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A catch-all blog for my various 40k painting and modelling projects. 


Entries in this blog

+ Musings on Salamanders, Kill Team and Epic +

The recent rumours of a new edition of Epic have me excited – I'm a huge fan, and if it does come to fruition, I'd love to see how the develop it. In the meantime, I've been mulling over Legion choices. In previous editions I played Ultramarines, but this time I'm tempted by Salamanders; an army which has often been the bridesmaid and never the bride of my plans.   To that end, I thought I'd explore a bit by painting a couple of individual Marines – perhaps a Kill team – at 40k scale t

+ They that touch pitch shall be defiled +

There's very little I find more disheartening in this hobby than getting enthused over a story I've come up with only to find I don't enjoy making the characters I've described. As a result, most of my projects start with models that I want to make and loose ideas that gradually cohere and come into focus, rather than being rigidly pre-planned beforehand.   The background that I've been playing with is thus a bit patchy, and explores a couple of spaces that I find interesting about the S
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