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About this blog

An attempt to keep all my little projects and armies in one place. Expect army lore, completed and WIP models, and some battle reports.


Active Projects:

The Sin Eaters - A Blood Angel Successor Crusade army

Ky'Vash Recon Cadre - A T'au infantry/stealth army


Backburner Projects:

Index Ordos - Inquisitorial warbands and support in the vibe of INQ28

The Cauldron Born - Firstborn Marine Chapter

The Aspermundi Partisans - Not!GSC Human Revolutionaries

Entries in this blog

Belligerents of Badab - Howling Griffon

BELLIGERENTS of BADAB HOWLING GRIFFONS One wound of many.   So, I'm not painting a lot of Space Marines these days, between my Tau Crusade Army and fun I've been having over in BFG. That didn't seem right. Now, I can't commit to a major project, but I can certainly muck around with single models, right? So begins BELLIGERENTS of BADAAAAAAAAAAB!!   The crowd goes wild.   Wanted to start out with something fiddly, so I've knocked out a Howling Griffon.


Wormwoods in Belligerents of Badab

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