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About this blog

An attempt to keep all my little projects and armies in one place. Expect army lore, completed and WIP models, and some battle reports.


Active Projects:

The Sin Eaters - A Blood Angel Successor Crusade army

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - A T'au infantry/stealth army


Backburner Projects:

Index Ordos - Inquisitorial warbands and support in the vibe of INQ28

The Cauldron Born - Firstborn Marine Chapter

The Aspermundi Partisans - Not!GSC Human Revolutionaries

Entries in this blog

Crusade - Game 4 - Rematch in the Ruins

CRUSADE GAME 4 - TAU VS IMPERIAL GUARD Spending a lot of time in close combat in this Crusade...   My next game was a rematch, of sorts. Not for the armies so much as for the two most intimidating hulls currently in the Crusade! Yes, Andrew's Rogal Dorn - now a commander - against my Hammerhead, Shi'ur Monat. Oh, and some other things happened, I guess, but the two big tanks having another shooting match was the main thing.   At this range it was practical


Wormwoods in Crusade

Crusade - Game 3 - Scrap Metal

CRUSADE GAME 3 - TAU VS GROTS Fearful symmetry.   After a wait, we've now had our second game day for our new Crusade. After a strong start, this was a rough one for the Recon Cadre, but hey, it happens. Regressing to the mean of my gaming by losing horrendously.    Game 3 was against Kieran's Waaaagh! Grot-Snicker (or was that Grot-Snikah? Unclear) and a veritable horde of big robots and constructions. Killa Kans built from battlesuits, Grot Tanks built from w


Wormwoods in Crusade

Crusade - Game 2 - A Sudden, But Inevitable Betrayal

CRUSADE GAME 2 - TAU VS ELDAR Who could have foreseen this?   Immediately after successfully fending off an Imperial tank push, the two order-aligned Xenos factions have, inevitably, fallen to their own squabbling. Game 2 for the Crusade saw 500 points of Tau V Eldar on an alarmingly small board. It's fine, neither of us brought much in the way of close combat, which is more than can be said for the Chaos fight that used the board before us. We're probably going to enlar


Wormwoods in Crusade

Crusade - Introduction & Game 1

CRUSADE INTRODUCTION & GAME 1 Mêlée à Two-V-Two   Aaaah, it's been too long! Truly, Crusade is the only way to play modern 40K. 10th may not be perfect - far from it - but for largely casual, theme-focused Crusade games? It's a lot of fun. After ending my last Crusade early - you can find how that all ended over on my WIP Thread Post Here - we all took a break to paint something other than Space Marines and Tyranids (and, in one case, to have a child!) before finall


Wormwoods in Crusade

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