hammer grimblood Posted June 10, 2019 Share Posted June 10, 2019 The Rout has no skald present to recount the sagas of old and new tales of valor. I will stand for the Sons of Russ in this darkened hour and bring forth the glory of the Allfather. I, Hammer Grimblood, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Space Wolves and vow to complete: Heinrik the broken Claw (Rune Priest with runic sword and bolt pistol) and the Runic Guard (5 Man Wolf Guard Terminator Pack with 1 Chain Fist, 2 Frost Axes, 1 Power Sword, 2 Storm Shields, 3 Storm Bolters and 1 Assault Cannon) for a total value of 283 Points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5329515 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 11, 2019 Share Posted June 11, 2019 I knew the Wolves would turn up sooner or later. An event built around story-telling is practically an invitation for the Sons of Fenris to turn up and bring their best tales. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5329704 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted June 11, 2019 Share Posted June 11, 2019 Love how this event gains traction! Let’s hope we’ll have entries from all Factions! :Tu: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5329707 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThePenitentOne Posted June 11, 2019 Share Posted June 11, 2019 My first vow: I, ThePenitentOne, shall paint the following 14 models by September 1, 2019 for the Sisters of Battle faction during ETL 2019: Mistress of Repentance, 35 Points Mistress of Repentance, 35 Points Repentia Squad, 5 X 15 = 75 Points Repentia Squad, 7 X 15 = 105 Points NSFW Spoiler Notes: All 14 of these models are part of a story event in the Chronicles of Saint Katherine's Aegis Campaign. They were once pure and loyal Sisters of Battle, part of the Mission defending the Chapel for which the Chronicle is named. Throughout the campaign, they are likely to come into close contact with a Cult of Slaanesh, where they will see things that no man... Or woman, should ever be forced to see. After establishing the level of the threat, the Mission will be required to contact the Inquisition for guidance and back-up. When this happens, Inquistor Greyfax will insist that contaminated Sisters take the Penitent Oath. She will order reinforcements from the Order of the Bloody Rose, and when they arrive, they will take control of these sisters, providing two of their most experienced Mistresses. These units will henceforth be known as the Daemon Marked, and they will enter battle with the rest of the Penitent Legion. This is particularly important with the second ETL mistress above, because she may be more than merely base coated, but I will be re-basecoating so that she can have a Bloody Rose colour scheme. If anyone is interested, many of the Penitent Legion Models are already painted; you can find the current detachment roster, as well as pics of the already completed members of the Legion in the Chronicles of Saint Katherine's Aegis thread below. http://www.bolterand...therines-aegis/ Grand Master Belial and Darnok 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5330044 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darnok Posted June 14, 2019 Share Posted June 14, 2019 Might be a stupid question, but: can I do two different stories, not related to each other? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5331312 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeRome90 Posted June 14, 2019 Share Posted June 14, 2019 (edited) Below you will find a story about a part of my ETL vow. As this is my first fanfiction in a while (the last one was for my Iron Warriors several years ago), I hope you still like this story. Here my ETL vow : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356302-chaos-space-marines-outpost/?p=5324847 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- „Incoming!“ The loud yell from a vox-speaker cut through the silence of the night and moments later the sky was lit up by several explosions along a trench line infront of a small fortress. Although Markoth was quite a distance away from the scene, he could see the bodies of imperial Guardsmen blown into the air. Thanks to his genetic enhanced vision and the autosenses of his power armor, he could even hear the screams of the Guardsmen as their bodies were ripped apart. He could also see who attacked them, although it was no surprise to him. He was the one after all, who directed the Death Guard to this fortress at the end of Mark’t valley. “It pains me to see these vile creatures attack this station,” Markoth mumbled. “I am surprised that you even allowed them to find this place. And now they attack a place which was named after you… that is ironic, isn’t it? Although it seems like the inhabitants forgot how to write your name.” Markoth turned to the man who spoke and answered, “We need a diversion, otherwise our pursuers might notice that we were here and what our real objective is.” The hooded marine smirked and replied, “Still, this sounds more like a plan from the shrewd XX and not something our Legion would normally do. But I understand your reasoning Sergeant Markoth… or was it Mark’t.” “Glad that my plan receives your approval Sar Gadu” replied Markoth mockingly. He knew how his squad mate hated to be called as if he was still a Knight of old. Markoth and Gadu knew each other even before the Great Betrayal as Gadu recruited Markoth for their Legion. Before the old Gadu could tell his Sergeant where he could insert the formal title, another Marine appeared from the shadows of the forest they used as a hiding place. “We are ready Sergeant. Philos planted the explosives where you told him and Ka’arl is ready to neutralize the Watchtower.” “Thank you Fiban. We will proceed, as soon as the Death Guard relocates their fire onto the front wall. Then we will…” Before Markoth could finish his sentence, a wild roar sounded from across the battlefield. The group of Astartes turned and saw that another force attacked the fortress beside the Death Guard. Behind the swollen and diseased figures of the Plague Marines where now mad amalgamations of ceramite, transhuman flesh and daemonic entities. A unit of Possessed ran towards the trench line, while an Obliterator gave them covering fire. “Seems like the bloated Mellitus couldn’t shut his trap and invited the Word Bearers. We need to hurry!” The three Astartes left their observation point and ran towards their goal. ++++ Six hours later ++++ The squad of Sergeant Markoth arrived at their hideout, a cave system in the mountains on the other end of the valley. While they left on foot, they returned with 2 trucks and one chimera. The guard they left at the entrance to the cave system waited till they left their transport and walked to Markoth “I am glad that you are back Sergeant. How was the requisition?” The way the Marine talked was still quite formal and it set Markoth sometimes at odds to talk to their new brother in arms. Like the armor of his own squad, was the one of this guard a deep black with the symbol of their Legion on the right pauldron. Unlike the one of his own, the battle plate of their allies was a newer type and on their knee guard they retain the symbol of their former chapters. They are not allies but our brothers now, rebuked Markoth his own thoughts. “Although we had some uninvited guests, we got everything we wanted” answered Markoth and wanted to turn around and help his squad with unloading the transports when the Guard cleared his throat and said, “We also got an uninvited guest. He awaits you in the main cave.” All of the Marines stiffened and Markoth muttered, “Please don’t tell me it is Cy…” “No! I am glad that he did not returned to us. He attracts too much problems after all. No, the Loremaster awaits you.” While this was not as bad as Markoth has feared, he could not relax that much. The Loremaster was also an original member of the Legion and a close brother, but he is still a psyker, and no one wants to be too close with a psyker. It also does not help that the Loremaster knows so much and yet talks so few beside when he talks about the “good old times”. And maybe the last dispute the had, might also cause some troubles. When Markoth arrived at the main cave he saw the psyker for the first time in three centuries. In the middle of the cave a fire was burning, which was the only light source in this cave, beside the display of a cogitator on the other side of the room. Right before the fire stood a Marine in an old and cobbled Terminator armor. In his left hand he held a staff, which was inlaid with psy-reactive crystals and in his right he held a ball of fire which floated bare centimeters above his palm. The Psyker turned and looked at Markoth with a smile on his face, as if he saw a friend after a long time. While partly true, they nearly attacked each other the last time after a heated discussion regarding the Great Betrayal. “My dear Markoth! I heard that your mission was a success! What did you brought back from your old garrison?” Markoth barley nodded in a form of greeting and answered, “You know that it was never my garrison, but the one of the Legion. I was only the one who built its foundations.” “Don’t be so stiff. Do you think that I am still mad at you, just because you blasted a hole into the wall beside my head with your plasma pistol the last time? Both of us were right after all. So relax and tell me of the materials you brought back.” “Well, I would understand it if you would be a little bit mad.” The Sergeant walked around the fire and stopped on the opposite of the Loremaster, stretching his arms and rubbing them, as if to warm them on the fire. An old habit he never got rid of. “We secured several crates of ammunition for our Bolters and Plasma weapons. We could also secure six sets of Mark III power armor, as well as several spare parts and raw material. There were also several data crystals. While the information on them is mostly outdated, we can at least use the coordinates of several other Legion storages.” “This sounds like a great haul, but what about the gene-seed?” Markoth feared this question but he knew that it would come. “Several containers had a leak and the gene-seed in them could not be used any more. We had only so much place in our stolen transporters and the time was running out, so we had to destroy everything except for three containers. While I do not think that the Death Guard would have found the vault with the gene-seed, I am quite sure that the Word Bearers would, so I had to destroy everything we could not carry with us.” The Loremaster extinguished the ball of flames and said “To be honest, that is more than I thought. I was sure that nothing of it would be useable after such a long time. You did the right thing in destroying the rest. Now we need to leave this system and get in contact with the others. It seems like the captain surfaced a decade ago, and we need to meet up with him sooner than later.” “We will be able to leave this planet within the next week, but don’t you think that your Terminator armor would stand out too much?” The Loremaster laughed and turned to the next wall. While he drew something onto the stone with his finger he said, “I won’t be coming with you lot. I just came her to inform you that the captain is back and that the Keeper of the Truth had to flee Terra short of his goal. Also it seems like our pursuers got to track you down, so you should hurry.” Markoth let out a sigh, “I really whish they would know the truth and stop hunting us. I get tired from always running away. I miss the time of the Great Crusade.” Again the Loremaster let out a burst of laughter and with a flicker of his index finger, he finished his ritual and opened a small warp gate. “Who does not wish for that? But you know… our brothers are not called the Unforgiven for nothing.” With that, the Loremaster walked through the gate and let Markoth alone with his thoughts of better times. Edited June 15, 2019 by DeRome90 Machine God, Darnok, Grand Master Belial and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5331394 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted June 15, 2019 Author Share Posted June 15, 2019 Might be a stupid question, but: can I do two different stories, not related to each other? Go for it! Captain Semper and Darnok 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5331602 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 17, 2019 Share Posted June 17, 2019 (edited) I, Acemund Debonair of the Liber Astartes, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Foul, Insidious Xenos Dark Eldar (But really still the Liber) and vow to complete One (1) Archon of total value 76 Points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and ensure my rise to the upper echelons of Commorragh, and failure (which is NEVER an option) will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. Another vow, another prologue: -- Only Human -- It had been almost fifteen hours since Acemund of Talhon had begun his tale, relating the vile deeds of the Kabal of the Shattered World, and still the White Hawk dictated the history of the vile xenos before his brothers. "The battle of Ancaelumis was another such conflict, where the Kabal grew confident on their past successes, and committed to a large assault. Colonel Hennigan of the Ancaeluman 16th-" Several Space Marines sat and listened intently to Acemund's tale, and others still whispered orders to their serfs and scribes. "Knowing that the convoy was vulnerable, the Colonel redirected half of the 4th Armoured regiment to-" Though many of the scribes present at the start of Acemund's recital had retired for the night, fresh scribes had taken their place, and even now the scratching of their pens, and the dull taptaptap of fingers on keys or screens filled the hall. Scribe Irian, however, remained steadfastly by her lord's side, holding aloft a data-slate showing a detailed sketch of the armour of a high-ranking Kabalite, one responsible for several atrocities around the Glastheim Rifts. Her mechanical arm was, of course, immune to fatigue of any nature, but nevertheless Irian felt exhaustion threatening to overcome her. She longed for her bed, the feeling of wrapping up in a warm blanket against the chill of the Liber's old dormitories, and perhaps a warm drink. Maybe a cooked meal, too. Her stomach gave a sad gurgle, as if to remind her she'd not eaten in over half a day, and Irian shook herself and stood to attention once more. The White Hawks were famed for their endurance; it was surely her duty to show endurance worthy of the Hawk she served and remain unflinching at her post. Acemund continued his tale, accompanying his words with sweeping gestures to convey the scale of the conflict he described. "The advance of the Militarum's tanks on the west flank was enough to stall the xenos, until their Ravagers, under the command of Mephirion the Bleak-" Irian did her best to pay attention, but tiredness made it difficult. To her left, two serfs approached one of the Space Marines with a chalice containing a sweet-smelling liquid, which the marine took from them with a nod of thanks, and drank deeply from it. Another two bore a tray with a selection of cooked meats, offering them to the Space Marines, and the smell of the food caused Irian's stomach to redouble it's gurgling, as though pleading for her attention. No. Endurance above all, Irian thought to herself. I have to be stronger than this. She blinked and refocused on Ace's words. " -enants, who each serve in much the way normal Archons do. Leading raids, commanding a greater share of the prize-" Irian could feel herself swaying slightly, and for a brief moment she wondered if the Hall had always been gently spinning, before her sense of balance deserted her entirely, and the Scribe pitched forward, stumbling awkwardly. The sudden movement drew the attention of all the Space Marines present, who turned to watch her with whiplash speed. Even before she'd hit the floor, Irian felt a strong hand catch her shoulder and propel her back upright. She looked up, worriedly, to see Acemund looking down at her with concern evident on his face. He'd stopped his tale, Irian realised. She'd failed in her duty to support her lord. "Your scribe needs rest, Ace," a Space Marine in a hooded robe said, gently. Irian could tell from his tone he was amused. "She's been here all day - did you mistake her for a servitor again, like the last one?" Irian felt herself flush bright red with embarrassment, but she attempted to reply in her lord's stead. "W-with respect, m'lord," Irian said, her voice shaking slightly, "It's my d-duty to serve, and I-" "Irian." Ace interrupted her. "Go get some rest. You've more than fulfilled your duty today." Before Irian could protest, Ace steered her away, deftly prying the data-slate from her mechanical hand and laying it on a side-table as he walked her towards one of the doors back into the main corridors of the Liber. "I can keep going, m'lord," Irian protested, but her voice sounded feeble to her own ears. Ace looked down at her, fondly, and gave a low chuckle. "I know you can, Scribe. But for now, I need you to recover your strength, and be ready for tomorrow." The Hawk of Talhon pried the door open, gesturing to one of the attendant servitors nearby to come and help Irian to her room. As Acemund turned to go back into Hall One, Irian couldn't help but ask; "M'lord… there's more stories to tell, then? A-about the Kabal of the Shattered World?" Ace paused in the doorway for a moment, and glanced back at the Scribe, giving her a single curt nod before he spoke. "There certainly is, Irian. This story is a long way from over yet." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= EDIT: So somehow my first post missed out almost every line about the actual Kabal. I've now put them all back in. Edited June 17, 2019 by Ace Debonair Spyros and Grand Master Belial 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5332668 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 17, 2019 Share Posted June 17, 2019 (edited) Vow 2 Completed - so here's another tale! (Please forgive the double post, this event has really got my motivation level up - I just can't stop painting recently!) --== Mephirion the Bleak ==-- For five whole days, the Hawk of Talhon related everything he could remember about the Kabal of the Shattered World. The ancient texts and data-slates that had come from the Glastheim Rifts over the millennia held innumerable snippets about the malevolent Drukhari that lurked there. During the hours of the night that Ace was not present in Hall One, reciting information to the scribes and any other willing to listen, he would sit in his sparsely furnished quarters with piles of borrowed texts and read as though the words themselves gave him sustenance. At the end of the fifth day, Ace finally concluded his tales. The scribes set about making copies of the information they had gathered, the better to distribute it to Imperial Forces operating anywhere near the Glastheim Rifts. On the sixth day, Ace was called away. He was to operate as part of a Legio taskforce in xeno-infested territory. This was well and good, but it left his assigned assistants - Haydram, Irian, and Mischa - at something of a loose end. For the first few days, the three diligently transcribed copies of Ace's tales about the Kabal. But after a week or so, the trio found their attentions drifting. Haydram went back to mixing paints for the Herald's return, or in the event one of the other Liber Heralds came to Ace's workshop in search of esoteric colours. Mischa, more out of curiosity than anything else, began reading some of the innumerable texts Ace had been frantically reading in his search for information about the Kabal of the Shattered World. And Irian, mindful of how fussy Acemund could sometimes be, went through the ritual processes of repair, cleaning and maintenance on the pieces of gear Ace had left behind. It was as Irian finished the ritual hymn of gratitude and respect for the machine spirit of Ace's spare bolt pistol that Mischa called to her. "Irian! I've found something - I think you need to see this." Bowing swiftly to the bolt pistol before she left, Irian ran up the short stairway from the armoury into the workshop proper. Mischa was sat upright at her desk, her eyes wide. "It's another story about the Kabal. I... don't recognize it. Did Ace mention a planet called Cironus at all?" Mischa turned her surprised gaze on Irian, who shook her head slowly. "No, I don't think so. Ancaelumis, Pharon Secundus and... Orvanis, but not Cironus." Irian frowned. "Has he really missed a whole battle out?" "Cironus, did you say?" Haydram's voice came from the Heraldry Office. The serf popped his head around the door, his expression pensive. "I've heard m'lord Acemund mention it before, when talking to one of the Moderati." "Interesting..." Mischa mused, looking back down at the ancient, yellowing pages. "What does it say?" Haydram asked, his curiosity piqued. Mischa cleared her throat and began reading aloud. "The battle of Cironus was short and bloody. Six separate pleas for aid were sent from the planet within an hour of each other. The White Hawks 8th Devastator Company, with elements of the Veteran 9th, were close at hand after their battles in the Brachyn system, and responded with haste. All six sites of the distress calls were lifeless, desolate and abandoned, with signs of bloody and desperate struggle in evidence. At one site, however, a clear trail had been left. Twenty Space Marines, including Squad Beremont and Squad Acemund wen-" "Squad Acemund!?" Haydram exclaimed. Irian and Mischa both glared at him, and the serf held up his hands in admission of his fault. "Sorry, sorry. I just never knew m'lord had his own squad." "He hasn't mentioned it before," Irian conceded. "It's stranger still that he didn't tell this story, though. Sorry, Mischa, please continue." Mischa nodded, and continued to read. "Squad Beremont and Squad Acemund went in pursuit of what appeared to be a small raiding party. They were ambushed by the Kabal of the Shattered World," Mischa continued, her eyes growing wide in surprise as she read onward; "Mephirion the Bleak, at the head of over sixty Kabalite Warriors and flanked by a dozen or more Wyches, caught the members of the 8th Company in a pincer movement. Squad Beremont was slain to the last man. Squad Acemund fared little better. Though their sergeant attempted to fight Mephirion, he was swiftly outmatched, disarmed, and dealt a number of fell wounds. The rest of the squad were dismembered in short order. Though other Dark Eldar attacked the squad, Archon Mephirion struck the fatal blows each time. It is worth noting - Mephirion kept the severed heads of Squad Acemund, and has since adorned his armour with them as trophies. See the Pict-Capture included on the next page, taken from the Battle at Balingar's Gate." Mischa looked at the image and shuddered. Irian and Haydram joined her, peering down at the image of the looming Drukhari. Cold malevolence seemed to radiate from the image, and something in the Archon's stance conveyed a sense of terrible power, like a coiled snake awaiting the moment to strike. Mischa turned the page again. "Of further note, the wounds sustained by Sergeant Acemund in this battle left him driven to the brink of madness from the pain they caused - it was some four years until he had recovered the use of his arms sufficiently to re-join the 8th Company, although he insisted on stepping down from the rank of Sergeant. The Archon's sword, called Deathwhisper by the Kabal, is a sword carved from the thigh of a Gruushniagh, a breed of creature said to live in the darkest corners of the webway. Gruushniagh are said to be so potently toxic that even their centuries-dead bones are corrosive to the touch, and only with specially prepared equipment can they even be held safely." The three serfs looked at each other. "No wonder m'lord Acemund didn't mention this to the others," Irian said, in a voice that was almost a whisper. "The Archon's sword almost drove m'lord mad from the pain." Haydram looked incredulous. "I can't imagine a wound that would hurt a Space Marine for over four years, let alone hurt enough to almost break one." "I can," Irian said, bitterly, raising her mechanical arm. "But as far as I know, m'lord Acemund doesn't have any bionics. He's definitely got both his arms still - I had to help him put his armour on when the Legio called him away." "No wonder he hates the Kabal of the Shattered World so much," Mischa added, quietly. She couldn't shift the image of the Archon from her mind. "They're almost like a poison, eating away at all the Silver Circle is supposed to protect." "Then let's hope the stories we've scribed serve as the basis for an antidote." Irian replied. "Speaking of which, we should get back to work on those. I don't want m'lord Acemund to think we've been idling while he was away..." --==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--== I've honestly been meaning to write more Day-in-the-life-of-the-Liber stories for a couple of years now. Never thought I'd get to do so as part of the ETL, I must admit! EDIT: I've just spotted a handful of mistakes on Mephirion's model - I'm going to have to adjust them next time I get a day off. Honestly didn't even see the spare bits of plastic on the end of the chains and hooks until now! EDIT EDIT: Also where the red has run over part of the skulls. Drat! Edited June 18, 2019 by Ace Debonair Grand Master Belial and Spyros 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5333268 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dizzyeye01 Posted June 18, 2019 Share Posted June 18, 2019 I've got to say, it has been nice seeing these stories told in the "Day-in-the-life" perspective Ace. It'd definitely be something I'd like to see more done regularly even outside the ETL. Maybe it'd be worth doing as a challenge of sorts once the ETL has ran its course. Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5333749 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr4Minutes Posted June 18, 2019 Share Posted June 18, 2019 Hello all. This is my first time in the Liber, so forgive my ignorance. I placed and completed my first vow for the DeathWatch, which was a leviathan dred. With it I submitted a narrative back story. Because with an epic model like that, he needs his backstory told. Can I still post it here, even though it’s completed already? And does each individual vow need to be over 500 words? Or can I do multiple stories with consecutive vows to get to that number? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5333750 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted June 19, 2019 Author Share Posted June 19, 2019 Hello all. This is my first time in the Liber, so forgive my ignorance. I placed and completed my first vow for the DeathWatch, which was a leviathan dred. With it I submitted a narrative back story. Because with an epic model like that, he needs his backstory told. Can I still post it here, even though it’s completed already? And does each individual vow need to be over 500 words? Or can I do multiple stories with consecutive vows to get to that number? Post that original vow and then post the story. The story itself needs to be 500 words. It has to contain a part of a vow (preferably already completed but I am not going to pour over the whole forum to check). So one story for all or one vow. I leave that up to you. As Ace is a prolific writer he can write multiple stories based on a single vow. My focus is the writing with a tie-in to something painted during the ETL. Mr4Minutes 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5334189 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Cambrius Posted June 19, 2019 Share Posted June 19, 2019 (edited) Belial sums it up perfectly for you Mr4Minutes, nice to see a fellow Deathwatch vow-taker in my usual home! Welcome! There have been some absolutely cracking submissions here ladies and gents and form a variety of factions oft forgotten in the Liber! It warms my genenhanced hearts to see it. As for my own addition here, once Primaris Watch Captain Nohs is painted in full, I'll submit the story of his time in the Legio B&C here. <EDIT> And NovemberIX that is an incredible vow for the Liber's glory! Respect to you, brother. May it go smoothly and successfully. Cambrius Edited June 19, 2019 by Brother Cambrius Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5334195 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted June 19, 2019 Share Posted June 19, 2019 As Ace is a prolific writer doesn't know when to stop talking he can write multiple too darn much based on a single vow. Fixed that for you I am not going to lie, I am hyped to see what everyone else comes up with. I definitely enjoyed DeRome90's story about the Fallen - I honestly didn't even figure out it was about the Fallen until near the end, and had to go back and read it again with that knowledge in my brain so I could properly appreciate it. Also, I don't know what that mysterious object NovemberIX's boys are going after, but I definitely want to know more! I've got to say, it has been nice seeing these stories told in the "Day-in-the-life" perspective Ace. It'd definitely be something I'd like to see more done regularly even outside the ETL. Maybe it'd be worth doing as a challenge of sorts once the ETL has ran its course. You're giving me ideas, brother. Dangerous ideas. But I think the ETL (and the Mark of the Liber, of course) is enough commitment for everyone at this point - get your paints out for the Liber, everyone! Grand Master Belial, DeRome90 and Dizzyeye01 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5334201 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr4Minutes Posted June 19, 2019 Share Posted June 19, 2019 Thanks for answering my questions. Below is my first vow with completion. I’ve got some interesting ideas for my second vow, which should be up shortly. I, Mr4Minutes, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the DeathWatch, and the glorious armies of the Devine Emperor, and vow to complete this Levisthan Drednaught, armed with two Storm Cannon Arrays and two Heavy Flamers, total value of 303 points, on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end http://image.boltera...468_164910.jpeg And it is completed. Vow 1 is in the books. This was a fun model to paint. In my hurry to get the Vow in, I forgot to add some little details. But I got them on in the end. I wrote some fluff for him, that I’ve attached for anyone interested. A little long winded, but I wanted to give the model some additional substance for me. http://image.boltera...468_851857.jpeg http://image.boltera...468_500023.jpeg http://image.boltera...68_1252098.jpeg Ollonius Tarentus, Oath-Bound. Tarentus’s rise in the Keep was meteoric. He was an Ultramarine to his core, exhibiting a masterful application of the Codex Astartes. But, it was his uncanny ability to utilize his Watch Brothers unique heritage traits and tactics that accelerated his rise. He was quickly elevated to Watch Captain. And as his Kill Teams achieved numerous victories and accolades, Tarentus began to be groomed to serve as Watch Master. But that fate was not meant to be. In his last mission as a breathing Marine, Tarentus lead a combined force of 25 DeathWatch brothers in an assault on an Ork bastion world. Their goal, to recover a relic believed to have the ability to manipulate time. As Tarentus and his team recovered the relic, a small group of the foul Hrud materialized in the Marines midst. The temporal fields of the Hrud jarred violently with that of the relic, causing a massive temporal explosion. To Apothecary Kul’tor, the only Marine on the outside of the temporal explosion, it was but an instant. To the 14 trapped inside, it was an eternity of bloody struggle. As the flash of light that accompanied the temporal explosion dissipated, the landscape before Kul’tor had changed dramatically. Once dominated by Ork scrap yards and hovels, now there was only weathered rock and desert. In the epicenter of the blast, two Marines remained. Brother Varn, who’s body had somehow been revert back to its novitiate form, and Watch Captain Tarentus. Tarentus’s body was ravaged by time. His MkVIII crumbled to the touch. His skin peeled away from the bone. Multiple limbs were missing or crushed beyond recognition. But in his eyes burned the fires of unrestrained hatred. He would not fall. Quick action by the apothecary Kul’tor continued Tarentus existence. The elder brothers of the Keep, deeming his duty done, vowed to return Tarentus body back to the Ultramarines. As the procession arrived on Ultramar, they were greeted by none other then Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines, and an Honour Guard of 1st Company Veterans. Standing above the silent form of a dormant Leviathan Drednaught, Marneus declared to all “Only in death does Duty end”. And so it was that Tarentus was entombed within a Relic of old. Bound by sworn Oaths of old to serve. Slaughtering the xeno threats of mankind until the day his soul is burned out. Spyros 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5334321 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr4Minutes Posted June 19, 2019 Share Posted June 19, 2019 I, Mr4Minutes, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX, and shall continue my pledge on the side of the DeathWatch. For my second vow, I vow to complete the following: a Watch Captain with Jump Pack, equipped with a Master Crafted Boltgun and a Relic Blade; one Intercessor Fortis Kill Team containing: 1 Sergeant with a Bolt Rifle and Chainsword, 4 Intercessors with Bolt Rifles, and a Hellblaster with Plasma Incinerator, and 1 Veteran Kill Team containing: 1 Sergeant with Storm Bolter and Power Sword, 2 Veterans with Storm Bolter and Storm Shield, 1 Veteran with Plasma Pistol and Power Sword, and 1 Veteran with a Heavy Bolter, for a total value of 339 points, on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_14468/med_gallery_105520_14468_488738.jpeg http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_14468/med_gallery_105520_14468_97092.jpeg http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_14468/med_gallery_105520_14468_320134.jpeg So this is another vow on the smaller side points wise, but my paint time can disappear quickly and I will not fail my vows this year. I’ve got a little surprise in there that some of you may notice. I was looking for a fifth veteran(I’m out of DeathWatch vet kits...) and I found this guy looking to get in on the action. There’s probably good fluff reasons as to why a Grey Knight would never be posted to the Watch, but I’ve got a good reason to why he is. Captain Semper 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5334348 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RikuEru Posted June 20, 2019 Share Posted June 20, 2019 The Rout has no skald present to recount the sagas of old and new tales of valor. I will stand for the Sons of Russ in this darkened hour and bring forth the glory of the Allfather. Ha! Can't you run into this battle alone, can I!? I will also add my vow to the Mark of the Liber, to earn myself the Custos Veritas and tell the first official Imperial Records of the Wolves of Skógr Primaris Chapter. "Kingseekers, we are here... spread out and assess the field... I feel like this will be a fierce fight!" - Wolf Lord Gøran Stjarnasok I, RikuEru, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Space Wolves and vow to complete this contingent of the Wolves of Skógr of total value 779 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end! My Contingent consists of the following: Primaris Wolf Lord with Mastercrafted Boltrifle and Power Sword - (86 points) Wolf Guard Battle Leader with Powerfist (Chainfist as Counts-as) - (69 points) Wolf Guard Battle Leader with Poweraxe - (65 points) Wolf Guard Battle Leader with Thunder Hammer - (81 points) Wolf Guard Battle Leader with Power Sword - (64 points) Wolf Guard Battle Leader with Chainsword - (60 points) 5 Intercessors (85 points) 3 Aggressors with Boltstorm-Gauntlets and Grenade-Launchers - (111 points) 1 Redemptor Dreadnought with Macro Plasma Incinerator, Fragstorm Grenade Launchers, Redemptor Fist and Heavy Flamer - (158 points) More Pictures in the Gallery Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5334415 Share on other sites More sharing options...
StruManChu Posted June 21, 2019 Share Posted June 21, 2019 Can't help but notice that no one's repping the Age of Darkness yet. That just won't do. Not at all. Vow is somewhat large, so hidden by... I StruManChu rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Loyalists in the Age of Darkness and vow to complete -+ HQ +Chaplain [140pts]:Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Plasma Pistol, Refractor Field, Power AxeVigilator [145pts]:Artificer Armour, Bolter, Legatine Axe, Melta Bombs, Plasma Pistol, Refractor Field+ Elites +Apothecarion Detachment [65pts]. Apothecary, Legion:Augury Scanner & Jump PackVeteran Tactical Squad, Legion [230pts]:10 x Veteran Space Marines with Bolters, Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Melta Bombs- Veteran Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power FistVeteran Tactical Squad, Legion [230pts]:10 x Veteran Space Marines with Bolters, Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Melta Bombs- Veteran Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power FistVeteran Tactical Squad, Legion [215pts]:10 x Veteran Space Marines with Bolters, Vexilla, Nuncio-Vox, Melta Bombs- Veteran Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Combi-weapon: Plasma gunDestroyer Squad, Legion [470pts]:10 x Destroyers with Jump Packs, Melta Bombs, 2 x Missile Launchers with Rad Missiles & Psyk-out Missiles- Destroyer Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Thunder Hammer, 3 x Phosphex Bombs+ Fast Attack +Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron, Legion [75pts]. Javelin Attack Speeder with Multi-melta, Twin-linked LascannonOutrider Squad, Legion [225pts]:3 x Space Marine Outriders Twin-linked Plasma guns. Melta Bombs. 1 x Power Sword1 Outrider Sergeant: Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs, Power Fist+ Heavy Support +Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought [275pts]:Aiolos Missile Launcher, Armoured Ceramite, Single twin-linked Hellfire Plasma Cannonade, Twin-linked Heavy FlamerHeavy Support Squad, Legion Missile Launcher [175pts]:5 x Legion Space Marines with Missile Launchers. Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Augury ScannerHeavy Support Squad, Legion Volkite Culverin [200pts]:5 x Legion Space Marines with Volkite Culverins. Sergeant, Legion: Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner... with a total value of 2,445 points on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. This vow makes up part of the army I need for a narrative event/tournament at the end of August, and as it's a narrative event I'd kind of decided to write some backstory/fluff pieces for the characters, and this has pushed me over the edge. Will post the relevant bits when I've completed my vow, hopefully some time in the next couple of weeks. Darnok and Mr4Minutes 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5335008 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeRome90 Posted June 21, 2019 Share Posted June 21, 2019 I definitely enjoyed DeRome90's story about the Fallen - I honestly didn't even figure out it was about the Fallen until near the end, and had to go back and read it again with that knowledge in my brain so I could properly appreciate it. :lol:@Ace: Thx, that was my plan Grand Master Belial 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5335088 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChazSexington Posted June 25, 2019 Share Posted June 25, 2019 Here's my vow! http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356302-chaos-space-marines-outpost/?p=5325088 I'll write up a short story for the CSMs and Greater Possessed, does that work for this event? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5337077 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted June 26, 2019 Share Posted June 26, 2019 Well, I was hoping to get in for the first week, but assembly(+GS work) and getting a pic took a bit longer than I'd planned! I, Lysimachus, rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Black Hammers Renegade Chapter and to the glory of Malal* and vow to complete a unit of 5 Chaos Terminators of total value 214pts on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. *Maybe my completed vows should count against the Forum total??? :P Pic: WIP thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356497-black-hammers-renegades/ Been meaning to sign up for this for weeks!!! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5337747 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spyros Posted June 27, 2019 Share Posted June 27, 2019 I 've already completed my 1st vow for ETL. Can I use it for Liber? I had an idea I could use, based on the vow's models. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5338137 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted June 27, 2019 Share Posted June 27, 2019 :yes: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5338159 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spyros Posted June 27, 2019 Share Posted June 27, 2019 I 've never tried before to write a story, but I think I can handle at least a small one. Besides, the Blood Angels are famous for their Librarius... I Spyros rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX on the side of the Blood Angels and vow to complete 3 characters of total value 224 on or before September 1st, 2019. Success will bring me eternal glory and failure will doom me to wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until the year-end. 1) Lieutenant with Jump pack, plasma pistol & power fist - 922) Lieutenant with combi-plasma & chainsword - 713) Techmarine with boltgun, power axe & servo-harness - 61 Unknown available time, so... starting with something modest and way overdue. Kit-bashed lieutenants from GBBO and one of the old ones, a metal techmarine! These three probably represent the last original astartes characters that I 'm going to paint, meaning that the possible following vows will be primaris astartes! http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356287-blood-angels-outpost/?p=5324644 As I wrote earlier, these three vowed characters probably represent the last original Astartes characters that I'll paint. Fittingly, it coincides with the events of the Devastation of Baal and the arrival of Guilliman's Indomitus Crusade... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/2/#findComment-5338191 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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