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=] The Boxing Day Bash 2019 [=


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Biggest issue for me is I work from 2-8:30PM tomorrow.... But, I'll do my best!

I, Gederas, accept The Boxing Day Challenge and vow to Build, Paint, and Base Tech-Priest Grombrindal for the honour of the Dark Angels within the 24hrs time limit.





Edit: Grotsmasha, was that a 32mm or 40mm Sector Mechanicus Base you used?


...Oh, lord, I've failed, haven't I? Didn't even occur to me until now that it had been more than 24 hours. Ah, well.

Time flies and all that.... still post the model if you finish it though, I'd like to see it :thumbsup:


It's just as well - I need Leadbelcher and don't have Leadbelcher. I'm getting Leadbelcher tomorrow.

Biggest issue for me is I work from 2-8:30PM tomorrow.... But, I'll do my best!


I, Gederas, accept The Boxing Day Challenge and vow to Build, Paint, and Base Tech-Priest Grombrindal for the honour of the Dark Angels within the 24hrs time limit.





Edit: Grotsmasha, was that a 32mm or 40mm Sector Mechanicus Base you used?

32mm, I wish I owned a 40mm, I may rebase him at a later date

I did not get any more painting time but I did get some better pictures in the week excuse of daylight that currently is outside.


Looking at it now I think I possibly should have done the gloves in a different colour just so they stand out a bit better from the rest of the cloth.

Good luck to all those still going in their 24 hours.

Chaeron, nice, is that read contrast over leadbealcher?

Thanks Trokair! Actually, it’s Retributor Armour before the red contrast - I’d looked up some examples and it appeared to give a more ‘candy’ result, and I think the only thing that would take that further might be a gloss shade or varnish, so something to bear in mind for any future models.


Some excellent completions everyone!

I probably won’t get my Razorback painted...the temp dropped 15 degrees on me overnight and now I’m far and away from the temp tolerance on my primer.

Hopefully I can still finish the build though, and get the initial magnetization done.


Well, here’s what I’ve got. One Razorback/Rhino with magnetized doors, and lots of gubbinz attached. The devastators are there to tell a story, and are not part of the vow, but I thought it would be a nice touch. Failure for me this year, I’m afraid. I (rightfully) blame the weather :P . It’s so unpredictable where I am.

Many thanks to Grot for putting this on once more!

Finished Tech Priest Grombrindal!



Terrible quality for me, but since I vowed at 10:26 last night, went to bed at 12AM and woke up at 10AM this morning and I work from 2-8:30, I had a grand total of five hours to paint him :lol:


Edit: Just noticed I forgot to paint the rim of the base. Whoops. It's been fixed, but I'm lazy :laugh.:


First of all, I would like to thank the 9 brave Frater who embarked on this Boxing Day challenge

with me, many of whom are returning from previous years.

We had an outstanding result with 8 out of 9 Frater managing to completing their Vows,

and bring honour to their Forums,

It was a close fought battle, but...

...the might of the Adepta Sororitas and Astra Miliaturm have secured the Victory.

Please join me in congratulating the

Forces of the Imperium Forums !!!!!!

Below we have the points/Forum breakdown, and everyone's Completion times,

Chaos - 6pts
Zephaniah Adriyen - Bloodletter Standard Bearer - Exceeded 24hrs

Codex: Space Marines - 5pts

Liber Astartes - 1pt

Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch - 1x Razorback - Model Built - 1pt

Raven Guard - 4pts
MajorNese - 3x Inceptors - Completed - 21hrs 15mins - 4pts

Dark Angels - 10pts

Gederas - Techpriest Grombrindal - Completed - 22hrs 45mins - 3pts

Grotsmasha - Techpriest Grombrindal and Servitor - Completed - 5hrs 57mins - 4pts
- Storm Lord Reiver - Completed - 2hrs 33mins
Lostrael - Grand Master Voldus - Completed - 23hrs 21mins - 3pts

Space Wolves - 3pts

Lieutenant Arkley - Storm Lord Lieutenant - Completed - 2hrs 34mins

Forces of the Imperium - 11pts

Adepta Sororitas - 7pts
Chaeron - 2x Battle Sisters - Completed - 2hrs 21ins- 4pts
Trokair - 1x Missionary/Preacher/Priest/Confessor - Completed - 15hrs 3mins - 3pts

Astra Militarum - 4pts
Chaoself - 2x Squats in Exo Armour - Completed - 20hrs 5mins- 4pts

...and now onto the Awarding of the Badges, if I've missed anyone, please let me know,

Maybe Next Year -

Zephaniah Adriyen

Completed -
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch



Lieutenant Arkley

Victory!!! -


Fastest -
Chaeron - 2hrs 21mins

Longest -
Lostrael 23hrs 21mins

Artificer -

Seriously -
MajorNese - for painting a whole squad

Looking forward to The Boxing Day Bash 2020, hoping to see you all there...


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