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A Blog about anything that does not fit in any Category. Includes Reviews, Editos, Memory Lane stuff and born dead projects.

Beware! May include Bad Moon Klan's Grots and Bad Faith fuelled statments...

Entries in this blog

30 Years of Hobby - Packing time

Hi Folks,   It is time to move, or rather prepare the moving. There are 7 days lefy before starting loading the truck. And I packed all the stuff I jealously want to keep for myself and, if possible in good shape.   But 30 years of Hobby is a big volume of stuff. And some models requuire very specific care if one want them to arrive at destination in a single piece. Past weeks have therefore be spent reinforcing boxes and tray, cutting foam spacers, revarnishing some mod


Bouargh in Edito

Another digression - This time about Drukharii

Hi Folks,   It will maybe be no surprise for you if you follow time to time my entries: I was planning including some Drukharii element to my old Aeldarii army in order to align an Ynnarii faction. I bought some stuff, made some test models (Archon) and even completetd some units  (Mandrakes, Incubis and Kabalites). More stuff is on top of the Pile-of-Shame, such as Scourges and the 2 Vehicles from the Patrol box, waiting to be painted.        Archon as Test Model


Bouargh in Edito

"Heretic!" - Memories of an old Bat Rep Recreation

Hi Folks,   While chating in the Amicus Aedes forum, @TheArtilleryman raised a point about impact of time on army sizes, model counts and point values. The topic is large and may require an overview of arguments and opinions shared in the tread there:     One of the points raised is the one of recreating old WD Bat Reps and how we evaluate the impact of the various Editions and their evolutions on the posibility to recreate these in a satisfying way. From time to t


Bouargh in Edito

Mission aborded...

Hi Folks,   While the 100th post in this BLog was coming closer, I started wondering what form it could take. After all 100 as a round number is looking like a milestone that deserves something special. Or close. Usual suspects for that kind of autoconggratulation session can be: A look in the back mirror - the Blog that was and main previous entries. Come´on, it is so common (undetected attempt to humour) A look forward - what will come next. Let´s be frank: I have a


Bouargh in Milestone

A look in the Rear Mirror - A comparison between releases from last 2 KT seasons

Hi folks,   As we are at dawn of a new season for KT, it is eventually interesting taken a rear-view mirror into the past 2 seasons. Indeed, they have been quite commented due to their differences, at least in some circles where I evolve. General comments, hot and lives, tended to underline a degradation of the delivered content once comparing the Bheta-Decima Season with the Gallow Dark one. Let´s see if it fits.   KT as it looked in Gallow Dark   First r


Bouargh in Review

Bheta-Decima: Terrain review (Sort of)

Hi Folks,   I lately received a copy of the Bheta-Decima terrain boxed-set. I mainly bought it in order to complete my collection of Sector mechanicus Terrain, adding a fourth Ferromantic Furnace with a big platform and setting more gantries, but this time at intermediate height. Let´s see what comes into the box and how I have ambivalent feelings about the content.   1. What do we have inside? The GW website is exhaustive enough so no need to give too much det


Bouargh in Review

Colour scheme test for tiny Marines - "It´s not the yellow Sir, it´s the scale too..."

Disclaimer:    It is common statment that painting yellow is dificult. Rhodes´Academy videos then try to convince us that it is not the case and that Contrast paints make wonders.  I am still undecided about that. In fact, I am facing some serious autoquestionning while looking at my latest paint job on tiny marines. I tried Imeprial Fist Yellow to go toward , guess what, an Imperial Fists´ 6 mm force.  I will not pretend calling them Imperial Fists anymore as it might be


Bouargh in Epic 2nd Ed

What´s hidden underneath my Pile of Shame? Tiny Marines!

I dunnot plan playing the resurected version of EPIC set in the HH. I must focus, Or at least it is one of my aims. Largely influenced by my wife´s "encouragments", but this is another story.   I dunnot plan playing the resurected version of EPIC set in the HH, but it does not mean that the 6mm scale, a.k.a. EPIC, is totaly unknown from me. Deep bellow my pile of shame, in the tailing end of the scoring board structuring priorities of what shall be painted, lie some small boxes on


Bouargh in Epic 2nd Ed

! Breaking news ! - Delivery completed (at least, it took a while)

Since the day I passed my order on the website of a FLGS, a lot of water has flown from the mountains to the sea. Let´s do the maths yourself: Order passed on July 24th and AdMech Patrol Box received on September 26th (last Tuesday). What went wrong would you ask?   First we might need a small step back in time, just to reset the context: I did not want this Patrol box. Not really. Not as much as I wanted the Extermination Maniple left on shelves of the e-FLGS. But the discount on


Bouargh in Edito

40k Pile of Shame Updated - Where has everything gone???

My journey through my 40k Pile of Shame has been a years long travel, and it looks like it reaches to an end. Well, in reality it is likely to be a endless trip as some new projects still can join the frey and postpone this day of celebration AND mourning where I will be left without anything to Paint/Assemble/convert and/or slash... (I am btw still waiting for my AdMech Patrol since July 24th...)   If we step back a little bit a few years ago, everything was resumed with the Lock-down


Bouargh in Milestone

How I changed my mind about Balance Dataslate

Disclaimer: This is a personal and obviously biased point of view. I am addicted to GW products and Lore. But I am convinced that there are game design issues, a recurring pattern of “failing by design” approach in 40k rules, almost independently from the editions concerned. When did it start? For my when 7th Ed hit the ground… Feel free to comment, to add arguments in order to make me change my mind (you will see that this is a starting point of this Blog entry – how I (partially) changed my mi


Bouargh in Edito

¡Thank You!

Thank you to all visitors that made this blog reaching 1000 views.    Please keep on viewing and don´t forget to share comments.     And soon after this milestone, yet useless post, I will keep on sharing again my progresses for Operation Closet Cleaning. Keep in touch lads!  


Bouargh in Milestone

Closing a trip on Memory Lane - Gorkers (or are they Morkers?)

Within the big closet cleaning, some Gorkers (or are they Morkers) reappeared a while ago. I finally painted them after all these year with them waiting for a little bit of love (the other way to call a base coat of Ork Flesh Green).   The WIP was covered in various post here...:     ... or there:     So, here there is the Gang, all together:     Led by Skool (and its gang):     I do not play Orks but it has


Bouargh in GorkaMorka

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