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About this blog

An attempt to keep all my little projects and armies in one place. Expect army lore, completed and WIP models, and some battle reports.


Active Projects:

The Sin Eaters - A Blood Angel Successor Crusade army

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - A T'au infantry/stealth army


Backburner Projects:

Index Ordos - Inquisitorial warbands and support in the vibe of INQ28

The Cauldron Born - Firstborn Marine Chapter

The Aspermundi Partisans - Not!GSC Human Revolutionaries

Entries in this blog

Craftworld Ythiril - Silver Spears & Fire Prism

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST SILVER SPEARS & FIRE PRISM   Three Spears of The Wild Hunt.   Iyanneth's mount snarled in her mind, and bucked beneath her with every searing blast she let off with her laser lance. The bike wanted those kills for itself, or better yet to feel the hot wash of Mon-keigh blood against its hull. She soothed it - for a moment - with a gentle push through their psychic link, calming the blood crazed jetbike's proto-soul long enough to allow h


Wormwoods in Craftworld Ythiril

Craftworld Ythiril - Shroud Runners

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST SHROUD RUNNERS Those who roam beyond the Cold Iron Stars.   Precise and true.   Bound as it is to a slow, languid procession around the spior- ad a' bhàis - The Doom Spiral - Craftworld Ythiril must send its children out far afield to watch for threats to the long watch. More integrated into the Craftworld than most who walk the Path of the Outcast these rangers often choose to go to war in the style of Ythiril, joining the Wild Hu


Wormwoods in Craftworld Ythiril

Craftworld Ythiril - Windriders

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST WINDRIDER Riding out in close formation.   I've finished the first squad, and had a delightful time. I really liked this kit, even if I ran into some... Problems with my magnetisation. The weapon hole is an awkward size for the magnets I have left over from basing all my Tau, and even more awkwardly my drill bit doesn't fit my hand drill, so I had to do it manually. As such, the guns aren't quite level, with one of them unfortunately droopy. Oh w


Wormwoods in Craftworld Ythiril

Craftworld Ythiril - Windrider & Lore Thoughts

YTHIRIL WILD HUNTER HOST WINDRIDER Windrider Jetbike with Shuriken Cannon.   The core of the Wild Hunt, warrior-bond teams of Windriders scour the battlefield of the enemies of Ythiril, and its charge to guard the Cold Iron Stars. The Craftworld, militaristic and dedicated, blurs the lines between citizen soldiers and the Holy Aspects, especially amongst the main body of the Host, mounted on Jetbikes that will, in time, be coaxed into becoming steeds for their riders thr


Wormwoods in Craftworld Ythiril

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