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About this blog

A collection of different hobby projects set within the Warhammer 40.000 universe, both finished and WiP. Also, puns.


As I find myself completely unable to muster any enthusiasm for the current edition of Warhammer 40.000, I have instead chosen to focus on older editions and other games, such as 4th ed. Warhammer 40.000, Horus Heresy, Necromunda, GorkaMorka and my own homebrewed co-op narrative (or “roleplay lite”) game. So these will all make an appearance eventually, as will any number of terrain and painting projects.

Entries in this blog

A Dataslate for a homebrew game and some idle musings on making stuff

I've been toying with making a homebrewed co-op game for use with 40K/Necromunda rules for the past couple of years. The idea originally popped into my head because I was a bit disillusioned with both the (then) current state of Warhammer 40.000, as well as not really "feeling it" when it came to playing army-scale games. Partly due to not having the time and energy for actually painting an army and keeping up on the rules, but also because I simply didn't enjoy the experience the last couple of
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