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All things 40Kish, a middle-aged wargamers attempts to reduce his pile of shame and get a few games in.


Entries in this blog

All about the base!

Intro   With the Knives in the Darkness Kill Team event looming, I have been assembling my chosen team of Inquisitorial agents with a squad of sisters of silence. The inquisitorial agents I have already built on standard plastic Sector Imperialis bases, but sisters of silence I have left unattached to the bases, as i find with big cloaks such as theirs they are easier to paint when you can get to them from below. Anyway, I decided I would have a go at 3d modelling my own 32mm bases for


drakheart in Analysis

About last weekend...

Last Saturday saw my most recent battle against one of my oldest friends and long time opponent Graham, it was a 2000pt game using the open war card deck and got the domination objective, with long table edge deployment and storms as the twist reducing movement and advances by 1".  I ended up winning quite convincingly with my opponent conceeding at the end of his second turn, reallising I was already ahead on victory points and he didn't have enough models left at that stage to be ab


drakheart in Analysis

3D printing and the hobby.

A Little Background   I have always been into model making from my earliest Airfix kits as a child, I then picked up my fist warhammer miniature at the age of 12 and was hooked on the hobby and my model making followed that direction. During the early days of WH40k Rogue Trader with the lack of larger models we had to kit bash our own, with many of my early Airfix models being sacrificed to this end. Any of you old enough will remember the White Dwarf articles on building your own and I


drakheart in Analysis

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