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Stuff ive been working on, usually hindered by my terrible camera skills.

Entries in this blog

Recon squad finished up, bonus statuary.

First Squad finished, i grouped all the bare heads in this half and it pained me :D Turns out after a few years mostly painting SoS my marine face skills have atrophied a bit but i felt a Veteran Recon squad would be full of the types to go bareheaded in a warzone with a big beard!  301502463_10160198129495797_1345052255596126435_n  Still, not my best work overall but perfect is the enemy of finished and their assecories came out alright which is gratifying lol 302335850_10160198129340797_4


Noserenda in Sons of Horus

First demi squad sorted

Been making a bit of progress since the sun stopped trying to kill us all :D First up as i finally made a decision on basing (Desert to match the current other member of the drop out filled group project) i based the apothecaries i recommissioned from unfinished Iron warriors as testers. 302176213_10160193461300797_8508922370391818114_n  Then on to Infantry, which by effectively raw chance turned out to be my super flex recon/veteran squad(s) the first 5 of which have turned out alright i t


Noserenda in Sons of Horus

First among blogs, first among traitors!

So first entry! I bounce around like a right hobby butterfly these days due to a lack of goals or budget and the current heatwaves have really impacted me painting (or moving much) after a crushingly keen start to the year ill likely cover in a future blog if i keep this up :D   So more on topic, im not sure how the images will display so i will talk generally... My Sons of Horus force is set during the Siege, after the events of Saturnine and they are pretty well corrupt at this point. Th


Noserenda in Sons of Horus

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