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About this blog

While my illustrations usually can be seen by others, the same isnt true for my 40k related art, I could put them on portfolio sites etc. However the problem is that over time I noticed that because illustration is my fulltime job, I find it difficult to finish personal projects.. so a blog might be the way to go.


Eventually I will also post other hobby projects. ( from converting, to housebrewing rules, to way too little painting.)


Also, Im bad at descriptions.

Entries in this blog

Drukhari Graea and a half done Fuegan

To continue on the triumvirate concepts, naturally I felt the need to compliment Ynnari with a set of Drukhari and Asuryani triumvirates   Ideas often start as these rather ugly doodles ( wich I usually keep to myself, and more often than not are in small notepads and never even scanned in.) One thing I felt ynnari did is have the potential to take the exotic element out of the Dark eldar and double down on the body horror and creepier elements. (of wich I have made plenty more sketche

Tau infinity and beyond!

If I start this with a huge introduction and many words.. I will probably never start so I will dive right in. Doing my (few) Tau pieces first gives oppurtunity for some sort of introduction though, my very first Tau are some random alternate head doodles done when I was working with Kromlech.. the idea was to make more rough and "cinematic heroic" Tau heads for Pathfinders and Fire warriors. I dont think they were ever released on their store tough.   It would be years befor
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