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++Darkest Oaths - Questor Traitoris Thread++


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Well, we now have a full visual of the TWO new Chaos Knights AND CHAOS KNIGHTS CODEX from Warhammer Fest:




The Imperial Knight is an immediately iconic design, and it can’t be improved upon – but you can add spikes.


Fest2019-Sat12-KnightRampager3ujce.jpg Fest2019-Sat12-KnightDesecrator2ujcd.jpg


This kit is all-new, and packed with grisly details that make it instantly recognisable as a dark mirror of its loyalist kin – all while maintaining great posability and plenty of options for customisation. You’ll be able to build either a brutal Knight Rampager or the dominating Knight Despoiler, with a range of armour plates, faces, spikes and horns for making your Chaos Knight your own.


Fest2019-Sat12-ChaosKnightsDetail1ujcd.j Fest2019-Sat12-ChaosKnightsDetail2ijcsuj


Accompanying the new Chaos Knight will be a fully fledged codex that lets you unleash the true might of the Questor Traitoris on the battlefield. All the Knight patterns from Index: Renegade Knights will still be usable, only now you’ll be able to combine them with Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Relics and, of course, Knight Rampagers and Knight Despoilers. New lore, meanwhile, will allow you to explore the shadowy history of the Chaos Knights – as much veterans of the Long War as their Heretic Astartes kin, with thousands of years of history behind them that sheds a new light on the dark powers of Chaos.




And from the Sprues and Brews Twitter feed:


Looks like we've got some fun times ahead

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Holy :cuss dude these are incredible! And a fully fledged codex? That was super unexpected. I figured the only reason they gave us rules for chaos knights was to throw us a bone and sell a few extra kits. This is a whole new level.

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From german shopsite the category Renegade Knights a while ago. I have finished one of four Knights, the rest is just barely assembled, almost my entire R&H army is in this stage since GW recently has been changing a lot and I am waiting on a Heretic Militarum book too. Chaos Knights we just got :rolleyes:


There are coming new Armigers of the Dark Mechanicum for the HH, usually those get 40k rules too. I have assembled my Armigers actually and painted one, may have to take them apart too.


These days I am quite unsure what to think. So on this years ETL I will post under CSM my three Shadowspear Boxes. Only thing I am sure about.


However, they will not replace the existing Knights in my opinion, because how recently they published kits for them. Think about the Canis Rex for example. 

I am just not sure about the weapons right now. As number one rule I magnetize anything I can and only glue what I must.


Sorry for longer post just my thought process on it trying to be useful.

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I'm so psyched about this. I'll finally be able to use Chaos Knights proper and I will be vowing for the R&H forum this ETL with those that I choose to add to my collection.


I currently have two Armigers I haven't finished assembling (I've been obsessed with Titanicus) and Dominus Valiant still sitting in it's box. After that, I'll probably get one of each new Chaos Knight and maybe some of the new FW Armiger variants.

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From german shopsite the category Renegade Knights a while ago. I have finished one of four Knights, the rest is just barely assembled, almost my entire R&H army is in this stage since GW recently has been changing a lot and I am waiting on a Heretic Militarum book too. Chaos Knights we just got :rolleyes:


There are coming new Armigers of the Dark Mechanicum for the HH, usually those get 40k rules too. I have assembled my Armigers actually and painted one, may have to take them apart too.


These days I am quite unsure what to think. So on this years ETL I will post under CSM my three Shadowspear Boxes. Only thing I am sure about.


However, they will not replace the existing Knights in my opinion, because how recently they published kits for them. Think about the Canis Rex for example. 

I am just not sure about the weapons right now. As number one rule I magnetize anything I can and only glue what I must.


Sorry for longer post just my thought process on it trying to be useful.


I have mine magnetised also :-) and they are not overly converted (as I am not good with green stuff) so with a little tidy I could turn them into imperial knights, but that will just be more work.  I think I either need to go full on with extra spikes and chains, etc, or strip them and paint them another colour for imperial knights (but I really do not wish to do this).


I have 2 Warglaives and 1 Valiant....but I have only based the metal...rest is grey plastic.  I may hold fire on these until I am sure we are not going to get new chaos versions in the next 6 months..I am working on my primaris blood angels at the moment...so have lots to do (don't we all).

I'm so psyched about this. I'll finally be able to use Chaos Knights proper and I will be vowing for the R&H forum this ETL with those that I choose to add to my collection.


I currently have two Armigers I haven't finished assembling (I've been obsessed with Titanicus) and Dominus Valiant still sitting in it's box. After that, I'll probably get one of each new Chaos Knight and maybe some of the new FW Armiger variants.


Your knights are amazing, I looked through your thread the other day :-)

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I almost want to sell my FW chaos knight to help pay for one of these kits. They just look so much better, IMO. Though maybe I'll sell something else... a pair of chainblades (one from each kit) would be so damn cool! Maybe a combination of both kits overall is the answer. I can only assume these will be significantly more expensive than a standard knight kit... bah.

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I bought the Renegade box set and have magnetized, built and converted it (added spikes - that's basically it: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/346143-the-judgment-on-kadeth-dr-ruminahuis-emperors-children/?p=5247454) - which gives me a second knight, though without all the options, that I have yet to build.


I also plan on getting the new kit, which I'm hoping will let me swap some parts (say, a shoulder pad) with my unassembled knight, and lend other elements (chains and skulls) to my assembled one, in addition to having its weapons swappable between all 3 knights.


Hopefully, the new chaos knight also comes with the avenger cannon, the melta cannon (forget its name) and the carapace weapons, though those haven't shown up in any of the photos (including of the sprues) that we've seen before.

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I have a feeling GW will be selling those weapons sprues separately. They won't show the existing weapons on the new kit because those are the new Knight variants and they want to show off their configuration (even though one is just a glorified Gallant).
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I bet they bring out new chaos knights with new weapons...I just have this sneaky feeling I will have to repaint my three current knights as loyalists at some point.....


They could sell the weapons separately, but I'm not sure they will if they can make current renegade/chaos players buy new kits and earn more money...


Just not sure I trust GW 100% lol

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While I do think having Chaos with different options than the loyalists (so that we are more than just spiky marine/guard/knights) is a good idea, I'm hoping that they still allow Chaos knights their old options.... because my converted chaos knight is basically just a spiky knight...:sweat:

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While I do think having Chaos with different options than the loyalists (so that we are more than just spiky marine/guard/knights) is a good idea, I'm hoping that they still allow Chaos knights their old options.... because my converted chaos knight is basically just a spiky knight...:sweat:

Considering that GW heavily marketed the current Knight kit(s) to Chaos players as well, it would be beyond asinine to exclude the existing weapon options from the new Codex. Not without precedent, but unlikely in my opinion.


If all else fails: Renegade Knights are in CA2018, and I don't see that one going up in flames once Codex: Chaos Knights drops.

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The blog post above says all the patterns from the index will still be available - I had assumed that meant armament but it may mean data sheets.


Good point about the chapter approved - but does it work that way since CA was a reprint of the index, which will be replaced by the Codex?


Honestly excited to even be discussing this.

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I do not think they will leave us only with these Weapon Options on the entire Codex.

It is more likely we get these new Knights on top and the Sheets stay for the old ones. Thing I am curious about is if the "old" Knights get the new weapons or not.

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I honestly expected Dark Mech before I expected any sort of Chaos Knights but I am more than happy with this turn of events. Although I think I will hold off on doing much else with mine until I see the codex and can figure out what I'll be bringing to the table.


Gives me more hope for a Dark Mech and Traitor Guard book as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for posting pictures of the sprues of the new kit - super helpful for those of us working on conversions. 


Instead of sensibly painting the Helverin posted above, I've pressed on and started work on the Knight that goes with the avenger gatling - the aspiration is to get both painted for the forthcoming ETL. I'm building him with the avenger and a thunderstrike since I can swap the arms with my existing knight to either rock dual gun or dual assault, which hopefully remain viable options in the new codex - we'll see though.


Consistent with the Helverins, I've been focusing on the armor plates and carapace since the empty surfaces offer a nice canvas for conversions. Nothing except the torso substructure is actually finished yet, so I'd welcome any comments or critiques - there's time to make improvements.


Here's the shoulders, a greave and the face plate. The large Khorne symbol is from the Blood Throne/Skull Cannon. The plasticard is there to provide some structure for (hopefully) smooth/straight-edged pieces and the spikes on the lower rims will get extra layers of green stuff to tie them in to the stock trim better.


Honestly, my favorite bit so far is the face plate - the muzzle is from the Bloodthirster kit. 



Thunderstrike gauntlet - skull/Khorne symbol is from the Blood Throne. Claws are made from Tyranid Warrior bits. I've only done gap closing GS work on this so far and am debating how to finish the knuckle area.



Carapace - I've done the most work here but still a ways to go. Spikes are from the Chaos vehicle kit - bone bits are from the Blood Throne and Bloodthirster kit.



I've started on the leg armor as well but it's nothing special yet - pretty reminescent of what I did to the Helverin ankle armor.


Thanks for looking!

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