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Marshal Mittens

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Marshal Mittens last won the day on May 27 2022

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About Marshal Mittens

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  • Armies played
    Black Templars, Dark Angels, Celestial Lions, Deathguard, Necrons, Sisters of Battle, Sons of Horus

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  1. Very unfortunate news. I am glad he got to meet his grand daughter, at least. Cancer sucks.
  2. The chaos releases are a swing and a miss for me, personally. I don't really care for any of those models.
  3. I played Space Wolves from 3rd to 5th edition, though i never finished all the new models I bought in 5e. Have not played them since returning to the game in 8e, but honestly these have me pretty tempted. I think that these really stole the show. Personally i like that they seem to be leaning back into the viking theme. Wolf stuff is still there, but its not overpowering. And they have a lot of normal power weapons, with only the Wolf Priest having a a fang dagger. Excited for what's left for the wolves. I felt the Adepticon reveals for most things were rather anemic but I really enjoyed the wolves and their new kits look great and true to the original, in my opinion.
  4. Yeah, kinda like they did with the baneblade and variants.
  5. I think it likely is done in various boxes tl encourage you to buy more, as if it had all the weapons some people would just use magnets, and get all options that way.
  6. I think that currently, in addition to Valraks rumored boxset, we are supposed to get the Marine Super heavies like the Glaive and also plastic rapiers around the new edition launch.
  7. Personally i hate the games were 30%-50% of the minis are off the table turn 1. So i like a lot of terrain, though with some intentional fire lanes for tanks and such, but not into deployment zones. I like using a lot of terrain.
  8. People forget things. I agree in your case there was a difference, but personally, in a friendly casual game, I would be fine with it, especially if it's someone whom I enjoy playing with. I would rather play many more games with them in the future, than only play one and have them think me a poor sportsman, right or wrong.
  9. Looks cool but looks like a Scribor model imo.
  10. Honestly I love all these figures. Voth teams look great, I will probably pick this box up.
  11. Seems interesting, how easily it works will be the determinate factor, if it only works even 80% of the time will folks be willing to mess up 20% of their almost finished models? From what I understand it's not easy to use well.
  12. These are so expensive over here in the USA. Want 3 if it was the other thanatar, but damn it's so freaking expensive in the USA.
  13. These look great. Can Dark Angels take them somehow?
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