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Brother Lunkhead

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Brother Lunkhead last won the day on August 6 2023

Brother Lunkhead had the most liked content!

About Brother Lunkhead

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  • Location
    Radlands of Merica
  • Interests
    Reading, History, WH(old school), 40k(duh), Historical Miniatures, Hiking, Religion, Politics
  • Faction
    Praetorian Sword, Ultramarines, Grey Knights

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  • Armies played
    CSM, IG, GK, DE, BA, SW



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  1. Fantastic paint job... as usual and lovin' the light effect
  2. =][= Just a friendly reminder about spoilers... Almost everyone has done a first-rate job in the spoiler department in all the threads concerning this topic, so this is just for the few post before thinking fraters. Keep in mind that not everyone has read this far, and some don't even know how this all ends... I know, SHOCKING, but true =][=
  3. =][= Just a friendly reminder about spoilers... Most here are doing a first-rate job in their restraint and use of the spoiler edit in their posts so this is just to remind our more excitable fraters that not everyone has read this far or even knows how this all ends.... Hard to believe I know, but it's true =][=
  4. Excellent work Brother Prot
  5. Very fine work Brother Jud The dark blue base gives your minis a nice grim-dark feel Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
  6. Angron's my fave of the year Looking forward to seeing what you do with him
  7. A right proper example of a smidge.... Let's all let it go. =][= LAST WARNING PM me if you need to discuss this. =][=
  8. =][= As you know, this old Primaris vs First Born argument has not born good fruit in the past, so tread very carefully on this issue... In fact, let's just discuss the aesthetics of the models when it comes to that topic... after all, this is just the NRBA and not the place for deep conversation. All posts concerning that troublesome topic will be left as is for now. However, if it degenerates even a smidge, I will disappear every post with even a mention of PvFB and all your work will be for naught... and that will make me very sad Keep it focused and keep it friendly =][=
  9. Having endured many back injuries, I know your pain Get plenty of rest and we all hope you get well soon
  10. There's a tight group of very fine models released this year but I didn't really have to give my choice any thought... Angron, without hesitation or doubt
  11. =][= Brother Inquisitor_Lensoven raised a legitimate issue with this thread and some useful questions and observations have been made However, I can't help but notice that we are teetering on the edge of a gripe session =][=
  12. SSWWWEEEET You have better friends than I do
  13. =][= Clearly there are many opinions on what gives a space marine chapter identity in game. For some it's just the colors one paints their marines in. For others, it's that plus special rules that apply specifically to their chapter. For others, it's all that plus story telling... and for others it's somewhere in between all that. The bottom line is that we all have very strong opinions on this subject. There are no right or wrong views here. Who's right and who's wrong is all in our heads. Let's keep that all in mind as we continue this discussion. ... and stay on topic too =][=
  14. GO BLOOD ANGELS Really looking forward to seeing this army
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