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About this blog

This blog focuses on the growth and expansion of my Dark Angles army in 41st Millenium. The goal of this blog is to document both the lore and painting development of my army over time, in addition to serving as a way to hold myself accountable for hobby progress. If you are interested in the Dark Angels and lore that may not quite align with official releases, please consider reading through. And of course I look forward to community feedback as the project progresses. 


Loyalty is its Own Reward

Entries in this blog

Inspiration for the Order

Inspiration for the Order + + + + The Order of the Broken Arrow (hereafter known as the Broken Arrow) is the core concept and organizing principle behind my M41 Dark Angels collection. It is entirely a homebrew concept, though I should emphasize that it is founded upon established Dark Angels lore to date as I understand it. It is very likely that as the return of The Lion and expansion of the Dark Angels Primaris marines are explored in greater detail by the Black Libra

Company Master Holden

Company Master Holden in General

Session 0: Introductions and Origins

Session 0: Introduction and Origins OR Why in the name of Terra do we have another Dark Angels blogger?  + + + + The creation of this blog rose from a simple need. Though the hobby can be enjoyed alone, in my opinion, it is best experienced as a community. Laboring over a Repulsor tank from new on sprue to final highlights is a rewarding process, but having someone who also understands the hobby to share that progress with is very important [1]. Reading through

Company Master Holden

Company Master Holden in General

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