Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted September 1, 2019 Share Posted September 1, 2019 ETL 2019 final vow completion: It was early in the day cycle when the Kani’s Wrath arrived at the Archive World. It had no name save thus, and was mostly forgotten in the day-to-day operations of the dynasty. The Cataloguer, the chronomancer who ruled it, kept to himself and was only recently revivified following a Krork invasion, which had only been beaten back by a coalition of 3 different dynasties and a rampaging C’Tan. A few primitive Wildboyz wandered the wastes of the former hive world, Krork being impossible to wipe out as always, but kill-squads of wraiths patrolled in search of them, to ensure that they did not have a leader to band together around to have a chance of posing a threat. Kani and Chronozak teleported down to the surface alone, save a single Heavy Destroyer—formerly of Chronozak’s house—brought along just in case the remnants of the Krork had managed to evade the kill-squads and cobble together some sort of group. They wandered for a while, taking in the arid wastes and cold beauty of the early morning sun. Though both had long since lost the ability to feel such petty emotions, there was a certain satisfaction in watching the laws of the universe play out untouched by anyone save the cosmos itself. They soon noticed a line of scarabs trailing away. Chronozak noted it and beckoned for his charge to follow, and the three of them began to follow the small Canoptek beasts. An hour’s walk later, they saw in the distance a rising gate, erected as an outlying entrance after the previous invasion had seized all ways in and out. The Cataloguer stood in between the twin-pronged gateway, waiting. The sun gleamed across his bronze-tinged frame, the Necrodermis here infused with minerals in the dunes by 60 million years of osmosis and stasis. As they approached he shimmered inside the field emitted by his Chronometron, weirdly reminiscent of the mirages on the desert sands. He inclined his head, and spoke. “Heiress. Vargard. You are expected.” “My father spoke to you?” Kani asked, mildly puzzled. “I am a chronomancer, dear. Just because I focus on the past does not mean I cannot see the future.” Kani growled, but kept otherwise silent. “I know what he seeks. Follow me.” And with that, he turned and entered the gate. Inside the Cataloguer’s domain, they walked for what felt like hours. Along the way were many uriosities, displays, and weapons, all of which surely would be useful in the coming wars. The Cataloguer, however, walked right past each and every one. Even the holding cell for the C’Tan shard was passed without a second glance. Instead, they were led to a celestial array room, the door unassuming save its size. “This,” spoke the cryptek, “is what the Sunderer sent you here for.” “This,” spat Kani in annoyance, “is an observatory.” “It is more than that.” The Cataloguer waved his arm, and the door shimmered away into nothingness. What awaited them was something neither had seen in aeons, even before the Great Sleep. “That...that is a Seraptek!” Chronozak muttered somewhat fearfully. The sheer firepower it possessed was enough to give anything pause. The Cataloguer snorted in a mockery of a smirk. "This one is called Stargazer. It never looks anywhere but one specific spot in the sky, unless it's in battle. I don't know the coordinates, nor what would be there. All I foresaw was this one rampaging alongside the Phaeron. Enough for me to be ready for you." Kani recovered first. "You are most helpful, Cataloguer. We shall take him and be on our way." She moved to go closer to the construct, marveling at its engineering. The wizened old Cryptek fixed her with a harsh look. "You will be careful with him. And you will be careful with yourself and your father. I have seen more, more than I can or should tell you. You must be ready." Chronozak drew his blade faster than the flap of an insect's wings. "And what do you mean by that, fateseer? Is some harm to befall my master?""You know I cannot answer that," the Cataloguer muttered mournfully. "It has been catalogued in the strands of time. Begone now, and tell your Phaeron that the Cataloguer stands to do whatever is required." "What is required--" began Chronozak, before a flash of sand-tinged red engulfed him, Kani, the Heavy Destroyer, and Stargazer, delivering them to the Scythe class cruiser in orbit. "What is required," whispered the Cataloguer, heard only by the scarabs that flowed throughout the tomb, "is for Kani to become Phaerekh, in due time. Not yet, but soon. And she shall be glad for what she has claimed this day." And with that he faded into the shadows, off to transcribe this momentous occasion in the history of the Naculan dynasty, as was his duty. Spyros, Mr4Minutes and NovemberIX 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5379129 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted September 1, 2019 Share Posted September 1, 2019 (edited) Okay so a sick Kid (and a whole lot of procrastination) means I wont get this done in time. Despite being an aspiring author I find it all but impossible to sit and write anymore. Its been so long since I took up the auto quill. I do intend on honouring my vow to this challenge and the Liber. Its going to be a late. At least I got the models painted. Those points I dedicate to the glory of the Liber. I am having a bit of a hobby refresh and hopefully I can come back better and more dedicated then ever before. Awesome work from the rest of you crowd. Its been great reading and I look forward to seeing more from all of you in the future. Edited September 1, 2019 by Brother Argent Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5379197 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Filkarion Posted September 1, 2019 Share Posted September 1, 2019 (edited) my Vows are complete (second vow was 20 hormagants and 15 spore mines) here is my story, based on the first vow, especially the Kellermorph sorry for bad english, "it'sa me, Mario" +++ One of the suns was rising, the other setting; perfect time for a duel. Trinità walked in the sun, his coat forming small clouds of dust from the hot surface of Everday. The planet, named from the two suns that made night a legend on the frontier world, was so hot in most of its areas that only thanks to three giant planetary cooling systems, called the Aeros Engines, it was able to support human life. Access to the secret control room of one of the of those was a prized treasure. A treasure that, as everyone known by now, Trinità possessed. As usually he was singing. He was very found of singing, especially when none could hear him but himself. “Just like an old man, I play my lonely song Just like an old man, I play to get along “ He liked the tune, even if he did not know all the song, just picked up from some archeo-device that turned out to be some kind of music making machine. It was very strange what kind of things survive the passage of eons. Great kings were forgotten, while insignificant tunes echo in the years to come. He wandered what would remain of this world after the reaping... probably not much. “I know you would have come alone, you have a strong reputation of a lone duelist” The voice came from a rock. Actually, from a face floating over a rock, the rest of the stranger hidden by the awesome power of the camaleoline. He was probably standing on the rock, completely covered by a state-of-the-art stealth cloak. Trinità was amazed by how small the air distortions that could reveal the presence of it's owner were. “Moi j'avais mon style, toi t'avais ton style...” Trinità continued to sing. The face continued to talk “I know your type, Trinità: the outcast three armed mutant the duels his way to the status of legend, then tried to win the people support by lowering the temperature of his planet to make the life of everyone better. But you should know well that the mining of the Vorkum 3-16 salt is impossible if not in this arid climate.” Trinità smiled “So? All I care about is the well being of this world inhabitants, so they can be happy and prosper. Would not it be better if everything around here...” he pointed his three hands all around him “...was green and full of life?”. “Not for the Imperium” Replied the other ”and I am its response.” Then he raised, way taller that any man, revealing his blue Phobos Armor. Trinità looked unimpressed between his gold framed glasses with mirror lens. “Well, I had the impression you knew me enough to understand that none can best me in a duel, not even the likes of you” “But this is not a duel” said the Primaris. Five figures emerged from nowhere, high precision weapons with the power to stop a vehicle pointed at him. “Well, this changes everything“ Trinità replied, smiling nervosly and rising his three arms. “Give us the location and access codes to the Aeros Engine's control room and you may end this Suns-Cycle with your life, mutant scum.” The ultimatum was given with the tone of someone used to this situation. He was a pro in his job, a veteran of this kind of missions. “Gladly!” the Kellermorph replid “Even if I know you will shoot me the moment next. But Unfortunately I know nothing about it; you should have asked to my Engineers-Borthers in the Cult of Scientific Truth. You know, the ones with actual experimental knowledge of old technology. Also, please, no more 'mutant scum'...Xeno is the right therm” The Primaris opened his eyes wide, shouting in his integrated comm-link “Down him! Our suspects are confirmed, T – 27, T – 27, Down him now!” Trinità savored that moment, as the Ultramarine Sergeant ordered him death, but did not raised his own weapons, trusting in the guns of his 'brothers'. Arrogant fool. Then the dance began. He always perceived things in slow motion when bullets were flying amd as always in these occasions started to sing to himself. “We are the dusty men We are the dusty men Like an old time, like an old time like an old time song” He pivoted, intentionally rising a cloud of dust with his coat, guns blazing. Dodging the first shots was easy, because they where perfectly aimed for the spot in which he was a moment before, but he knew he could not do that for more that a few seconds more. But he did not have to. He has a strong reputation of a lone duelist. It was worth working hard to earn it even only for this instant. The first Sanctus shoot down one of the marines just as he was ready to fire the second shot. The other cult sniper only managed to distract another one, but that was good enough. The Primus himself coordinated the rest of the attack. The squad of primaris marine fought very well and were vastly superior for training, equipment and sheer power, but unfortunately for them, unprepared. For instance they knew to be in an ambush, but not on which side. The sergeant realized fast that everything was a trap. And that he could not do anything, anymore, but one thing. “At least I will take your...” he managed to say before three bullets impacted on his hand as he was trying to reach for his weapon. Trinità smiled and closes reach with his enemy, still shooting, aiming for the junctures of his armor, He could easily go for the head but he did not want to kill his enemy. Besides, a superhuman soldier power was great, but this was a duel now, and none could beat him in a duel. The primaris fell to the ground, bleeding. His armor has saved him from the worst injuries, but he was incapacitated now. “Fools, the tyranids will only eat you least.” Trinità smiled, putting one of his foot on him, all the guns still pointed at his enemy. “We Know. We are not ignorant as you think we are. Those who will have the strength and will to go for another game will go to other worlds to spread the cult, as I myself have done few times already. Others will join our family in the hive... eventually we all die, as everything else... But our bodies and our genes will reach the Hive, and we will be immortal there. We have proofs.” “But your soul...” managed the Primaris. “Soul?” Trinità laughed heartily “Do not tell me you believe in something like that! How our echo in the Warp can be more 'us' that what projects it? And if so, how can anyone wish to be in the hands of demons or spend eternity within an undead psiker that barely managed to remain alive? What when he dies? No, you will see it, as you can keep your soul, but everything else of you is ours now, Brother” Edited September 1, 2019 by Filkarion Machine God, Mr4Minutes, Spyros and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5379329 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted September 1, 2019 Share Posted September 1, 2019 This is all fantastic stuff, brothers. To think, a thousand stories like these take place in the Imperium every single day. Battles fought, preparations made, the history of a world and its' people, waiting to be scribed. Tales of judgement, mistrust, new beginnings and old grudges alike, from Holy Terra itself to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. All these stories, war on an apocalyptic scale were the entire galaxy not ablaze with conflict; instead consigned to be nothing more than obscure details as the most infamous in the galaxy act to reshape it in their image.I reckon we've all done the Liber proud here by shedding a little light on some of these tales. Machine God and Mr4Minutes 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5379683 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spyros Posted September 2, 2019 Share Posted September 2, 2019 I 'm in the happy position to declare my ETL7 vows complete: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356287-blood-angels-outpost/?p=5323418 My vow inspired story is here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/?p=5338720 Well done all! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5379828 Share on other sites More sharing options...
StruManChu Posted September 4, 2019 Share Posted September 4, 2019 Completely forgot to post it here, but my story turned into a handful of vignettes for a 30k Narrative Event I played at over the weekend. It's a PDF though, and I've got no idea how to get that uploaded here, so for now - a Dropbox link! https://www.dropbox.com/s/hj9ikvl4cpw5gzf/To%20Wield%20a%20Broken%20Blade%20-%20Ultramarines%20at%20Cortona.pdf?dl=0 Would love any feedback, but in any case, congrats to all! I love the ETL, especially when we win! :D Spyros 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5381543 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aqui Posted September 4, 2019 Share Posted September 4, 2019 I'm surprised no one made any comment on the very obvious reference to a line from Transformers: the Movie in mine :lol: Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5381676 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted September 4, 2019 Share Posted September 4, 2019 I'm surprised no one made any comment on the very obvious reference to a line from Transformers: the Movie in mine You misspelled "I fulfilled the expected quota of Transformers quotes". Captain Semper and Aqui 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5381802 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Machine God Posted September 4, 2019 Share Posted September 4, 2019 I'm surprised no one made any comment on the very obvious reference to a line from Transformers: the Movie in mine :lol: @Aqui - Ah but you didn't fulfil your vow so the points pledged to the Liber are forfeit. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5382036 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted September 5, 2019 Share Posted September 5, 2019 +++THE MARK OF THE LIBER IS OFFICIALLY OVER+++ Well this was an interesting experiment and dare I say a successful one! For the first time the ETL and the Liber were tied together in an Inner Circle-sponsored event that combined the story-telling and the miniature painting creating an immersing experience that we all love to share! And I have to tell you that I was pleasantly surprised to see 23 Frater getting involved and 16 of them actually contributing a story. A number of you even contributed more than one - or many instalments of one! Now on the points' front, the Liber pledged a total amount of 26,480pts (!) and and completed 19,637pts, thus achieving a very respectable Completion Rate of 74.2%! This places the Liber in a hypothetical 7th position overall - beating all the IFOR and all the Xenos forums as well as the SWs! Wow! Now all that completed their vows are eligible to wear the Custos Veritas - the equivalent of the Custos Fidei but a Liber version of it. And although it means exactly the same thing as the Custos Fidei (i.e. that you completed all the vows you pledged), I encourage you to wear the Liber version as to enhance awareness of the event and hopefully making it even stronger next year! So the list of those from the Liber that completed their vows in their respective forums are (alphabetically): Ace DebonairBrother ArgentChazSexingtonDaimyo-Phaeron Lenoch DracosFilkarion Gederas Grand Master BelialLysimachusMachine GodMr4Minutes NovemberIXQuantumRikuEruSpyrosStruManChutoaae And now that the points are out of the way, let's see who's eligible for the fable and mystic Sigil of the Liber ETL VII. All who see their name below are eligible to wear the Sigil in the signature in addition to any other ETL badges. My sincerest congratulations! Ace DebonairAquiBrother ArgentDaimyo-Phaeron Lenoch DeRome90Filkarion Gederas Grand Master BelialMachine GodMr4Minutes NovemberIXQuantumRikuEruSpyrosStruManChu Now it is my intention to sit down with the assistance of the Inner Circle's Master of the Lore and try to put the stories in a single document along with the pics of your vows in the relevant passages and make a small digital booklet of it that will be available in the Liber resources for all to see and for you to keep as a memento! I will try and do this ASAP but I cannot guarantee a specific date... And at this point the event is complete. I sure hope we do this again next year with even higher participation! If you enjoyed writing about your ETL vows, spread the word and raise awareness of the event - the more involved in this next year, the merrier! Captain Semper Member of the Inner Circle The Master of Recruits Machine God, Spyros, RikuEru and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5382479 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted September 5, 2019 Share Posted September 5, 2019 Well, I dunno if this'll be included, as I didn't really think it was part of a vow, but I wrote a small ending piece.... The Phaeron of the Naculan, Sarnakh the Sunderer, was sitting in deep comtemplation upon his throne. His daughter and his Vargard had returned from the Archive World with the Seraptek Stargazer, as the chronomancer he kept in his court had predicted. Upon their return, he had, with his Vargard's permission, reviewed the bodyguard's memory core as was custom. What he had found was...disturbing. The Cataloguer was right to be cryptic, for time travel and prophecy were fickle things, even for a species as advanced as the Necrontyr. More reflection, however, would have to wait--three strikes on the floor announced a new arrival. "An emissary of Captain Semper, Member of the Inner Circle, and Master of Recruits, member of the Great Forum, and Lord of the E Tenebrae Lux," intoned the Lychguard who was his master-at-arms. The call echoed throughout the hall, and the Phaeron stood to his full, terrible height. "Approach the throne, ye who seek our attention." A lone Space Marine, clad in dark green, a sigil of a winged sword upon his shoulder, stepped into the hall and strode forth as commanded. If he was afraid, he hid it well, mused the Phaeron, though he supposed the helm he wore aided in the endeavor. A single strip of white cloth served as a flag of parley, affixed to the Marine's shoulderpad by twin seals, one red, one silver, marking his status from his Imperium and guaranteeing him safe passage as deemed by the Triarch, who marched in behind him. He was unarmed, and bore only a scroll. He stopped at the bottom of the steps that led to the throne, and inclined his head a bare fraction. The Sunderer did the same, though he moved less than the Marine did. The emissary unrolled the scroll and spoke in a booming, vox-enhanced growl. "The Master of Recruits wishes to... extend his congratulations...on your victories in the great E Tenebrae Lux. May you see great success in the future." The scroll snapped shut in disgust, if an inanimate object could display such emotion, and the Marine once more nodded minutely, tensed as if to leave. "We of the Naculan extend our thanks to the Captain for such news, and to you for bearing it to us. You will tell him that we will continue to pursue such success in the future."Even through the helm and what he was sure were sealed lips, the Phaeron could hear the teeth in the Marine's jaw grinding. On occasion such as this, he was glad to be free of such pettiness. "It will be done." "Then you may go. Praetorians, escort him to his craft and see him returned to his Imperium." Zanir and Zephir nodded crisply, then gently but irresistibly turned the Marine around and escorted him out of the throne room. The Phaeron beckoned Rezon closer with a claw. She came as indicated. "Praetorian, do you have any idea what he was prattling on about?""Only vaguely, Phaeron. It shall be investigated further." He nodded curtly. "Excellent." "However. I do have news of my own, Phaeron." She leaned in such that it would be the barest of whispers. "The Silent King and the Triarch wish to thank you for your efforts in this time of need, Phaeron. The Imperium continues its buildup, but the xenos threats have been contained for now. The T'au, the Krork, the Devourer, even the hated Aeldari have been vanquished for a time. You are to be commended." She drew back once finished, and the Sunderer thought. "Your news is most welcome, Praetorian," he said. "You will convey to the Triarch my thanks for the news." "Of course, Phaeron." She saluted, voidblade to her neck, and left the Phaeron to his contemplation. Once more, a huge thank you to Captain Semper for another great event! I did not realize this was getting scored, as I figured this was just a continuation of last year, in which I vowed for the Liber last year as well. Looking forward to doing this again next year, and after some sig rearranging will be including them as well! D-P L Spyros, Machine God and Captain Semper 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5382487 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted September 5, 2019 Share Posted September 5, 2019 It will be, have no fear Phaeron! :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5382489 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted September 5, 2019 Share Posted September 5, 2019 I have left fear far behind me. Your words are, however, appreciated. /end incharacter Cheers, Cap. Many thanks! Captain Semper 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5382506 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted September 5, 2019 Share Posted September 5, 2019 (edited) =-= Epilogue: No Rest for the Restless =-= Acemund awoke with a start, sitting up and drawing his combat knife from its' sheath on the table beside his bed in a single, lightning-fast movement, his eyes flicking back and forth in the near-perfect darkness of his sleeping chamber. After a tense moment, Ace let out a sigh and relaxed. Nothing. It was nothing. Or was it? He could hear Haydram and Irian snoring in the next chamber. Mischa's rhythmic breathing indicated that she too was asleep, or close to it.So whose voice had he heard just now, in the final second before awakening? Who had whispered so softly that his death drew ever-closer, day by day?It was a fool's question, Ace realised. Idarileth haunted him. She'd not forgotten Cironus either, nor forgiven it.As Ace shifted his weight, his eye was drawn to the medallion he had been gifted by the Dark Angels earlier that day. The words "Custos Veritas" were engraved upon it, barely visible in the darkness. It was a fine gift, but not as useful as the data-slate that had also been gifted to him. This slate contained information on encounters the Dark Angels had endured with Dark Eldar, detailing what tactics had worked to thwart the vile xenos. Ace had read it a dozen times already. Returning his knife to its' sheath, Ace ran a hand across the medal again, casting his mind back to the moment the green-robed serf had proffered it to him on behalf of the Lion's sons.The Mark of the Liber, the serf had called it. A fine name.It was almost enough to drive Idarileth from his thoughts - but they were bound by a mutual, burning hatred. They would meet again. It was inevitable. The Storyteller's Revenge was not enough for him. He needed a victory, a solid, tangible victory of his own over the Kabal of the Shattered World. Over Idarileth and Mephirion, the black-hearted curs who had murdered his brothers. The Archon hadn't even shown any recognition that Ace had survived the attack - but when he found his second-in-command dead and destroyed, then he'd have to seek battle with the Hawk of Talhon. And I'm not just a green-behind-the-ears-sergeant anymore, Ace thought to himself. I've got more tricks up my sleeves than just my arms these days... And to think, Idarileth was hunting him, too. He wouldn't even have to postpone his duty to the Legio to get his revenge. Ace closed his eyes and lay back with another sigh. It did not do to dwell overmuch on the inevitable. There was work to do on the morrow. There was always more work - such was the way of the Liber Astartes.In the grim darkness of the next morning, there would be only work, Ace thought to himself as he started to drift back off to sleep. It was almost a good opening for a saga, but it was lacking a certain something... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I had no idea there were prizes for this event! The Liber as a whole pulled some serious weight this year in the ETL, and I for one am very proud of us all for doing so. We can't let the Big Names have all of the fun, after all! Many thanks both to Captain Semper and Grand Master Belial for organising and running this event - it's been a blast! EDIT: Left out some stuff. It's all in there now! Edited September 6, 2019 by Ace Debonair Machine God, RikuEru and Captain Semper 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5382558 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr4Minutes Posted September 6, 2019 Share Posted September 6, 2019 My thanks and cheers to both Captain Semper and the Grand Master Belial. It was a lot of fun writing up some stories and reading what the others here have created. I look forward to reading them all again once the Inner Circle has vetted them for heresy. RikuEru and Captain Semper 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5382642 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RikuEru Posted September 6, 2019 Share Posted September 6, 2019 I can only repeat what others have said! Thank you Grand Master Belial und Captain Semper! The Liber Challenge was hugely motivating, because in a way I could already dtart working on my ETL stuff on the train back home from work - and motivate myself for painting at home later on. I would assume it was much the same for others here and I would highly appreciate a repetition of this during the next ETL. ...and I will surely recommend participating in it to others - wouldn't it be fun to challenge the larger, more homogenous sub-forums with our vows declared for the Liber? Minor note: Didn't realize I'd get another badge... let alone 2! I never got the appeal of Achievements in Games, but Forum Badges!? Heck yes! Liber Champions represent! Spyros and Captain Semper 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5382684 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted September 6, 2019 Share Posted September 6, 2019 Hey Semp. I don't consider my random bit of fiction when I made my vow as my entry. I personally feel I failed. I do have a bit I wrote but I am unhappy with it. I fully intend on making up for said failure and am working on it as we speak. Is the first badge for those who completed the painting bit but not the fiction? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5382744 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quantum Posted September 6, 2019 Share Posted September 6, 2019 ...so, how do I add all those badges to my signature? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5383021 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted September 6, 2019 Share Posted September 6, 2019 Copy the badge by right-clicking, go to your profile, click on “edit my profile” at the upper right of your screen, then go the “e for the vertical menu on the left hand side of the screen. Then paste it. :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5383096 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted September 6, 2019 Share Posted September 6, 2019 Hey Semp. I don't consider my random bit of fiction when I made my vow as my entry. I personally feel I failed. I do have a bit I wrote but I am unhappy with it. I fully intend on making up for said failure and am working on it as we speak. Is the first badge for those who completed the painting bit but not the fiction? Well, if you finish the story soon, I’ll accept it! :) And yes, Veritas Fidei is the equivalent of the Custos Fidei - they are virtually interchangeable, they mean the same thing, only in the case of the Veritas it also shows that you pledged for the Liber too... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5383102 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted September 15, 2019 Share Posted September 15, 2019 OK Liberites, here's the amalgamation of all the stories of ETL VII! Stru, your's is an independent file! Spyros 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5389381 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grand Master Belial Posted September 16, 2019 Author Share Posted September 16, 2019 Thanks for closing this up for me Captain Semper. My professional life threw me a wicked curve ball that I am still dealing with. But on to my own closing... The bodies of scribes were still being dragged from the hall where they fell over documenting the stories of heroes and villains across the galaxy. The servo skulls continue to spit out reports long after the bell has tolled and the doors of the ETL have closed. The Moderati of the the Liber stood before the tome prepared for them on the 20th Anniversary of the Bolter and Chainsword. The Dark Angel in their midst stood mute as they looked through the page, even the pages that they themselves had written. "There has been much that has been learned during this event. The Sons of the Lion continue to perform some great work for the Legio B&C and even proved to be a worthy combatant in the ETL showing their famed resolved up until the end only to fall short to their Predecessors of the Age of Darkness. Within the halls of the Liber, there stood a different battle. A battle within the mind of the warrior to craft stories of their deeds and to let them be known throughout the galaxy that these heroes have stood and that their efforts were not in vain. These conflicts were with the writers themselves and they did not disappoint as they have not failed in years past. Go forth Dark Angel and leave this place, but know that you will be called upon in the future to once again stir the frater to describe the deeds of their warriors and the battles and victories in which they have taken part." A special thanks to Captain Semper for continuing to run such a monumental event and a very special thanks to all of those that participated in this event. Nearly all of the forums were represented by a participant in this event and the quality and length of the stories continue to be phenomenal with some being veritable novels in their own right. Everyone that submitted a story should be commended and held in high esteem within these halls and beyond. Captain Semper has already provided the link to your rewards but bear your MARKS OF THE LIBER with Pride! You have duly earned them. With this I will return to the obscurity common to those of my chapter and look forward to seeing you all again in the future writing the victories and battles of your chosen warriors of the Warhammer universe. Captain Semper 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5389669 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted September 16, 2019 Share Posted September 16, 2019 Thank you GMB! It seems I left out Phaeron's and Ace's epilogues and now GMB also provided one, so I will be editing the document and re-uploading today. I also edited the first page to have the names in alphabetical order for ease of access... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5389714 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted September 17, 2019 Share Posted September 17, 2019 Alright everybody, I did an update to include all the Epilogues that came after the end of the event and a fantastic new cover provided by Grotsmasha! :) You may find the download here: ETL VII - THE MARK OF THE LIBER Enjoy! :) Spyros and Grand Master Belial 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/356323-the-mark-of-the-liber-an-etl-vii-story/page/4/#findComment-5390931 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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