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A collection of my Warhammer 40k hobby.

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The Havenesse Spiral Campaign - A Fresh Infusion

A Fresh Infusion   The Strike Cruiser Retribution emerged from the Immaterium, warp-lightning flickering over the Geller field as it dissipated. Her colours were somewhat scarred, but the deep crimson was mostly clear, and the Chapter emblem of the Blood Ravens stood proud on the flanks of the vessel. Bow thrusters reoriented the Retribution star-ward, and the main drives pulsed to life, pushing away from the Mandeville Point, towards the mysterious rendezvous in-system. Chief Apotheca

The Havenesse Spiral Campaign - Sub-sector Description

Alongside my Great Repaintening, I wanted to exercise other creative outlets - thus, the Havenesse Spiral sub-sector. I envisioned it as a personal slice of the galaxy where I could lay out campaigns, stories, and so on. The Crusade/Narrative way to play should have been right up my alley, and really helped build out the sub-sector, but it never quite gelled for me. Perhaps the new edition will provide a spark?   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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