Not perfect, but I'm impatient enough with sufficiently low standards that these will do just fine - more, I'm really pleased with them!





Also, makes 15 out of one box of each, so not too cost inefficient, and they're vastly more varied than the EP box.

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Awesome work, Xisor!  I'm seriously impressed with the amount of effort that you put into these conversions, but the results speak for themselves.  Hope they slay many techno-heretics!  :)

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I've got my flagellants-meet-priests up to a 'reasonable' standard. Not perfect, but I'm impatient enough with sufficiently low standards that these will do just fine - more, I'm really pleased with them!





Also, makes 15 out of one box of each, so not too cost inefficient, and they're vastly more varied than the EP box.

what paint did you use for the glowing hands? 

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Interesting idea... Maybe slightly too armored though?


I wouldn't really think so, look at Dark Eldar bits and they have dudes in full plate armor that are still a 5+, which works with the Electro-priests 5++ (and a 6+++ FNP if I remember correctly) rather well, and once they kill something they have a 3++ and feel awfully durable then. (Plus you can get 10 blackguard for 50$ instead of 5 priests for 41$)


But in the end it's just a matter of personal preference :tongue.:

Edited by Rhivan
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Bloodreavers look good due to base size being the same, but you'd have to chop off all those khorney bits- good thing the epriests boxes are a dual build kit, so plenty of spare epriest weapons and accessories and power plants.


Flagellants look great too but look a little scrawny. Their variety is great, especially that flagellant in stocks.

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Kairic acolytes are a much better base model to start with than blood reavers since they have very few tzeentch details that have to be removed.


I'm currently working on some sisters of slaughter in order to make female fulgerites. Ill post pictures when Im done.

Edited by BassWave
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Has anyone actually used the kairic Acolytes for priests yet? If so any chance we can get pictures?


From the shots on GW website,it looks like very little work needs to be done to make then priest like

 i'm only concerned about the feet, as they seem very... mutated, and mutation is not good with the omnisiah!

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  • 1 month later...

Got my Conversion finaly painted.  They did okay on my Tournament. They where a high priority target to my opponents so they saw only two times the combat :biggrin.:


Downside of a cool, bold paintjob . . . that unit gets focus fired hard!  :D  Just ask my Imperial Knight :pinch:

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