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Hobby exploits around WH40k

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Hobby Butterfly - tools of war - Flamer

Looking for inspiration for another painting project I started rummaging through my plastic sprues looking for simple things to add here and there to my BA force. I built 2 ABR Intercessors as a result but I wanted to share with you something else that kinda happened on it's own. Remember that odd Flamer guy Black Templars got all of a sudden during their last model release? Well now I have my own Design is not perfect, but it's bigger (as all things Primaris should be) and it was f


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

Hobby Butterfly - trying to make Terminators "better" -WIP-part1

With the Primaris range came problems for some of the most iconic units of the 40k universe, the Terminators. They just don't look good next to new sculpts. Especially the Indomitus sculpts.  I've been having an idea of upscaling them for quite some time, but never really gathered the courage to try. That is probably in no small part because I want to keep as much of the original sculpts as possible. I had some ideas... and then HH startex box dropped and I found myself in possession of the


Majkhel in Hobby Butterfly WIPs

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