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A catch-all blog for my various 40k painting and modelling projects. 


Entries in this blog

+ Musings on Salamanders, Kill Team and Epic +

The recent rumours of a new edition of Epic have me excited – I'm a huge fan, and if it does come to fruition, I'd love to see how the develop it. In the meantime, I've been mulling over Legion choices. In previous editions I played Ultramarines, but this time I'm tempted by Salamanders; an army which has often been the bridesmaid and never the bride of my plans.   To that end, I thought I'd explore a bit by painting a couple of individual Marines – perhaps a Kill team – at 40k scale t

Coldforge – challenge event

It's that time again – time for a new invitational challenge event themed around the War of the False Primarch. Please do help to spread the word. Tag is: #warzonecoldforge Full details are through this link to the +Death of a Rubricist+ blog; but summarised here: Build and paint between one and three models to illuminate one of the many battles that raged over planet Coldforge during the War of the False Primarch Post a picture of – and any lore you've written for –

Rekrootment drive

+ Kroot – Kindred of the Bloody Moon + Kroot. Kroot. Krooooooot! These charismatic aliens have entranced me since they were previewed, years ago. I even went as far as writing a rather ham-fisted attempt at a Codex that I sent in to the GW studio, and received a very kind hand-written reply from Andy Chambers. Like their Tau sinister overlords absolutely equal trusted partners, I've started – and failed – a few attempts at a Kroot army; as I've never quite been able to capture what I wanted


apologist in Kroot

+ Some Things Are best Left Forgotten +

In addition to my off-site general blog, +Death of a Rubricist+, I also run +Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten+, which is a single-topic narrative blog themed around the War of the False Primarch. This started as a tiny snippet in Imperial Armour 10, I think; and it's since expanded into a large setting. The latest update deal with Warzone: Null, but if you're into narrative 40k, I encourage you to have a read through. Here's a general primer to get you started.. The project is

The Hobby Butterfly

+ A Gathering of Might + + A hotch-potch update of what's on the hobby desk. For whatever reason, the hobby butterfly has been fluttering from project to project and not settling. Rather than force it, I've been doing little bits here and there. + + Kroot Killteam +   + I like Killteam, and I like Kroot. With the new kit coming out imminently, I wanted to get ahead of the game and paint up some of these models. In particular, I wanted to make sure I had some krootho


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+ They that touch pitch shall be defiled +

There's very little I find more disheartening in this hobby than getting enthused over a story I've come up with only to find I don't enjoy making the characters I've described. As a result, most of my projects start with models that I want to make and loose ideas that gradually cohere and come into focus, rather than being rigidly pre-planned beforehand.   The background that I've been playing with is thus a bit patchy, and explores a couple of spaces that I find interesting about the S

Salamander Space Marine

‘They that touch pitch shall be defiled.’ -XVIII-   First in a bit of an experiment – we’ll see where we go. This marine is based on Heavy Intercessor legs, with a pile of Greenstuff. I’m going to have a play with home resin casting.


apologist in Converting

Existing blogs

To kick off this B&C blog, I thought I'd collate links to my existing on-site blogs that use the discussion fora.  The Alien Wars Blood Angels in the Nova Terra Interregnum May You Live Forever A narrative Iron Hands blog Officio Monstrosa Iron Warriors during the siege of Terra The Praetors of Calth Ultramarines from Crusade to Scouring


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