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About Shadowseer

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    Dublin, Ireland
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    Eldar, Dark Angels, Harlequins

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  1. Yeah, good on GW to get it right this time.
  2. Just... take your land speeders in larger units? They need to draw the line somewhere, and this is one of the better iterations of character targeting rules. 40k is ultimately a game, and not a perfect simulation of warfare. Thankfully
  3. I feel this list would really shine packing Assault Intercessors instead of plasma tacticals, as you would trade 4 3D plasma shots for killing power in assault plus double the wounds for that aggression potential. From my two games against smolmarines, they die quite too easily to things I'm packing.
  4. Anyone in this thread actually played a game of 9th with Dark Angels (or a game of 9th at all)? A lot of theorycrafting, but I would be quite interested to hear from people's experiences.
  5. The watchers pre-date the ascension of the Order to become the First legion. They were native to Caliban before it's rediscovery by the Imperium. Also no one who tried to interfere with them lived to tell of the experience.
  6. Yeah, that's my understanding as well.
  7. I'm pretty sure all unique units will go to the supplement: characters, anything Deathwing and most of Ravenwing. So you can play any shared units with codex only, and grab the supplement as you need it.
  8. This is a really positive change, as it allows GW to keep a shared core of units that don't need to be reprinted in multiple books. I fully welcome the model of Main Dex + Supplement for all high profile chapters. Unrelated, but from some squinting at updated chapter tactics, Dark Angels will _own_ shooting. Overall, looks like I'm un-casing my Unforgiven in October!
  9. This is a beautiful colour scheme!
  10. BTW, what's your planned army going to look like? Working on some melee Wraith units myself, as a compliment to my artillery.
  11. Oh that sucks :( GW support is good though, they should get you sorted quickly.
  12. Your conversions are top notch, keep it up!
  13. For me it did, I struggled a lot in the early parts of the book because I didn't find Amadeus interesting (which is impressive because I like how the Mentors fight lol). I think Amadeus as a character was designed to contrast as much as possible with Spears first, then was fleshed out. IMO the story gets better as more characters are introduced and he becomes less of the focal point and grows a bit as a character. The other part of the story that it took me awhile to figure out was who the villain is. The real challenge that the characters face in this story is isolation. In most 40k books there tends to be rival that a character needs to overcome whether by fighting them or in some cases figuring out how to work together with them. Spears does have those rivalries but being Isolated from the imperium and how they try to handle it is the real conflict. Very good observation. This story is quite atypical for BL as there is no one who needs their face smashed in for the protagonists to prevail. Instead they have to deal with their own sense of isolation, trauma, betrayal and search of purpose. May not be everyone's cup of tea. On a personal note, I was recovering from a minor surgery while reading the book, and certain parts resonated really deeply with what I felt at the time.
  14. Finished the book a minute ago. Wow, just wow. Absolutely the best book I have read in 40k.
  15. TBH that's a shocking amount of negativity towards GW and Primaris stuff. I sincerely hope most people in the thread are just taking the piss. Nevertheless, and however you field your troops, I hope you enjoy the hobby.
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