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The chapter champion is a thing in 9th edition?


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After seeing the codex, there is a hidden pearl that maybe you have not noticed, The Chapter Champion. It's a mere 15 points to upgrade the company champion, reaching 70 points for an elite choice, with 6 elite slots on a battallion, it's easy to find one for him.


Let us see some of the uses that you can have for such a bargain.

  1. The anchor: take it barebones and put him near your vehicles or your fire base, babysitting them against enemy assaults with the 6" heroic intervention and liberating your other characters from that task.
  2. The forlorn fury booster: use the hero of the chapter stratagem and give him martial exemplar warlord trait and quake bolts, put him in a droppod with 9 death company marines and take another 10 with jumpack, if you get first turn, with forlorn fury you can have 19 death company marines charging the enemy lines turn one, rerolling the charge, and if you hit with the quake bolts with +1 to hit against one unit.
  3. The supreme duellist: make the chapter champion your warlord, and use the angel exemplar stratagem, take the Champion of humanity warlord trait, and gift of foresight as your secondary. What does he do now?
  • He can heroically intervene 6".
  • if he is near an enemy character he can strike first always, as if he had speed of the primarch.
  • He gets +1 to hit and wound against characters.
  • He gets an additional attack. Whooping 7 attacks on the charge.
  • He rerolls 1 attack roll, 1 wound roll and 1 save roll per turn.
  • -1 to hit in melee.

Pros: heavy hitter and excellent character hunter with some relics that make him sacry as hell, like shield eternal or the blade of triumph. Drawbacks: he can not take a jumpack unless legends options are available.


What are your feelings about him? Awaiting your ideas and feedback.

Edited by Lathspell
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I like the changes to the Champion and definitely want to use the chapter champion. My biggest beef is that he's not Primaris and has no access to a jump pack so he needs a ride and my lists now don't include transportation for mini-marines. My Death Company and Sang Guard have their own jump packs and I use Impulsors for my Primaris infantry. I have a use for the Champion, but as good as he is, he isn't he good enough to build an entire list around (which is what you have to do if you use him). I hold hope that someday we get a Primaris Champion who can catch a ride with my Bladeguard.
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He is a pretty good character for an aggressive melee force. In fact I would say he works better in a BA list than the more popular Judiciar (who works better as a deterrent/counter-charge for more defensive chapters). Rerolling charges is a big deal and gives us an alternative to "Icon of the Angel".


What this means is tat he works well in a threat saturation role where you want to be able to charge with rerolls against multiple targets. The only downside I can see is that he really needs a drop pod to function effectively.


Also, the Champion does not have to take up an Elite slot. If you buy a Captain (always a solid pick) and Company Veterans (useful for cheap Action Objectives) then the Champion is slot-free.


Whether he works better for the DC than Lemartes in providing rerolls is more debatable but he certainly brings some interesting capabilities.

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My biggest beef is that he's not Primaris and has no access to a jump pack so he needs a ride and my lists now don't include transportation for mini-marines.

Yes, the mobility is his major downside.


If he had a jump pack I would take him all the time.


Agree 100%.


What this means is tat he works well in a threat saturation role where you want to be able to charge with rerolls against multiple targets. The only downside I can see is that he really needs a drop pod to function effectively.



I'm tempted to use him with an assault intercessor list, rolling allong with them.

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From a combat perspective he competes with so many of our characters (Dante, Meph, Sanguinor, even Astorath or Lemmy, custom-build Captains of all stripes) and from a buffing perspective you have to weight the points cost of him with Chapter Champion upgrade vs just adding Icon of the Angel to a character you are already bringing (such as Sanguinary Priest). Even still, he makes a wonderful secondary hybrid of both of those concepts, but you have to commit to his footsloggery as noted above. 

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Also, the Champion does not have to take up an Elite slot. If you buy a Captain (always a solid pick) and Company Veterans (useful for cheap Action Objectives) then the Champion is slot-free.


Can you explain how that works for a dunce like me?

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Also, the Champion does not have to take up an Elite slot. If you buy a Captain (always a solid pick) and Company Veterans (useful for cheap Action Objectives) then the Champion is slot-free.


Can you explain how that works for a dunce like me?



It's explained in the codex entries for those units. 


If you take a company veterans unit, then a single apothecary, champion, and ancient do not take up elite slots. 


If you take a captain, then the company veterans do not take up an elite slot. 

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Thanks for that - none of that info is on the battleforge app, guess I need to study the books more for nuances :-/


Yea, I think books should always be the place to start - the app is more a tool to speed up listbuilding I think. What does it say in the warhapper app unit entry for them?

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Let us see some of the uses that you can have for such a bargain.


  1. The forlorn fury booster: use the hero of the chapter stratagem and give him martial exemplar warlord trait and quake bolts, put him in a droppod with 9 death company marines and take another 10 with jumpack, if you get first turn, with forlorn fury you can have 19 death company marines charging the enemy lines turn one, rerolling the charge, and if you hit with the quake bolts with +1 to hit against one unit.


Where is the charge reroll coming from?

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Let us see some of the uses that you can have for such a bargain.


  • The forlorn fury booster: use the hero of the chapter stratagem and give him martial exemplar warlord trait and quake bolts, put him in a droppod with 9 death company marines and take another 10 with jumpack, if you get first turn, with forlorn fury you can have 19 death company marines charging the enemy lines turn one, rerolling the charge, and if you hit with the quake bolts with +1 to hit against one unit.

Where is the charge reroll coming from?

From the martial exemplar warlord trait

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I only just got my hands on the books (thanks world crisis), and as soon as I spotted that re-roll charges ability for this guy I was sold. For 70 points, people are sleeping on this guy big time.


Take Icon of the Angel on a guy, take a Librarian with Veil of Time, and take a Company Champion with his WL trait, and you have no less than three re-roll charge sources, two of which are auras. I'm thinking of a Custodes-lite style list where instead of all our traditional glass canons, you have three or four squads of TH/SS Terminators and Bladeguard Vets. March up the table with a ton of durable, storm-shielded elites, but still have deceptive manoeuvrability thanks to the reliability of charges.

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I've tried him recently in a list with BGV and termies. More for his 6" HI and Angel's sacrifice. If you've points to spare then the upgrade is worth it just for his melee buffs alone. The WT clashes with a lot of very strong choices so I didn't use it.
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Also, the Champion does not have to take up an Elite slot. If you buy a Captain (always a solid pick) and Company Veterans (useful for cheap Action Objectives) then the Champion is slot-free.


Can you explain how that works for a dunce like me?

It's explained in the codex entries for those units.


If you take a company veterans unit, then a single apothecary, champion, and ancient do not take up elite slots.


If you take a captain, then the company veterans do not take up an elite slot.

I thought you had to get the captain to get the honor guard slot free, and then apothecary, champion, etc could be accessed slot free.
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It's explained in the codex entries for those units.


If you take a company veterans unit, then a single apothecary, champion, and ancient do not take up elite slots.


If you take a captain, then the company veterans do not take up an elite slot.

I thought you had to get the captain to get the honor guard slot free, and then apothecary, champion, etc could be accessed slot free.



That's what I wrote?

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the only buff he hands out is a charge reroll which we can easily get from other sources.

We have Lemartes (DC only) and the Icon of the Angel but that uses up a Character's Relic slot. Given our range of jump melee units, I think they are less useful for us than other Chapters but can be useful with certain builds.

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