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Hobby exploits around WH40k

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Hobby Butterfly - tools of war - Flamer

Looking for inspiration for another painting project I started rummaging through my plastic sprues looking for simple things to add here and there to my BA force. I built 2 ABR Intercessors as a result but I wanted to share with you something else that kinda happened on it's own. Remember that odd Flamer guy Black Templars got all of a sudden during their last model release? Well now I have my own Design is not perfect, but it's bigger (as all things Primaris should be) and it was f


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

Hobby Butterfly - trying to make Terminators "better" - but this time it's Tartaros

Sooo I wanted to take a break from Terminators after the last one, but this happened: Blood Angels Praetor in Tartaros Terminator armor was in my drawer for some time now. I love the model and now with the experience I got from the Cataphractii, I feel more confident to try and upscale him too. Cutting the waist section wasn't easy and unfortunately whole abdomen section will need to be resculpted. No hiding things with cloth this time as I want to preserve the lovely detail of the breastpl


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

Hobby Butterfly - trying to make Terminators "better" -WIP-part3-final

With the first member of the up-scaled Cataphractii painted, I'm kinda surprised to say that the project is complete  I already said in my previous entry, that I'm satisfied with the build. However seeing the result in full color gives that extra layer of confirmation and pleasure. Finis coronat opus if my High Gothic serves me right? Now the nearest goal is to paint the remaining 4 members of the squad. There is another 5 waiting in the sprues too if I fancy.  As far as tryin


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

Hobby Butterfly - and now for something completely different: a Death Cult Assassin

I'm a patron of one of Polish miniature painters - Samuel Skiba-Wojnach - and part of a painting group for a bout a year now. As such, it happens that we paint a miniature together that comes from different setting then WH40k. However I like to incorporate them whenever possible into my 40k collection, because it's both fun and an opportunity to work on my skills outside the comfort zone of Blood Angels' red. And black.... and white.... and gold..... and blue...   Anyway a mini I painted in


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

Hobby Butterfly - trying to make Terminators "better" -WIP-part2

Found myself some hobby time during the weekend and managed to finish the cloth surplices and plates extensions for the Terminators. Once that cured, I added the waist chains, fasteners, some bling in the form of acrylic tear-drops (nail decoriations) in various places and even built up some bases. So without further ado here is the whole squad as it is now: I think the Sergeant in the middle could also use some kind of icon on the top of the hood to further distinguish him. Or perhap


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

Hobby Butterfly - trying to make Terminators "better" -WIP-part1

With the Primaris range came problems for some of the most iconic units of the 40k universe, the Terminators. They just don't look good next to new sculpts. Especially the Indomitus sculpts.  I've been having an idea of upscaling them for quite some time, but never really gathered the courage to try. That is probably in no small part because I want to keep as much of the original sculpts as possible. I had some ideas... and then HH startex box dropped and I found myself in possession of the


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

Starting off

Hello folks!  I've been wanting to start wih something nice and smooth. Something about my hobby way or history but in the end I just couldn't get to it properly. So instead I chose to start with where I am at the moment. I own a considerable force of Blood Angels - my first 40k love. I have around 12.000 pts worth of painted models and a solid chunk of those is my 5th Company, the Daemonbanes. It's almost ready barring a few bodies and I plan to showcase them here slowly while I updat


Majkhel in Blood Angels

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