While building an army, one might find themselves having crossed a line, where the project begins materializing beyond the Kill-Team or individual squad level. Like models in their squads, the units begin to coalesce into a recognizable force. It's not something I can really visualize with grey plastic - the painting lends itself to the phenomenon. The small slips and errors made on specific models goes away, and the trees become the forest.
With my Ta
It's largely unnecessary (and generously self-indulgent) to explain the concept of Compulsory Unit Selections to the B&C crowd. With his previous experiences in 3rd Edition Age of Sigmar (playing the big orks whose name escapes me - 'Ardboyz? Irongutz?), my opponent grasped the concept pretty quickly. Personally, I first learned Compulsories during my initial forays in Warhammer, playing Horus Heresy from 2015 until the first rendition's untimely demise (there's another conv
Following a few years of what I can only describe as 'bumbling around' in the hobby - jumping around and enjoying dalliances in Heresy, 40k, Kill Team, Age of Sigmar, Battletech, etc - my buddy and I decided it was time to 'lock in' and commit to some hard-and-fast hobby and gaming, preferable in a system that wouldn't change its clothes on us as soon as we finished slapping paint on our models. I did a deep dive into some of the older editions of Warhammer, looking for an editi