Sigismund's Ghost Posted September 25, 2014 Share Posted September 25, 2014 Great thread! There is a lot of beautiful work here. I have been collecting 30k minis as of late, I really like the Contemptors. Here are my submissions from the Imperial Fists, Sons of Horus, and Iron Hands. image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr Redlead, Space Truckin, knife&fork and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metic Posted October 2, 2014 Share Posted October 2, 2014 Just Finished him up last night! Redlead, knife&fork, Konnavaer and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StevePhy Posted October 10, 2014 Share Posted October 10, 2014 Pollux, warhammer class dreadnought Nice reference.  StevePhy Pollux, warhammer class dreadnought Nice reference.  StevePhy Pollux, warhammer class dreadnought Nice reference.  StevePhy Redlead 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redlead Posted October 11, 2014 Share Posted October 11, 2014  Scythes of the Emperor Ironclad Dreadnought.          This is my six yr old son's first Dreadnought he's really happy with it and wanted me to post it up on B&C, as you can see he's made good use for my GW paints ( put the lid's back on, lol ), with three twin lascannons all your rolling armour will be toast!!!!!!        Ha ha ha.............                          Space Truckin, Biohazard, Kurgan the Lurker and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redlead Posted October 18, 2014 Share Posted October 18, 2014 Ha, I've had the same thought gwarsh41 butI'm a long way off right now as I've only painted three so far. Â HighGothic, Dark Scipio and Augustus b'Raass 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wispy Posted October 19, 2014 Share Posted October 19, 2014 (edited) Was fixing up my dreadnought fleet with new wargear + touch ups and decided to get some better photos of them. Â The last one posted is brand new while the others are couple years old. I've come a long way as a painter... Â Edited October 19, 2014 by Wispy Augustus b'Raass, gwarsh41, Konnavaer and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sigismund's Ghost Posted November 29, 2014 Share Posted November 29, 2014 My Contemptor Dreadnought. image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr image by Sigismund's Ghost, on Flickr Nocturne Noble, Tanhausen and Dark Scipio 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
appiah4 Posted November 29, 2014 Share Posted November 29, 2014 (edited) Edited February 11, 2015 by appiah5 Space Truckin, Dark Scipio and Machine God 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaplainmikey Posted January 13, 2015 Share Posted January 13, 2015 Here's my first Furioso Dread and his 2 little helpers- KrautScientist, Machine God, Augustus b'Raass and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KrautScientist Posted January 13, 2015 Share Posted January 13, 2015 @ chaplainmikey: Excellent work! Really love the way you used those 'stealers! The colour scheme for them is excellent as well! Â Here's my latest Dreadnought: Damokk the Breacher, of the World Eaters' 4th assault company: Â Â Â Â Made from an Assault on Black Reach Dread. The arms are still interchangeable with some of the extra weapons I've converted for my collection of Dreads: Â Machine God, Space Truckin and chaplainmikey 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted January 14, 2015 Share Posted January 14, 2015 (edited) Another Night Lords contemptor dreadnought, with IMO the best weapons configuration possible: Dual Butcher Cannons. Edited January 14, 2015 by Augustus b'Raass Iron Hands Fanatic, infyrana, Tanhausen and 10 others 13 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sockwithaticket Posted January 14, 2015 Share Posted January 14, 2015 (edited) Forgot to add this guy in when I completed him over the holidays: Venerable Gadrael Another fallen veteran, Gadrael served with distinction in both the Second Company’s Honour Guard and Vanguard squads, Epistolary Oriphiel in particular favoured Gadrael as an Honour Guard member, for over a century before sustaining the wounds that left him entombed. In a Chapter of misanthropes and cynics, who tend to revel more in mourning the fallen than the celebration of victories, Gadrael stood out as much for his somewhat jovial disposition as for his martial prowess. The two dovetailed to produce a gifted warrior who wrought carnage on his foes as though each blow were a sacred, intoxicating triumph, ever hungry to inflict more damage and being elated by its causation. Upon ascending to the rank of Vanguard he showed a proclivity for utilising a pair of lightning claws whenever possible, developing a frightening dexterity with the weapons to the extent that it seemed they were truly parts of his anatomy. Now confined to a Dreadnought Sarcophagus, this has become so.Gadrael’s internment became necessary after his heroic actions during the Wrath of Macharia incident at the close of M.40. Once again in pursuit of Eldar Corsairs operating in the Segmentum Pacificus the Crimson Tears 2nd Company came across an Imperial Navy Dominator Class Cruiser, the Wrath of Macharia, drifting through space at the edge of the halo zone. After hailing it yielded no response a boarding party was readied and the Chapter’s Strike Cruiser docked with the dead ship to allow quick in- and egress. There were signs of struggle throughout the ship, but nothing to indicate the final fate or resting place of its crew until the vessel’s very heart was reached. The mound of mutilated corpses that greeted the boarding party was as foul as any vile monument to the Ruinous Powers, yet no such calculating an evil had eradicated the crew as the astartes would soon discover. Not long after the grisly discovery the score or so of Crimson Tears were assailed by seemingly numberless Tyranid lifeforms of the Genestealer class and were forced into an immediate, frantic fighting retreat back to the Strike Cruiser. Several of the boarding team were lost during this fraught withdrawal, though that they were not wiped out to a man is nothing short of miraculous. At the head of the retreating column was Gadrael whose crackling claws made short shrift of any Genestealers clogging the corridors between the boarders and the Striker Cruiser’s sanctuary. First to reach the boarding tunnel Gadrael was the last to enter it, refusing to seek safety until his more junior brethren –by the time the boarding tunnel was arrived at the other two veterans of the party had succumbed to the waves of xenos – were all en route to the air locks of the Strike Cruiser. His own return was torturously slow, a retreat of centimetres as he still fought against the press of chitin and claw. The boarding tunnel would not be retracted until Gadrael was safely inside the airlock, a decision commendable for its consideration to the veteran and his survival but that allowed the tunnel itself to become filled with Genestealers who erupted into the airlock as soon as Gadrael cleared the tunnel entrance. Waiting in the airlock were the remnants of the boarding party and a few other 2nd Company members who had rapidly armed and armoured themselves to help repel the invaders. Their numbers, however, were vastly inferior to those of the foe and Gadrael ordered them to retreat behind the airlock’s bulkheads, fearful that they would be overwhelmed and the vile aliens granted access to the entire ship.   As he saw the last of his brothers through the doors he swung his claws in a deadly arc, clearing himself enough space and buying sufficient time to shut the bulkheads and allow his brothers to regroup prepare to cleanse the airlock as reinforcements arrived. While he gave the last bulkhead commands via his vox unit he was speared through the lower back upon the talons of a preternaturally large creature, identified subsequently as a Broodlord class Genestealer of hitherto unrecorded proportions. Footage from the airlock monitoring systems showed how even this grievous wound would not fell Gadrael , his noble warrior spirit demanding that if his end were to come it would be facing his enemy. He wrenched the creature’s limb from its body and drove it into the walls of the airlock. As the two grappled the rest of the swarm set their wicked claws to the bulkhead and interior of the airlock, gouging the surfaces deeply with every slash and thrust.  Finally despatching the beast with his own claws Gadrael noted the swarm’s actions and grew concerned that the bulkhead would not withstand the xenos’ unthinking, yet determined, assault. Surveillance footage shows that his next action was to plunge into the heart of the clawed mass, the Broodlord’s talon still protruding from his warplate, disappearing from view beneath the mass of chitin and fang, not sighted again until his eventual recovery.  Soon thereafter the bulkhead was opened and a counterattack party burst through it prepared to repel the xenos threat, meeting surprisingly little resistance. What greeted their arrival was not the hissing clawed mass expected but an ichor drenched space strewn with carcasses and limbs. The few live Genestealers capable of mounting resistance were summarily dealt with, many of these bearing fresh scars inflicted by the shimmering claws of Gadrael. Indeed he had clearly demanded a bloody toll from the aliens for daring to set their taloned feet aboard the Strike Cruiser.  His body was almost overlooked by the counter-attackers; with his armour re-coloured by the aliens’ bodily fluids and partially covered by corpses he blended perfectly with the scene of carnage he had created. The crackling of his claws, however, could not be obscured and duly grasped the attention of his brothers. Given the myriad ways in which his war plate had been rent and punctured he was assumed dead and borne from the airlock in an impromptu funeral procession, only discovered to still be alive, just barely, as the company apothecaries prepared to reclaim his geneseed. Despite their best efforts they could do no more than stabilise him, his body was beyond healing. His actions had certainly saved the boarding party, perhaps even the entire Company and Strike Cruiser, in recognition of this feat, considering also his veteran status and previous battle honours, it was decided by Captain Nathaniel and his advisers to offer Gadrael the option of being placed inside a Dreadnought sarcophagus, an opportunity he gladly availed himself of.Centuries have passed for Gadrael  inside his living tomb and have seen him involved in conflicts throughout the Imperium against all its many foes,  forever at the forefront of an assault and always a bulwark in the heat of battle, revelling in the destruction his armoured form is capable of wreaking. His counsel on matters of tactics and strategy is perhaps sought less than his similarly interred brethren, but he still has much to offer the beyond a mighty battlefield presence, His innate skill with his weapons, the character most sharply highlighted by his final deeds outside of his current form, both speak to a deep, natural understanding of the warrior spirit and as such his words on both the practicalities and spiritual side of war are highly valued by all members of the Chapter. He's Dread number 4 and I've just finished prepping Dread number 5. I may have a problem.... Edited January 14, 2015 by sockwithaticket chaplainmikey, Machine God, Dark Scipio and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corton Posted January 29, 2015 Share Posted January 29, 2015 (edited) Here is my rendering of an Iron Hands Venerable Dreadnought. Â Edited January 29, 2015 by Corton chaplainmikey 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Scipio Posted January 29, 2015 Share Posted January 29, 2015 Firepower and Machine God 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wolfsbane Posted January 30, 2015 Share Posted January 30, 2015 My Bjorn the Fell-Handed model that I just finished up for my Wolves. Â Targetlock, Space Truckin and Machine God 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black_out Posted January 30, 2015 Share Posted January 30, 2015 My first official legion 'nought for my new army....first NL I've ever painted, definitely a learning experience. Â The ridiculous flash and poor lighting make my armors colors look much lighter than they are. Â Chandrian 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus b'Raass Posted February 5, 2015 Share Posted February 5, 2015 Just the regular DV hellbrute. Dark Rage, Chandrian and Space Truckin 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eurieus Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 (edited) My DA successor rifleman dread. Based on the old metal Bjorn i found in a box at my parents :DÂ Â Edited April 1, 2015 by eurieus Space Truckin 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slipknotzim Posted April 1, 2015 Share Posted April 1, 2015 Machine God 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mitsman Posted April 11, 2015 Share Posted April 11, 2015 Ultramarines Venerable dreadnought by Mitsman! Â MagicMan and coabeous 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argyle Posted April 11, 2015 Share Posted April 11, 2015 Couple o' Wolves. Tangamarine, Wraith776, Machine God and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mactire Posted April 11, 2015 Share Posted April 11, 2015 Forgot about this guy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Graymane Posted May 11, 2015 Share Posted May 11, 2015 At last! Having followed this thread for months (It was what attracted me to B&C in the first place) I finally have something to add! So, with no farther ado, I present for your appraisal Venerable Mordan, former Ironfather and now Diades class dreadnought of the Iron Hands chapter. Fully armoured.... And 'in the flesh', or rather, what is left of it... I will, at some point soon, hopefully get around to building a more suitable base for him, however I trust this will suffice for now. Should you be interested, the full details of the build can be found here I Hope you like him! Cheers, Arg. strongbow, Konnavaer, Tygwyn and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Griz Posted May 11, 2015 Share Posted May 11, 2015 Some really aweome-sauce work here! Well done brothers!  Figured I'd share some of mine - Brother Azaeal:  Enjoy!  Griz Konnavaer and Brother Liteman 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpiralingCadaver Posted May 24, 2015 Share Posted May 24, 2015 Didn't see this thread before... my old-ish work on a Thousand Sons dread: Â Xavier Targhost, Dolchiate Remembrancer, coabeous and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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