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Kurgan the Lurker

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Kurgan the Lurker last won the day on August 31 2024

Kurgan the Lurker had the most liked content!

About Kurgan the Lurker

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  • Location
    Segmentum Solar
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  • Armies played
    Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Tau



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  1. He had previously done a series on how close to creating a SM, modern technology is or isn't.
  2. This channel mostly does actual history but for the past year or so they have sprinkled in some 40k stuff. This past week they covered the Death Korp of Krieg: This was their Cadian Regiment episode from a couple months back:
  3. Well some time ago @Volgon suggested Kranidude from the "Purple place" as a possibility for replacement Vulture helms. I wound up chatting with him for some time and he made Vulture's version of his gargoyle helmets for me, which you all can order if you like here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/gargoyle-night-helmets-v2 @Orkdung cast up some helmets for me and I have some side by sides with the original Vulture helmet and a current Primaris head. It is definitely smaller than original Raptor Champion head, but pretty close to a current Primaris helmet. I think this might take care of the issue I have with the Raptor helmets on Primaris bodies. That being you have to trim down or fully away the gorget portions of the armor. I am going to try and throw together a test model (at least build wise - no paint) this weekend. It is a steamy 38F here today so not ideal for priming, even in the heated garage.
  4. More helmets and the Living Saint. https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/gr3lh10w/celestine-the-living-saint-descends-from-the-maestros-at-weta-workshop/
  5. The Colour Forge is coming to North America. Releasing Nov. 25th. Preorders are open now. https://thecolourforge-na.com/
  6. Live in the States? Can't get The Colour Forge because of that? Might want to see this from Monument Hobbies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ied8BgRJUl0
  7. https://www.wetanz.com/shop/helm-replicas/warhammer Sadly not 1:1
  8. Are they from Bob Olley? Or just look like it??
  9. For those that are new here or at least new since these times ended.. Nick Kyme, ADB, Gav Thorpe and other authors used to hang around these parts. Techmarine Argos and Librarian Pyriel and based (in part) on members from here at the B&C.
  10. It is with a heavy heart that we pass on the news of another battle brother having fallen. This time to a battle with cancer. I knew Jamie as Insane Psycopath but towards the end of his time here on the B&C he was Iron-Daemon Forge. He was a member of the board since 2004 and a long time moderator in our Chaos areas. You may have seen his Iron Warriors army in WD485. He was a tremendous member of this community and the 40k community at large. He will be missed. Our condolences to his friends and family.
  11. Message is in, to our skin designer. Will update when I can.
  12. Started the website. 1999.
  13. Distilled water is definitely the way to go to help with that. Copper pennies (pre-1982) or even some copper sheeting (needs to be actual copper though and not just coated) under the sponge can help. There is a company out there (the name escapes me) who makes copper corner pieces specifically for wet pallets. But also, just don't let it sit for multiple days. Paint is going to start becoming unusable after a time anyway as it separates and depending on the environment you live in, you are just asking for trouble the longer you let it sit.
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