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Finally getting (back) around to Tyranids. First model I ever bought was Old One Eye back in late 4th or early 5th. Painted him very badly and a squad of Gargoyles where every wing was probably a slightly different shade of blue before realizing I would never finish an army and gave up.


Entries in this blog

The Swarmlord

I haven't had much time for hobby lately, and I spent most of that time building. But I did get some time to work on my Swarmlord (which I may be using as a Hive Tyrant on foot, but the Swarmlord looks cooler so I went for that). Side note - the new Hormagaunts are SO MUCH BETTER than the old ones. I remember spending more time cleaning mold lines than everything else combined when I built them back in 4th/5th.  I also have (I think) a handle on how I want to go about the background for my fleet


Khulu in Hive Fleet TBD

Screamer Killer

So, after several months and a handful of terrible looking models on my desk, I think I have settled on a scheme for Hive Fleet TBD. That's about the only thing I have settled on, though. No name, no fluff, no idea how to base. I am not in much of a hurry, though. I want to take my time and just paint for the sake of painting more than trying to finish a list. That always leads me to make stupid mistakes.  


Khulu in Hive Fleet TBD

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