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About this blog

A catch-all blog for my various 40k painting and modelling projects. 


Entries in this blog

Coldforge – challenge event

It's that time again – time for a new invitational challenge event themed around the War of the False Primarch. Please do help to spread the word. Tag is: #warzonecoldforge Full details are through this link to the +Death of a Rubricist+ blog; but summarised here: Build and paint between one and three models to illuminate one of the many battles that raged over planet Coldforge during the War of the False Primarch Post a picture of – and any lore you've written for –

+ Some Things Are best Left Forgotten +

In addition to my off-site general blog, +Death of a Rubricist+, I also run +Some Things Are Best Left Forgotten+, which is a single-topic narrative blog themed around the War of the False Primarch. This started as a tiny snippet in Imperial Armour 10, I think; and it's since expanded into a large setting. The latest update deal with Warzone: Null, but if you're into narrative 40k, I encourage you to have a read through. Here's a general primer to get you started.. The project is
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