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Just a way for me to chart progress through armies, terrain and the like all under the watchful eye of a furry tyrant 



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Standard Battle Mission pack 30k

Good evening   I've been working on a mission pack for a little while now that can be used for standalone play. It has a few quirks and is a set of quite simple but thematic missions for casual play. This is just the first of many packs I'll be making. The bones are 3ed missions with some tweaking to take advantage of 2,0 special rules   Direct Link https://archive.org/details/standard-missions-v-1_202409   Embed in the post ( Hopefully!)   Please let

Mr Farson

Mr Farson in 30k, Homebrew, fandex,

30k Mechanicus expanded units

Hello   I've finally dusted off a project I started working on in7th ed 40k which was porting various 40k mechanicus units into 30k.   This if the first batch and working wip for the cult mechanicus side of things, I will be doing the Skitarii units as well. Currently the idea is these units simply add to the existing Mechanicum list but I've also drafted a separate detachment that will solely focus on the 40k units representing the more militaristic and regular mechanicum fi

What do you mean I'm a third done

Due to being off work a week for surgery I've caught up on some modeling      Somewhat depressingly the infantry here are less than a third of the total in my 3000pt list aha.   I'm now off to lazily build 7 whole stormcast models over a weekend 

Mr Farson

Mr Farson in 30k

Money can be exchanged for goods and services

Allo   Continuing on with the theme of my fiscal irresponsibility behold the siege breaker I have built.   I don't run siege breakers and decided to build this on a whim. Unfortunately for me the parts needed included one arm from the Sons of horus weapon set. I don't play Sons of horus ended up buying the pack for one bit.   He do be handsome tho   I also received all the bases I need for my solar aux infantry       

Unwise decisions and their costs

Allo   It is well known and spoken of amongst the clouds above that I am not a smart man   Many have described me as "upright" and "lacking in brain wrinkles"   Perhaps as of a result of this I decided to buy into the solar aux and also buy fancy bases       Luckily I am too empty thought to have worked out how much this will cost in the long wrong but considering there's 100 infantry I expect its going to be a bad time 

Hot diggity damm thats a lot of tank

Right lets try this again    So finished all my infantry and started my tanks, changed tank scheme part way through because it was too bright. Painted all the tanks looked back at the infantry had a mild breakdown at the difference in brightness and stripped the infantry #winning lmao                           Either way the bulk of the tank are done aha

Mr Farson

Mr Farson in Iron warriors

The 369th Grand Battalion working lore

While work on painting continues a pace I've cast my mind to write some fluff for my grand battalion   *Ahem*   The 369th Grand Battalion is an amalgamation of the 36th Infantry battalion and the 9th Armoured following the heavy losses they sustained following Istvaan.     The 36th operated under the command of Warsmith Justinian a terran veteran who upon the fields of Istvaan hesitated to give the command to fire on the loyalists. The Warsmith Justinian would

Mr Farson

Mr Farson in Lore

My absolute refusals to build anything else rhino related

G'day   In my continued quest to build literally anything that's not rhino based I've finished off assembling my final 10 man tac squad with bayonets.   Along with this I've built my first of three land speeders and oh boy howdy do I hate the pilots arms.     I want to say that I'm more than halfway to get my current list variation built but I'm conscious of the fact I still need to build 3 vindicators and 4 rhinos  (Boooo hiss!)   Anyway ta ga

Mr Farson

Mr Farson in Iron warriors

Huzzah I posses the power to cut foam

So I recently bought a proxxon hot wire cutter in a fit of realising I'm hitting 30 and have never made a foam ruin.   Using my very big jiggly totally not smooth wrinkle less brain I decided the best way to go about doing this was drop a hundred quid on something I'd never seen before.      Well after a few hours this afternoon I'm happy to report I kinda know how to work it.   My goal now is to melt my way through many a sheet until I have a 3rd ed esque city

Mr Farson

Mr Farson in Terrain wip

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