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About this blog

I'm trying to get more regular in my hobby work instead of the usual swings of feast and famine. I'm moving to a blog here instead of separate topics in armies (Blood Angels, Imperial Guard, and Works in progress), as wells as topics (Games, Displays, and Painting). Anyway, I'm not saying it's realistic for me to do 1 hour every night, but something like this is important. Small, incremental improvements. Day by day. Kaizen. Better painting. Better displays. Better gameplay. 

Entries in this blog

Leman Russ Exterminator Conversion, Brick Wall Experiment #1

Exterminator Leman Russ The last time I had an exterminator painted, I think it had pewter barrels (3rd ed?). But, the index exterminator rules are at least interesting for the first time in an age. It's 'withering hail' rule means that if this main gun hits, for the rest of the phase the rest of my army gets another pip of AP against the unit that was hit. And, since the main gun has 'twin linked' it's likely to actually score hits. Still, with vehicle toughness systemically improving this

Captain Caine 24th

Captain Caine 24th in WIP

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