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About this blog

For a while now, I have been trying to devise a way to incorporate my Christian faith into Warhammer 40K in the form of a faction. Now before anyone jumps on me about the lore changes that such a faction would have on the greater 40K universe, I understand & thus I have no qualms about treating this as a completely separate fan-universe that simply parallels the 40K narrative. I don’t exactly have encyclopedic knowledge of the 40K universe either & I might overlook certain aspects of it, but I would be happy to receive input about such things, including questions & suggestions about how this might interact with the cannon lore. I want this faction to be somewhat plausible, though of course my own head-cannon would say that everything they believe is true, the rest of the universe will  see them as delusional heretics. As always, I appreciate any positive feedback/criticism, I thank you for your time & God bless!

Entries in this blog

Timeline (WIP)

M24: Some 58 years or so before the Age of Strife began, Christian priests across the galaxy received a prophetic dream foretelling a great disaster. One of these priests, Noah, was given the STC for a massive void ship & told to build one on Terra as well as coordinate construction of others across the galaxy. These Arks took around 10 years to complete, during which time many priests preached to the masses of the oncoming doom, gathering as many believers as they could save, while gatherin


Kaede45 in History

The Arks

The Arks are enormous colony ships created by an engineer by the name Noah. After receiving a vision of dark times to come, he was told to build a massive ship to ferry the faithful to a safe world. While he personally constructed the very first Ark on Terra, Noah also coordinated with engineers across the galaxy, aiding them in building their own Arks. When all the Arks were constructed, they immediately made their way towards the world of Eden on the fringes of the Milky Way galaxy. While most


Kaede45 in History

Religious freedom in the Golden Kingdom

As a deeply religious faction, the religion of the populace is heavily regulated as allowing outside beliefs to flourish can become quite dangerous & can lead to a weakening of the faith for the entire community. However, some religious freedom is allowed, albeit in limited circumstances. Newly conquered worlds as well as POWs are allowed to practice whatever religion they desire, though they are encouraged to accept the teachings of Christ.   Worlds conquered by the Golden Kingdom


Kaede45 in Diplomacy

Xenos in the Golden Kingdom

Unlike the Imperium, the Golden Kingdom’s view of xenos is not as extreme. Individual xenos are viewed through the lens of their own individual actions & rarely are all xenos of any species lumped together as a whole. Xenos who are willing to dedicate themselves to Christ are welcomed into the Golden Kingdom & afforded the same rights therein as any other human would be. Aeldari, Orkz, Necrons, Tau, Kroot, etc., if any are willing to accept Christ as their savior, then they are welcomed


Kaede45 in Diplomacy

Abhumans in the Golden Kingdom

As with the Imperium, abhumans are not uncommon within the Golden Kingdom. However, they are generally treated better than they are in the Imperium. That isn’t to say that dangerous abhumans are ignored, nor are any of them afforded more special privileges than any others. Abhumans are treated as any other human, having the same capacity for good or ill.


Kaede45 in Diplomacy

Lore breaks

Disclaimer: This is where I will attempt to rectify/explain how & why my faction, the Golden Kingdom, can exist in the 40K universe while breaking parts of established lore. I want my faction to both fit into the universe, while also bringing in my beliefs. As I stated before, I don’t mind if everyone else considers these changes too radical to be anything more than fannon, but I would like to try & make it make some sense in the greater 40K universe. As always, feedback & criticisms


Kaede45 in Lore

Astartes of Ordo Celestia

Astartes within Ordo Celestia are typically renegades who have accepted Christ as their savior, however there are Eden-born “Astartes” as well. While the Golden Kingdom has no gene seed or access to such, it is a miracle that they can even produce Astartes & by all accounts, they cannot, but the warriors they have are comparable to the Space Marine legions of the Imperium. At first glance, they are visually indistinguishable from Astartes, save for their lack of cybernetics, but if one were


Kaede45 in Military

The Aetherium

(Disclaimer: This bit of lore will contradict pre-established lore. Thoughts are still welcome.)   The Aetherium (also referred to as the Aether, Paradiso, Heaven, etc.) is a plane that exists above the material plane & separate from the Immaterium. It is a dimension ruled over by the one true God that is both connected & separate from the other planes. Unlike the Warp, which influences & is influenced by the psychic activity of mortals, the Aether is unchanging & unaff


Kaede45 in Lore

Important figures

This is a list of important characters I have made backstories for. This list will be updated frequently.   Father Abraham: Formerly known as captain Abram of the Grey Knights, Abraham is the founder of Ordo Celestia & serves as one of its elders.   Mother Sara: Formerly known as Sarai of the Sisters of Silence, Sara is the wife of Abraham & mother of his son, the first Prophet of Eden. She serves as one of the elders of Ordo Celestia & leads the Sisterhood of Chr


Kaede45 in History

The Golden Star

The Golden Star is a bizarre phenomenon that has eluded explanation. It acts as a sun in the star system, orbited by Eden & 8 other planets. The entire star system appears to be set up in the exact same manner as the Sol system, leading many to wonder what the nature of the system is. According to records kept by the Aeldari, the star was not always a golden color, but only became that way after Eden was conquered by the human pilgrims who would form the Golden Kingdom. It is said that the r

Relationships with other factions

Imperium of Man: Most conflicts with the Imperium come from the Imperial Cult as the two religions conflict with each other. Regardless, Ordo Celestia does offer aid to imperial forces quite often.   Aeldari: The Golden Kingdom sees the Craftworld Aeldari as haughty & pompous. However they are still willing to work with them as necessary.   Dark Eldar: The Golden Kingdom has offered to seek a cure for the Dark Eldar’s need to inflict suffering on others, though this often


Kaede45 in Diplomacy

Ordo Celestia

Ordo Celestia is equal parts military order & religious institution, acting as the ruling body of the Golden Kingdom. Though Eden has always had a militia & leadership, only recently have these become reformed into this new Ordo. Founded by Father Abraham (formerly the Grey Knight, captain Abram), Ordo Celestia is an organized military force devoted to the defense of Eden & all worlds controlled by the Golden Kingdom, as well as being the primary forces deployed to conquer ot


Kaede45 in Military

Eden, the Promised Land

Name: Eden Segmentum: None Sector: None (varies) Subsector: None System: Golden Star system Population: Billions Affiliation: Scions of the Golden Kingdom Class: Feral/Death/Daemon World (at least as far as the Imperium is concerned) Tithe grade: Experima (according to the Imperium) The world of Eden has a long & storied history. It is said to have existed since the dawn of time & over its existence it has been conquered & reconquered


Kaede45 in History

A bit of backstory

Though called the “Scions of the Golden Kingdom” the Imperium refers to them as “the most Heathenous Cult.” According to Imperial records, they are renegades, mostly human, who are enemies & traitors to the Imperium of Man. They not only deny the divinity of the god Emperor, but they also proclaim him to be a deceiver & a hypocrite. Not much is known about them & any records that even mention them or any members associated with them at all are to be purged. This includes encounters &


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