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Corsair Unit

Just finished up this unit using nothing smaller than a ) brush. It's tabletop ready and replaces a similar unit.   Maybe one day I'll clean up some things I didn't notice until after the photos.   The guy above is definitely going to get some attention.    

Drukhari Archon

All done except for the sealing coat.    This guy is a test model. It uses the same colors as the witches, but it differs from the corsairs and existing kabalites. The latter is teal, not turquoise.    Obviously I've been going for quantity over quality lately. I'm shooting for these models to look good from several feet, not a few inches away.   Here's the pics.           Thanks for looking.

Pirate Army - Incubi

These models count as Tortured Warriors with venom swords in my Grimdark death cult army. In 40k lore this is part of an Ynnari army with an emphasis on pirates and banshees. It has a craft world, a wych cult, and a few kabalite bands joining in for kicks.   There's some details to paint in the torture racks, but that will not prevent me from calling these tabletop-ready.   Colors used:   Vallejo dark turquoise ink gw carrosburg crimson turbo dork shi

Pirate Army - Wyches

These models count as Witches in my Grimdark death cult army. In 40k lore this is part of an Ynnari army with an emphasis on pirates and banshees. It has a craft world, a wych cult, and a few kabalite bands joining in for kicks.   I'm generally pleased with the results here. Colors used are:   turbo dork shifting sands GW auric gold GW terrain turquoise GW hexametric green GW carroburg crimson Vallejo flat yellow army painter matte b

Pirate Army - Corsairs

These models count as Nightmares in my Grimdark death cult army. Alternatively, I can run them as storm squads in High Elf Fleets. In 40k lore this is an Ynnari army with an emphasis on pirates and banshees. It has a craft world, a wych cult, and a few kabalite bands joining in for kicks.   I finished these models (for now) today. I might go back and add more color to the weapons. Not thrilled with the arkhelion green results. These look like the Denver Broncos.  However, they are read
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