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Reaver loadout question

Black Knight

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I'll preface this with I have yet to play a game, but I chose to arm my first Reaver with a Gatling Blaster, Apocalypse Missile Launcher and Power First. I wanted more rate of fire for moving in and using the Fist to bring the pain instead of standing back and shooting... the Warlords are good for that. IMO the Reaver is more of a close range / brawler class of Titan than anything. 

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It think it really depends on how you envisage the Reaver within a given Maniple. DuskRaider's suggestion is a fairly versatile load out and it would fit nicely in an Axiom or a Myrmidon Maniple (especially if the other Reaver has the more heavy hitting but lower rate of fire Melta or Cannon). However if you're looking for a Venator light Maniple then a high strength weapon such as the cannon might be a better choice to take advantage of said Maniple's special rule...


Just my 2c 


I also have yet to play a game... :(

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I also haven't played a game yet.


I opted to magnetise the weapons for all my titans, so as to be able to choose a loadout I like or I find effective. I agree with Captain Semper regarding the choice depending on the type of maniple being played.


As I have 4 reavers so far, I'll have 2 powerfists modelled for the left side and 2 for the right side, so I could have one or two close combat dedicated machines (not sure they would live long enough to come into contact).


I am eagerly expecting the chainfist, going up close and personal, if anything just because I find it cool :biggrin.:

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I’ve also magnetised my reaver but I don’t see myself ever using Gatling blasters on one. The trouble is that it can barely hurt enemy titans at all, except be punching them. To do that it’s got to get across the board, running the gauntlet of knights and hoping it doesn’t get gunned down in the meantime.


My ideal set up would probably be laser blaster and melta, with any of the roof weapons. But laser blaster and fist is certainly a decent option while we wait for the new sprue.


The gatlings will end up stuck on top of Warlords. I think they’re the best carapace option for Warlords but the worst arm option for reivers.

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Cap Semper is right, it really depends on the maniple and where you see it in the maniple. If your running a venator and want your reaver to close in along with the warhounds, then taking a lazer destroyer or melta is critical. If he’s sitting back (I assume not cause you are giving him a fist) then you might consider a volcano cannon. Another thing to consider if your gluing in rather than magnetized, is the typical terrain you will be playing with. If you and your mates like brawls in cities (like mine do) any volcano cannon will be difficult to manage(and possible could hurt you more than help).


The games I’ve played (5 total (3 wins/ 2 losses)) have been close in brawls with axiom maniples, and so far the Gatling cannon hasn’t been worth the points. It’s only because there is SO much that can strip shields (between warhounds and my warlord/ reavers apoc. missiles) that I really want to have something that hits hard at range, so I mostly have used the lazer blaster.


Hope that helps some

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Thanks for the replys, I will be magnitising it but I didn't really want to do it in two steps(Upper arm and gun) and wanted to make the guns either left/right handed. I just realised I can switch it if I have two Reavers and be able to cover both as long as I have one with a left fist and one with a right fist.


OMG the legs! Sorry just finished building the legs and I am slightly annoyed but now it is done immensily pleased.

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I think the titandeath supplement comes out in January so presumably will accompany the release. In general wd covers the last couple of weeks releases from the previous month and the first week or two of the current month so if it's not in January wd (and I haven't seen it in any of the teasers) then it's probably a late January release.
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I am also leaning towards a late January release, at the very least for the reaver which was already revealed, and probably more. The Horus Heresy Weekender is taking place on February 2nd and 3rd and would be the perfect opportunity for more reveals and a deeper look at the recently released stuff. I am still far from done with what I have at the moment but I can't wait to see more :biggrin.:

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Won't the second Reaver cover all of the options for it? Same with the Warhound, I believe all options are already covered. If they chose to do anything else, I could see Legio-specific weapons such as Ursus Claws but as for what else they would be I don't think anyone would know since GW / FW has never gone that in depth with each Legio to my knowledge.

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What do people think will be the third load out sprue for the models? oo the second for the Hound?

I have no source for this, but I believe someone at a big Q&A presentation has reported that the designers stated these would be the last plastic releases for the original three Titan classes. While the Warhound is totally covered now, as @Fajita Fan points out, the Reaver carapace weapons aren’t all done yet, nor are the Warlord carapace (Gatlings and Vulcan Megabolters off the top of my head) plus the Quake Cannon arm. All of these are likely to be resin Forge World releases, like they’ve done for Necromunda weapon variants.


This way, they can concentrate their more limited plastic production facilities on reprints and entirely new kits.

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