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Stuff ive been working on, usually hindered by my terrible camera skills.

Entries in this blog

Khunara army complete!

So i got the army mostly finished in a haze of madness and some other coinciding deadlines and had a great event up at Firestorm games in Cardiff, which is a great venue to boot. I have immediately been dragged into more unrelated deadlines so ive not got the brains to do a full report, but heres the army laid out for some glamour shots ;)                  Ill hopefully do some more detailed looks at models in future, especially when so


Noserenda in Anathema Psykana

Pre event hobby panic begins...

Heyo folks, just over a week to go until the Khunara event at Firestorm so im beginning to realise how much ive left to the last minute as is traditional :D  368377490_10161056098590797_3138072169892678941_n  Ive finished up a pair of Prosecutor squads with assault needlers, having done a lot of rifle arm conversions for Anathema now, im heartily sick of them! So in this case i cut down the flamer and added a 3d printed Escher needle gun front on, i figure the gun draws venom from the bottle


Noserenda in Anathema Psykana

More blades for Khunara!

So i need to finish basing all of these, but just imagine a load of jungle plants :P  367439393_10161035249380797_6886977331874889056_n  Continuing progress for the Khunara campaign event at the start of September, ive blitzed through the models ive been slowly assembling that dont need any 3d printed bits, not sure i need this many executioner blades for my proposed list, but really can you have too many Anathema wielding 6 foot razors?  367415134_10161035249495797_3521012287563452164_n 


Noserenda in Anathema Psykana

Couple of Raptora

Pulling my finger out to build more sisters for September, I have a bunch of sprues and second hand minis I've gotten cheap, can't just sit around with decision paralysis and the damn heeeeeat!   I don't think fists are good for them, but chonk.


Noserenda in Anathema Psykana

Anathema Errant

311782126_10160328616435797_5619210022339024935_n Real quick one as im knackered but im really happy with how my Knight Errant Sister came out, the concept being that she is either the last member of an Orphaned Vigil or perhaps a particularly grizzled Knight or Solo operative, either way she works alone, is armed to the teeth and perfectly willing to use it all :D  That and i spotted the Vampire base mini had definite potential! It hasnt gone perfectly but my keen needed an outlet ;) 


Noserenda in Anathema Psykana

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