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About this blog

A collection of different hobby projects set within the Warhammer 40.000 universe, both finished and WiP. Also, puns.


As I find myself completely unable to muster any enthusiasm for the current edition of Warhammer 40.000, I have instead chosen to focus on older editions and other games, such as 4th ed. Warhammer 40.000, Horus Heresy, Necromunda, GorkaMorka and my own homebrewed co-op narrative (or “roleplay lite”) game. So these will all make an appearance eventually, as will any number of terrain and painting projects.

Entries in this blog

Some musings on painting big areas of skin (with and without oils)

I recently started experimenting with oils, opting to smear a magenta/purple oil wash on my Great unclean one (on the tentacles, stomach and guts) with rather good results, if I do say so myself: So, yeah, oil washes are good, if you want to use them, but what if you don't? Well, have no fear, I still have some tips for you! There's a little oil wash on the back here, but much of the purple/magenta is actually done only with thinned acrylics and some washes and contrasts. AND, it wa

A Dataslate for a homebrew game and some idle musings on making stuff

I've been toying with making a homebrewed co-op game for use with 40K/Necromunda rules for the past couple of years. The idea originally popped into my head because I was a bit disillusioned with both the (then) current state of Warhammer 40.000, as well as not really "feeling it" when it came to playing army-scale games. Partly due to not having the time and energy for actually painting an army and keeping up on the rules, but also because I simply didn't enjoy the experience the last couple of
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