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A slow-burn Blog/Plog of everything not anywhere else.

Entries in this blog

Intermission 2 (WIPs)

Nothing very fancy from me today, just a potato cam images of some WIPS.   Two Khymaran Veterans. I might even finish them at some point. These are deliberately rough as a badger's chuff, and I'm a little fed up with myself, since despite practice, I just couldn't get the battenberg shoulder scheme down. In the end I settled for a mixed veg melange of red and yellow as their pauldrons would be if they were in normal livery.   The pic robs the guy on the right of his MK VII-es

Intermission 1 (Desert Bases)

Just a quick update from me today. Since I had a few moments in this busy week, I thought I'd tackle some low-hanging fruit for the Sigmar VI project and do some bases, this is generally because the Howling Griffons are Imperial and therefore lazy, where the Secessionists have to work for a living - er, I digress.   I haven't really done many of the desert-themed ones before, so it was something nicely different from the lunar Khymara set ups I've been working on, and the warm tones ar

Session Four (w/Models)

SESSION FOUR:   I was harping on about doing a medical diorama based on the Howling Griffons actions at Khymara, and thought I had the parts, but I do not. However, I do have legacy models I will never use, belonging to armies I no longer have - I might have mentioned that. Anyway, I got to reading again, and found the segment about the death of Chaplain Armand Titus, hero of the Caradryad Campaign, which was the last action the Griffons prosecuted before the Badab War. Now, Khymara wa

Session Three (Writing/Prose only)

SESSION THREE:   I'll start altering the titles of the Blog entries to advertise a little better what's on the menu, since the entry names are kind of sterile and hide the content from those who might be looking for something else. Hope that helps everyone.   +++++   ECHIDNA'S CHILDREN   ++ THE KHYMARAN DRIFT ++     + BADAB SECTOR = LOYALIST CONTENDED +   'Twixt the barrows of Khymara, The dust of rock and bone, Ther

Session Two

SESSION TWO:   Well, I've been busy again. I've thrown myself into weird and wonderful projects because I can, and I have the time. It has also served me to look at something other than a bloody computer scream (no, not a typo), and has allowed me to just get lost in a project, no matter how much hair it still causes to fall out. It has been a bit of trial and error, but I got where I wanted in the end. Looking at the RT WH40K Compendium is absolutely lethal.   Now it just so

Session One

SESSION ONE:   Just a quick one since I had some time today, and so I went delving in the boxes, the miniatures shuddering from fear and fright in the back of my attic, and I found the hull of a Land Raider Redeemer/Crusader with a goodly few bits.   This fired up a few neurons, and I pored through the pages of Imperial Armour IX and found a very intriguing bit of artwork, namely the Howling Griffons Land Raider Prometheus. Well, you know, the FW kit has been out of productio

Session Zero

SESSION ZERO:   Welcome to the Blog!    This is basically intended as a collection of projects - which likely won't ever get finished, but I don't want to clog up the WIP/HOH with my inane and meandering nonsense. You can see my very small pile of shame here, which consists of half an Infiltrators kit (Technically a Phobos Kill Team with the upgrades - I can't even remember the name), a Bladeguard kit, and two Intercessors. They've been sitting around for a while, doing not mu
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