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About conscriptboris

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    The Emperors Court

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  1. Im sure they make money. But no one at my club (which has a very wide age range) has a 40k Primarch. HH group do.
  2. Art is subjective. Sales will notify success. I like raging heroes models. I like GW models. And I like others. People who think other peoples models are somehow 'too much', offensive to themselves or on behalf of someone else isn't a person who will ever be satisfied.
  3. Now that primaris lore is an advancing timeline. This dead mans shoes of chapter masters is starting to look more and more ridiculous. Maybe some new characters, new chapter direction etc.
  4. How is a companies 50th year, one as big as GW, not a year long event? Crazy.
  5. although I can obviously recognise some very good writers have written good stories in the Era Indomitus (primaris). The change that ultimately has put me off is this; Era Imperium; Scouring to Indomitus was a fixed timeline where we were ‘on the cusp of complete destruction’. And all lore and campaigns was built within the constrains of that 10k history. Stories were a historical narrative. So we had futuristic SciFi setting, speaking in terms of a historical perspective. Which managed to merge 3 core areas people love; SciFi, History, Archaeology (lore digging). Posing this as history meant it had a framework to exist in. fast forward too; Era Indomitus; Advancing timeline, inserted plot armour and conveniences. No longer historical, framework was destroyed with Primaris more failed BCs and tyranid incursions etc etc. A big change that came with this, was a rapid IP tightening. You cant copywrite ‘Rhino’, but you can ‘Impulsor’. Hence why Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Sororitas etc started taking front stage. Althpugh its SciFi, its no longer history, its current. There is now an argument that stand alone games of ‘Era Imperium’ could be made. Like when Horus Heresy gaming was for those in the deepest darkest corners of the hobby, GW monestised it. I see pages and groups who are now in the deepest darkest corners playing Era Imperium (although they are called 3rd to 7th, Firstborn or something similar. I have enjoyed some of the new books. But less so Primaris/Primarch 40k, more chaos, Xenos as their story has remained similar. I tried hard to get into the Indomitus vibe, but it doesnt have those references and framework of what was our actual historical references we could relate to anymore so I fell by the way side. Now, for many its great! However I do think there is a section of the hobby, those who were much more invested in the Lore, who felt the change from Imperium to Indomitus just wasnt an enjoyable experience.
  6. I visit and play at WHW several times a year. I cannot be bothered with drama. However I am lax on conversion pieces. Boris
  7. It should look like 2028 minimum. Other than that. Skinned out 5th Ed with smaller sized armies.
  8. HH been fully supported since 2012, big cult following prior. I reckon it will last 10 years. The fringe stuff will be gone (Necro/KT/Imperialis) etc I reckon.
  9. I have an Apocalypse game coming up where Im fielding 8 Shadowswords/Baneblades. Ill let you know how it goes.
  10. Great interview. I loved the game, but it died in my area. I managed to collect several fleets but couldnt find opponents. Boris
  11. My local group is tournament focussed. However, I get to play many games with my OG codex and battle cards. I refuse to follow the BS updates, most people are happy for casual games at the local club. Boris
  12. I feel like my forum experience over the years essentially decanted me to here. Where forum after forum feel, B&C stayed strong. 25 years young. Boris
  13. Heaven forbid they would save the customer their price hikes.
  14. Yes, UK gov is terrible at protecting British Interest and always has. Where the French/Italian's have their cheeses and wines protected, Cornish Pasties, Types of Pies, Haggis etc hasn't been protected in the same way. A large corporation could buy up and gut GW. Someone like Disney, if they wished. The UK Gov wouldn't bat an eye. I am happy GW has gone from strength to strength. However, that will also be its undoing. And the gov wont even notice. You only need to look at the Tolkien Estates and the Middle Earth licences to know. Conscriptboris
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