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Decided on Raptors for Indomitus practicing on Hellblasters


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Been in a hobby funk the last few weeks and even preordering Indomitus hadn’t got me out of it but today I decided to buck up and start practicing my painting again by starting on a couple of part built hellblasters. 

I’ve been furiously debating with myself what chapter to go with as I fancied something new with 9th and I was uhmming and ahhing over various chapters and whittled it down to in no particular order: Howling Griffons, Flesh Tearers, Blood Swords, Blood Angels or a homebrew before the Raptors caught my eye this week. In my club no one plays them as far as I know and everyone is going with either: Ultramarines, Black Templar’s, Dark Angels or Blood Angels. So I wanted something unique. Which brings me to today. My Badger Sotar 20/20 V arrived Monday and I wanted to test it out so I primed and basecoated 2 part built hellblasters and added a few layers and also a shade. And here’s the pics. I’m gonna try and get on with the rest of the parts for these two tomorrow and complete them. But yes I’m hooked on the Raptors right now. 

Basecoated with NATO Green - Vallejo model air



added a layer of Umbral brown - Vallejo model air



then ogryn Camo and Elysian green - citadel air (can’t remember the order I painted them or the pics)




then I added a 1 part Athonian camoshade to 3 parts lahmian medium shade all over the minis. 


Thats as far as I’ve got for now. 




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So in the Badab pt 1 from FW, it showed vet Sgts that had black stripes on their helmets or chests. (I’ll try to get some pics posted later from the book). LT’s didn’t exist at that time.


I know Luther/ the mighty brush added color stripes to his LT’s helmets and his captain also. Which look great.


Originally I was gonna paint all my veterans with black Stripe on their helmets or on their right shoulder pad but have not done it yet.


It all depends on your personal preference at the end.

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I like the idea of red. Was thinking yellow but red might look great. On a slightly sadder note I bent the needle on my airbrush today. Not a happy bunny. Ordered a replacement but it’s coming from the USA so not sure how long that’ll take. 

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First time I’ve experienced it but I will in future. Anyway today I painted a helmet and arms and plasma incinerator. I’ll upload pics tomorrow but that’s all I did. 

Oh and I ordered some decals from the mighty brush too. 

Edited by Axineton
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Got my new needle through for my sotar and I had trouble getting the airbrush to work. It kept just bubbling in the cup so I stripped it and put it in an ultrasonic cleaner for 10 mins with some dettol bathroom spray and then dried it off and reassembled it while adding a bit regdab lube to it and it’s working great now. 

Also my Indomitus boxes arrived. I may have gone overboard with 3 but at least I have a sizeable force to build and paint up.


getting the weekend out of the way and then want to crack on with finishing those 2 hellblasters then maybe assemble the rest before the new stuff. 

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