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From nothing to tournaments, a blog about starting Genestealer Cults from scratch; building, painting, converting, and playing every aspect of the faction and hobby.

Entries in this blog

Second Round of 1,000 pt Games

My friends and I ended up with a “gaming weekend” which allowed me the opportunity to test out some further combinations of different units. I wanted to dig deeper into the Heavy Mining Tools team mentioned previously, and even throw down with some Purestrain Genestealers, so experience them for the first time (I’m skeptical).   Like last time, a few notes: This game was pre 3” blip restriction and I was playing that Demo Charges do NOT return on death.   ---------  


Gaston in Games

First 1,000 Pt Games

First game of 10th Edition!!!   Note: This was played before some clarifications were made, so Demo Charges are one time use, the 3” ambush nerf wasn’t in effect yet, and I was playing the Nexos as being able to use the 2 CP strat for free (oops!).   I took a very basic list, mostly the contents of the Boarding Party and Combat Patrol, adding in a Ridgerunner, Nexos, and Biophagus for spice.   Neophytes x20 (Mining Laser, Grenade Launcher, Banner) --Nexus --Prim


Gaston in Games

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