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Almagor last won the day on July 2 2020

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About Almagor

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  • Faction
    Dark Angels

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  • Armies played
    Dark Angels

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  1. Plenty of OOP legacy marine kits still missing in my collection: 16 different captains, 4th edition tactical squad, the original venerable dreadnought, centurions, speeders with old metalic parts, old plastic terminators, and plenty more. since all (well, most) of these can only be bought second hand and many are quite pricey, i'm looking for ebay bargains. it"ll take time. probably will not be done in 2024. but i'm not in a hurry
  2. Well, 2023 is coming to a close, time for a summary. My Dark Angels backlog is pretty much demolished, 54 of 55 models painted with the last one in progress. A total of 2500pts painted in 2023, a 500pts increase compared to 2022. My collection stands at a respectble 28000pts, about 3500pts short of the eventual goal (long term). Not a single primaris marine in the collection. Because DA trust issues... Especialy after that heresy era master incident One day i'll have the time to take all my models out and take a picture of them in parade formation. But not today...
  3. Chamber 42 it is then. His loyaly will be tested!
  4. Company Master in heresy era power armor with a relic blade and special issue plasma pistol. Looks like a trustworthy fellow.
  5. It took a while but finnaly it is done: The Excelsior!
  6. Allow me to proudly present the first of two HQ tanks from the Warhammer World exclusive set: The Rhino Primaris. And yes, this is the ONLY primaris currently allowed in my army :)
  7. 2008 Sternguard Veterans. Unfortunatly "finecast" rather then the original metal models and it really shows... did what I could to salavage them. Had quite the dilema whether to paint them green or bonewhite. Decided on green since this way they could always just cosplay as company veterans.
  8. And now some more OOP goodness: Masters of the Chapter kit in it's original metal glory Master of the Watch Master of Recruits Master of the Fleet Master of the Arsenal
  9. 2014 Space marine captain (company command kit)
  10. Thank you! Got another 1500pts to paint, should be finished by Jan/Feb next year. Then my army will be about 30k points and i'll take an Army pic.
  11. It's that time of the year again! Land Raider time! One more crusader for my Deathwing terminators.
  12. And now for a bit of nostalgia: 1998 Space Marine Captain (SM Command Group kit) 2008 Assault on Black Reach Captain (5th ed. starter set) 2008 Gamesday limited edition Captain
  13. A Hunter and a Stalker. You don't see a lot of these in Dark Angels colors...
  14. Ravenwing bike squad. Ebay rescue 1996 metal/plastic models.
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