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Polities of the Unification Wars


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Could any of you fine gents point me to a complete list of all the polities at the start of the Unification Wars?


I'm thinking Hy-Brasil, Yndonnesic Bloc, Albion etc.


Have there been any fan efforts to map the world circa early Unification Wars?

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There's a list of polities on the 40k wiki , although it's not really 'filtered' - by which i mean, there's various double-ups due to different names, or speculated-to-be-different-names for the same places. 

I've previously done some thinking and historically-infused analysis of various Unification Wars developments, including part of the likely course of Unity expansion and points around particular real-world historic references for stuff that's turned up in the geopolitics of the period ... so I'll go grab some of those threads later. 

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This might be of interest/use - a frater had asked a question about the IVth Legion during the relevant time-period, and I uh .. did that thing I do with my responses, starting here. The basic thrust of it being taking points we're officially aware of around the Unification-era IVth and the Persian cultural/geographic base for them, and running from there. 

I did a .. much less in-depth rant upon certain aspects here; which goes further with other Bronze Age Awesome. 

There may also be some thoughts here, focusing upon the 'Xeric' and Unification-era XIXth. 

There's some other material that may be of use around hardware in-use, and also in shorter-thread here

Oh, also, in terms of inspiration, there's a few guys who've done some pretty legit efforts at fleshing out their own localized corners and interpretations of Unification. Other than the Vox Stellarum thread [which I should get back to] ... the Brother-Chaplain Kage & Hyaenidae thread is an absolute *must*, and features some very cool fluff pieces.[Hyaenidae also did a few others before he vanished, that are of relevancy]. The Observer has done several threads that are a bit of a pain to try and find, but absolutely worth the effort to do so, as well - I particularly like how he produced a thoughtful 'updating' of his own localized area to the era of Unity; and he puts quality effort into his conversions, needless to say, as well. EdT, both on here and on Ammobunker, has done some *seriously* cool concept-work and execution - beyond his miniatures, and enjoyable fluff-pieces (the Heresy-era kill teams thread is wonderful), he puts quality thought into the 'translation' of historical and religious concepts into his work; which I reference and mention because he was doing some bits and pieces around some small Central Asian/Western China Indo-European polities in his Unification thread awhile back that would be especially relevant to check out. 

There are, of course, a few other logs and efforts I'm certainly forgetting [this one's a rather interesting recent take], but that ought to provide you with a few avenues to look into. 


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