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About this blog

In Hobby and Design we like to enhance the hobby experience when playing wargames and boardgames.


Game experience issues may appear when playing to some of your favorite games and we like to learn from that experience and enhance it by providing new innovative solutions: from additional material for your games, to templated plans you can use.


Do you have any specific chip in your gaming shoe you want to get out? Contact us and we'll give it a thought to help out in evolving your experience!


Our content is mostly digital and printable.

Entries in this blog

Warhammer 40k Kill Team QRC summaries

What's the problem?   Have you ever thought that relying too much on rule books and summaries makes it slow and cumbersome when playing Warhammer 40k Kill Team?   Above all when you're starting with a new Kill Team, it's hard to keep track of the different operatives' stats, all their ploys, equipment... And if you're sharing the same book with other people in the same game it makes all the experience really slow. You spend more time turning pages arou


Avernetta in Kill Team

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