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Size Comparisons

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Hi all,


I'm currently trying to truescale some MK IV marines so that they don't look so tiny on the battlefield compared to Primaris and some of the newer "regular human" miniatures.

However, I only own regular and primaris marines to compare sizes to each other, but what I am after would be some images of various miniatures of the 40K line lined up next to each other. Something along the lines of a Primaris Marine, an Old marine, a GSC mini, a cadian guardsmen, and if possible one of the new traitor guardsmen as well. This would really help me in trying to figure out if I am making my truescale marines tall enough. 

If anybody knows of any such images floating about it would be greatly appreciated, I have tried searching for something like this but all the results I get are 40K miniatures lined up against miniatures from other companies etc.


Many thanks, 


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The Mark III and Mark IV marines are the same height as the new Rubrics. So they're only a head shorter than Primaris Marines. I'll take a side-by-side comparison picture when I get home from work

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Couple of random images off the 'net. Poxwalkers and GSC neophytes are the same size as chaos cultists.

While I appreciate that somebody took the effort to line all those models up against a ruler, you do also need to be a bit cynical of the image.


Every model after the first has it's base built up to some degree; the Primaris Marine has it's feet at shin-height, and is massively over-exaggerating how tall it is compared to the other models.

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So this was my size-comparison. My desk has a handy lip that I pushed all the bases against, so they're all the same distance from the camera.




Like I said, the Mark III and Mark IV come up to the shoulder of the Primaris Marine. The Mark III actually does because that one's standing straight up, whereas the Mark IV is doing the Marine Squat.

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